CSINut214's A/N: This was inspired by the "only happens in a fanfic" thread over at YTDAW. We're going to switch off chapters. Leslie, in true Leslie fashion, has started off with an insurmountable chapter. Stay tuned for some crap from me later.

ScullyAsTrinity's A/N: Lauren should shove a turnip up her nose. Hope you all enjoy!

Sara Sidle, scientist extraordinaire, sat in the very front row of the auditorium. She'd shown up early to get a prime seat; after all, this was Gil Grissom and she'd read everything about him from everywhere. She was pretty much a stalker. But how could she not be? Those salt and pepper curls, deep-ocean/sky blue eyes.

And he was going to speak at her school? How could she pass up such an opportunity?

The moment he had stepped into the lecture hall, bumbling, confused, her heart clenched just a bit.

He began preparing his slides when his eyes caught upon the brilliant brunette in the front row. Her curly hair, her big, full lips, brilliant smile (though her head was in a book) all tugged at his heart strings. She was without a doubt the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and though he knew nothing about her, yeah, he somehow knew that she could get him into a lot of trouble.

She was sure she'd remember this, remember him forever. And promising herself that, she put every little tiny, itsy bitsy thing to memory so that she could recall anything if, by chance, she had an opportunity to speak about it seven to ten years later.

He did the same.

He set up his presentation and began, trying not to focus on the gorgeous woman in front of him. It was terribly difficult. Just looking at her... she wasn't plain at all, not at all. Everything about her was stunning, she radiated happiness and light and some other nonsense he couldn't place.

When she began asking and answering his questions he found himself enthralled with her brain as well as her body. Such a young mind, such a bright mind and even then he was imagining how she would look in his bed. "That's all for today, thank you for coming."

He began packing up his things, all the while attempting to keep his thoughts off of that vision in the front row, the very front row.

"Excuse me, Mr. Grissom? Doctor Grissom?"

And that voice, the one that had been the source of so many intelligent questions, it called to him. "Yes?" So young, so, so young.

"I had a few more questions." She smiled, gap-toothed and adorable. Dr. Grissom cocked his head and regarded her. "I was wondering-"

"I'm sorry, what was your name?" he asked, leaning back on the desk behind him.

Immediately, she was attracted to him, the long lines, the smile, the smooth, tanned skin. "Sara Sidle."

"Those were some questions, Ms. Sidle." Dr. Grissom said, blushing just a bit. He was so young, so very handsome, rugged, a man any woman would love to have. Sara began to lust right there and she vowed to herself that she would find out more about him.

"Oh, please, call me Sara," she responded kindly, reaching out her hand – one with long, nimble fingers – and taking his hand. Their eyes met and something unspoken passed between them. They weren't sure how long they stood there but when they broke their connection, everyone was gone from the lecture. It must have been a sign; it must have been fate.

"Well, then... you can call me Gil, but just so you know, no one else does."

"Oh, that's fine, I think I'll just call you Grissom."

"Okay." And he paused, switching his briefcase from one hand to the other. "Coffee?"

"You betcha!" She perked up, curls (unruly ones) bouncing around on her head. "Lead the way!"

They ended up at a quaint cafe. The lights were low, very low, and though there were tons of other people there, they felt entirely alone. They were in their own little world, wrapped up in each other. Sara blew on her coffee and stared at him over the rim of her cup.

God, he was captivated by those big, chocolate-mocha-espresso swirl eyes. He could just dive into them and live there forever. Forever and ever. "So, Miss Sidle, what do you do?"

"Oh I study physics, you know."

He nodded politely.

Sara just fell into the easy silence that settled around them. She looked at his eyes, his lips, his neck, hands. He didn't seem to notice. And she, well she did notice that there was no little gold band on his left ring finger. Interesting. "I see you're not married."

"No, I'm married to my work." Taking a sip of his beverage, he continued. "You see, I never have time for women in my life. Insects are simply far too interesting." He paused. "My other hobbies include riding roller coasters and quoting dead philosophers all the live-long day."

"Insects, hmm? You're so unique, Grissom, not strange at all." Sara stared dreamily into her chocolate-mocha-espresso swirl. "You know, your lecture, that one hour, opened up my eyes. Forensics is really fascinating. I'd never thought of it." Gil began to smile, enticed by her speech, that incredible Frisco accent. "Because, well, physics, all those numbers, calculations, but now I'm second guessing it..."

"Oh!" He jumped at the opportunity. "Well, here's my card, if you ever want dabble a bit more."

She blushed and hid a tiny smile. "Thank you, very much. Maybe we can exchange emails?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He winked at her and drained the rest of his beverage.

The chuckle from the layout room broke though his reverie. Sara and Greg were sitting together, drinking Blue Hawaiian. Greg was so considerate, offering her a mug. Would Grissom really ever think to do that? Probably not. And she looked so happy, her eyes so expressive, smile so deep and pure.

What was he about to lose? And to Greg? Would he snatch her up like the butterfly she was? Snatch her up in his net, his younger, more virile net?

Gil turned on his heel and finally decided to do something about "this" before he was "too late."