Flint, Duke, and Mainframe all looked from Lady Jaye to the door, confused looks on their faces. She pulled the disk from her pocket and called in her normal voice, "Duke!" She threw the disk as he looked up in surprise, catching the disk by reflex.

Beach Head stormed into the room, looking ready to murder someone. His eyes settled on Lady Jaye dressed in his clothing and balaclava. He took a few steps forward and reached up to rip the mask from her head.

She winced as he caught some of her hair, but she simply smiled at him as he stood there, chest heaving, eyes narrowed, fists clenched.

The other three Joes were staring with their mouths hanging open. Mainframe started to laugh first, and both Flint and Duke joined in at the sight of Beach Head in his underwear.

"It's not funny!" Beach Head roared, turning around to face them.

"Are you kidding? It's hilarious," Flint replied, giving Lady Jaye a wide grin.

"You've got to admit, Beach Head, that was a great plan." Duke looked down at the disk in his hand, then slipped it into a back pocket. "The first success in three years. I'm impressed." He looked down at his watch. "And she did it in under two hours. That's gonna be hard to beat."

Beach Head rounded on his teammates. "You must have known it wasn't me!" He yelled, face red. "She couldn't possibly have fooled you!"

Duke put his hands up and shrugged. "She had you pegged, Beach. Your voice, your walk—I had no idea."

"And she yelled at me earlier just like you would have," Mainframe added.

The drill instructor visibly seethed. He turned again toward Lady Jaye. "Where is everyone else?" He demanded.

"I'm not telling," she replied loftily. "You'll have to find them yourself."

"Duke, she must have snuck the others in while dressed as me. Are you gonna count that as a win?"

"Hell, yes, Beach Head. Cobra has plenty of operatives who could sneak into the base."

Beach Head ground his teeth, glaring at Lady Jaye. Then the corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk. "Fine. Gimme back my clothes."

"Right now?" Lady Jaye took a step back.

"Yeah. Now."

Lady Jaye frowned. "Fine. Let me get another set of BDUs—"


"That's not fair—"

"I had to walk through the entire base in my underwear," Beach Head growled.

"He's got a point, Jaye," Flint said with a wink.

She sighed, and began to remove Beach Head's clothes. "Do you mind?" She asked, gesturing at the others to turn around.

"Why? You don't have anything else to put on," Mainframe pointed out with a grin.

Lady Jaye grudgingly finished undressing, throwing the clothes at Beach Head, who sniffed them carefully before putting them back on.

"I can't possibly smell worse than you do," she told him with a frown.

"It will take me a week of rolling in the mud to get out the smell of your deodorant," he gruffed.

"There's this thing called a 'washing machine,' you know."

"Then I'd smell like detergent…"

As the two continued to bicker, Duke leaned over to Flint and whispered, "Does she always wear sexy underwear?"

"Yeah," Flint answered with a grin.

Duke shook his head. "That image is going to stay with me for a while, you know." He nudged his friend in the ribs. "And everyone else if she has to walk back through the entire base to her room like that."

Flint's grin slipped, and he hastily took off his uniform shirt, walking over to Lady Jaye and draping it around her shoulders. She looked up, noticing with a start that the other men were staring at her. She slipped the shirt on the rest of the way, throwing Flint a grateful smile. It hung down just above her knees, giving her at least a sense of modesty.

She turned to leave, telling Beach Head over her shoulder, "Have fun tracking down the others. I doubt you'll find them any time soon." She took a few steps and added, "And Mainframe, you might want to turn the alarms back on."

Mainframe blinked and tore his gaze away to look at his screen. "Oh. Right," he mumbled.

Duke headed out the other door after telling Beach Head not to bother him in his office any more that night. "If you need me, use the radio, okay?"

Beach Head's muttering faded away as Flint and Lady Jaye walked back to her room. She gave a brief account of the evening to the few Joes they passed on the way, letting them know that the exercise would be officially over soon.

Alone again in the last stretch of hallway, Flint finally asked, "So where are the others?"

Lady Jaye gave a smug grin. "In Duke's office. They should have their files downloaded by now."

Flint let out a short burst of laughter. "Beach Head's probably going to spend the rest of the night looking for them."

"While we," she tugged at his hand, "Are going to be snug in our beds."