New Order

Ch. 14

(SGC, Briefing Room)

"So?" John asked, when, still they didnt answer.

Daniel began, "Dr. Keller detected a very highly contagious pathogen, that one of the Atlantis teams brought back with them."

"They called in Daniel and me to help search for an answer in the Ancients database," Sam put in. "Jennifer found out that I was pregnant in the initial check-up after we arrived in Atlantis."

"As two of the worlds smartest people on the planet, everyone involved insisted on putting Sam and me in stasis," Daniel said.

"So, they gave up?" Abby asked.

"We tried every avenue that we could think of," Sam told her, defensively.

Abby looked over at John, who sat back in his seat rubbing his eyes. After a moment, he said, "Well, whatever pathogen was in the city died with the people. When the descendants of the few survivors went back to Atlantis from the Mainland they detected no disease or viruses of any kind."

"So, how'd we end up back in the SGC?" Daniel asked, slowly.

"The Wraith attacked Atlantis just a few days ago," Abby told them with a heavy sigh. "I had no choice but to order Dr. McKay evacuate the city and set the self-destruct."

"Wait. McKay?" Sam asked, dumbfounded.

Abby smiled a bit and pointed her thumb at John.

"Dr. John McKay: until recently I was the Atlantis Base Commander and adopted great-grandson of Rodney McKay and Jennifer Keller," John introduced himself semi-formally.

"We have many of the descendants from Atlantis Base and here at the SGC," Abby informed them. "We have family trees from both bases, if youd like to take a look."

"Maybe later," Sam and Daniel said at the same time.

"Well, I wouldn't hold off on anything for too long," John said.

"Why? Whats happened," Daniel asked.

"Because the Wraith are heading toward earth," Abby told them.

(SGC, Abbys Office)

Abby sat at her desk, fiddling with her wedding band. After not wearing it for almost a decade, she found it difficult to get used to having it around her slender finger. She let herself wander around the office. The office was decorated like it was by General Landry; even the basketball hoop still hung on the wall.

"Ya busy?" a familiar voice asked.

She jumped a little. Abby looked up. Mal was standing in the doorway.

"Sorry 'bout scarrin' ya, he said, stepping in the room and sitting on top of the desk.

She waved his apology away.

"Im just tired," Abby told him. "So, is this a social visit or is there something that you needed?"

"Straight to the point," Mal said. "I can do that."

He stood up and went to go stand in front of her desk, leaning on the wall.

"It's starting to get real crowded on my boat," he told her quit plainly.

"I know. And you and your crew have been great puttin up with the situation," Abby said. "We're almost done converting rooms to fit more people. It shouldnt be more than a couple more days."

"Then what?" Mal asked.

She shrugged.

"I honestly dont know."

To be continued . . .