Chapter 18

The stranger disappeared as quickly as he had come. Sportacus was left alone wondering if what had just happened was real. In a flash, he took off for the apartment.

He arrived there completely out of breath. His lungs were screaming for him to stop. Searching the apartment, Sportacus didn't find Stephanie. Where could she be? He wanted to go and find her but his lungs refused. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal. Then the above-average hero took off.

Amanda and Stephanie told Robbie to go the party store and pick up some balloons while they found the party decorations in the attic.

"I told him the other day." Stephanie said.

"What did he say?" Amanda asked anxiously.

"Well we didn't actually talk. It was more like kissing and hugging and just being incredibly excited. I wonder where he is." Her friend replied.

"I don't know but have you figured out how you're going to tell everyone else?" Amanda asked as she lifted up the bag of streamers. Stephanie shook her head.

"You haven't told anyone have you?" She asked grabbing the box of hats and noisemakers.

"No, I haven't even told Robbie." Her friend answered.

"Should we have another party? Maybe I can just announce it at Uncle Milford's and Bessie's party, later today." Stephanie thought aloud.

"It's up to you but you have to say something before people start to notice." Amanda reminded her.

"That's true." She replied. The two girls heard the doorbell and quickly brought their goodies downstairs. Opening the door, they helped Robbie in with the balloons, and then they heard someone call to them. Stephanie saw that it was her husband coming toward them.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"I was just walking around, trying to get as healthy as possible." He winked at her, covering up what really happened. Stephanie smiled and told him what they were doing. Sportacus said that was great and he helped put the streamers up with Robbie while the girls baked some cookies.

"I love these break and bake cookies." Amanda said.

"Aren't they the greatest? What else should we have?" Stephanie asked. Amanda started digging in the fridge.

"I don't see much of anything in here. Why don't we order some pizza and maybe a couple of subs? You guys do wings here all wrong." She suggested.

"Good idea. What do you mean about the wings?" Stephanie asked.

"The wings back home are famous all over the country. Buffalo Wings. I think I'm going to have Mom and Dad send me some to show you what you're missing. Oh and some bleu cheese, too." Amanda smiled just thinking about it. Stephanie shook her head and picked up the phone to order the food.

About an hour later, Bessie and Milford were on their way home from Town Hall. It had been a long day and they were looking forward to just relaxing. Milford opened the door for his wife and the couple walked in to the house.

"Surprise!" A cry went up from the group. Stephanie, Sportacus, Amanda, Robbie, Trixie, Stingy, Ziggy, and Pixel sprang out behind the furniture. Bessie and the Mayor were stunned.

"What's this all about?" Bessie finally asked.

"Robbie and I decided to throw a party for you to thank you for letting us stay here. Soon we'll both be moving into Robbie's place, so you can have the place all to yourselves." Amanda explained. Milford and Bessie didn't know what to say.

The party continued for most of the day. Everyone was enjoying themselves when Stephanie stood up to make an announcement.

"Sportacus and I have something important to tell everyone." The group quieted down and turned to the couple.

"Before everything happened, we went to the doctor's and well got a little surprise. I'm going to have a baby." Stephanie finished. Bessie ran up and hugged her. Milford and Robbie shook Sportacus' hand. All their friends gathered around and congratulated the couple.

In all the excitement, Sportacus forgot all about the strange encounter earlier that day. The man's warning went right out of his head. Who was he and what exactly was going to happen?

The End?

So there ends this installment. I know everything seems to be OOC but I'm kind of in uncharted waters with this. I hope that everyone enjoyed the story. I hope to start the next one soon. I'll try to let everyone know. Well now it's time to study for my college finals.
