Thank you:The Heir of Seth, LiStEn2UrHeArT2, Tsukia Malleo, katfish xX, YumiwithUlrichalways, nevermoreloverslove, .StArRy.AnImE., Lil Jean, Pretear Fan, an, scray, i lub Norbert, xxAngelofDethxx,and HMBJM for reviewing to my last chapter!

Dedication goes to ... drum roll ... .StArRy.AnImE. - for being fun to talk to and giving me ideas.. (without her even knowing it)

Forward to the Past

By: devilofheaven

Chapter Four: Romance does the body good…Jealousy doesn't

"Ulrich!" Yumi exclaims in shock and surprise.

For what seemed like centuries, to Ulrich, Yumi was frozen. "Yumi?" Ulrich laughs a bit, waving a hand in front of her face. "You know, you're making it seem as if you don't want me here, so I could just go back to LA…" Ulrich trails off, slowly walking backwards.

But soon he found he couldn't. Yumi had wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. For a millisecond Ulrich's mind was in overdrive, then his arms instinctively wrapped around her waist. Soon Ulrich could feel hot tears on his neck. Yumi's tears. Just then, Yumi unwrapped herself and took a small step back. "Tears of happiness." She replied, pointing to her tears from the look on Ulrich's face. "Thank you soo much. This is the best gift you EVER could have gotten me." Yumi gasps out.

"The rest of the gang couldn't make it, but Odd's here, so I suggest that we make it down before -." Ulrich didn't even have to finish his sentence for Yumi to understand. She nodded her head and took his hand gently, she was still in shock.

Both of them walked downstairs and into the kitchen to hear the loud, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUMI!" Yumi cringes at the loud noise as Ulrich freely laughs.

Yumi then perks up, and looks around for her friend. "ODD!" She cries out, running towards Odd, Odd tackles her into a huge bear hug.

"Thank you so much for coming!" Yumi cries into his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. We came because we love you." Odd and Ulrich both reply, Ulrich joining in on the hug.


"Splakt is NOT a word!" Ulrich argues.

"YES IT IS!" Odd continues to whine. Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd were playing scrabble. Right now, Odd was losing…and completely denying it.

Yumi sighs, rubbing her forehead. "Odd, if you want to make a word, then just use pal, pat, sat or something for crying out loud!" She snaps.

"Well sorry Ms. I'm-All-That, but I don't like to use cheap words." Odd spits out, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Weird, because you are cheap." Yumi grumbles.

"HEY! I heard that." Odd yells pointing his finger at her accusingly.

"No, you didn't hear her. You just assumed that she said something about you." Ulrich argues, siding with Yumi. Yumi nods her head vigorously, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

"So what? I know that I'm right." Odd boasts jumping up to his feet.

"You not right!" Ulrich moans, standing up to his feet like his two best friends.

"No! I can't not be right, because I'm not left!" Odd defends himself. (I know double negative..but this is Odd speaking)

"Ulrich, he's right, he's not left." Yumi points out to Ulrich, laying her right hand on his shoulder while keeping her other hand on her hip.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?" Ulrich screams, then moans and sinks to the floor. "You guys give me a headache."

"He's right. What were we talking about?" Yumi asks Odd curiously, sitting on the carpet next to the forgotten board.

"Something about right and left." Odd thoughtfully answers. He strokes his chin, "You know, it took me a while to remember my left and right."

"You guys are idiots." Ulrich grumbles while walking out of Yumi's room into the one where Brian and Jake were.

"Wait! How did you remember your righties and lefties?" Odd yells; running after Ulrich and into a closed door.


"When are you getting out of our ha- I mean out of here again?" Amy asks, fingering her own dirty blond hair.

"In two hours. At seven." Yumi replies, taking a quick glance at the clock on the wall. The clock was an antique and quite pretty. It has brown lines cracking through the design as an effect. Cool. I wonder where Marianne got it fr-

"Are you even listening to me?" Jessica asks, pulling on Yumi's hair.

"OW! And ye- no." Yumi bluntly answers, grabbing her hair back from Jessica's fists. She walks into the kitchen to steal a bag of cookies, but of course, there was someone else to block her way.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jake asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nowhere, now let me into the kitchen." Yumi angrily says, trying to push him to the side.

"Why do you want to go in there, aren't you fat enough already?" Brian asks, munching on a cookie.

Yumi growls. 'My cookie.' "You took my cookie." Yumi whines, pouting her lips.

"Do you really need all that sugar?" Odd asks, joining the other two boys in their barrier.

"Do you really need all that sugar, Odd?" Ulrich jokes, joining the other boys.

"What is it with boys and the kitchen?" Yumi complains, throwing her hands up.

"What is it with girls and cookies?" Ulrich fights back while smirking.

Yumi glares at them. "If you don't move in the next five seconds, I will hurt you more than you ever imagined." In the dim light it looked as if her eyes were pure black and on fire. The four boys look a little uncomfortable, not knowing whether to move or not.

"MOVE!" Well that settles it, the boys scramble away in fear. "Stupid boys." Yumi grumbles as she opens the cupboard to find all of the cookies were gone.

The boys hear a loud slam and Ulrich quickly whispers, "We better get out of here."

"JAKE! BRIAN! ULRICH! ODD! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU HIDE MY COOKIES?" Yumi yells stomping up the stairs and looking around the rooms for the hiding boys.

Unknown to her, they had split up. Ulrich was with Jake in the big cupboards and Odd was with Brian hiding in a corner of a room that was protected with overgrown plants.

Odd giggles. Yumi pauses, to be able to hear better, then with an evil grin she slowly saunters towards the plants.

"Why did you do that?" Brian asks terrified, pinching Odd.

"It sounded funny…cookies." Odd giggles, but quickly ceases as light pours onto them. Their cover was blown. Uh-oh.


Jake holds his breath, then relaxes, recognizing the voice. "That would be Brian." Jakes smirks, happy that Ulrich's hiding place worked better than Odd's.


This time Ulrich smirks and whispers, "And that, my dear friend, would be Odd."

Jake and Ulrich both grin at each other, but that immediately stops as light shed onto their faces. Not a good sign. Uh-oh.

After two minutes the boys were all frightened and Yumi was happily chomping on her precious (as she called it) chocolate chip chewy cookies. After eating two cookies, she placed the bag in her suitcase and sprung up just as her cell phone rings.

Yumi carefully gets her cell phone from her tight pockets and answers the catchy ring tone. "Hello?" Her voice was a little groggy from eating the cookies, but from what Odd could hear, Ulrich thought she sounded very sexy like that.

"Oh hey Cody. What's up?" All four boys tense up; Brian and Jake not being big fans of Cody; Ulrich and Odd not liking what they've already heard about him. "Um, today. A bit over an hour. Cool. See you then!"

"What twisted one-sided conversation did you just have?" Odd suspiciously asks Yumi, finally getting the courage to stand up and open his mouth.

"Cody's coming in a few minutes. He's a good friend of mine." Yumi quickly says, jumping down the stairs two at a time and heading into the kitchen.

"What is her obsession with chocolate right now?" Brent asks stupidly, coming out from his room.

"PMSing." All four boys answer immediately.

"Huh? How do you know?" Bryant questions, poking his head out from his room also.

"Trust us, we just experienced it." Ulrich retorts wide-eyed.


Ulrich looks at the nerdy boys in a 'I-told-you-so' look. Two thirds of the triplets shudder and slam their door.

Odd rolls his eyes and sits on the banister, sliding down it. He childishly yells the whole time and ends up ploping onto the floor to see a fourteen year old girl (aka Jessica) looking at him admiringly. Looks like Odd's got himself a fan. Ha, poor him.

"Get the stupid door!" Brian yells from his comfy position on the couch.

Amy rolls her eyes and ambles to the door. She opens it in a lazy manner, and after a feeble attempt to flirt, Cody joined the rest of the older kids in the living room. Yumi was staring off to space, facing this boy in all green. (hint hint) This boy in green who Cody could not recognize was daydreaming. The weird boy with spiky hair was eating an apple, rather noisily. Brian was glaring at his brothers. Brent and Bryant were arguing over a difficult algebra problem. Jake was lying on the couch with his eyes shut, a look of eternal peace on his face. Amy was sitting on a chair at the dinner table while texting a friend and Maimee was looking through pictures of herself.

Cody smirks, same old family. The smirk leaves his face as a look of confusion sets there in its place. Who in the world were the spiky-haired boy and green boy? Wait. Could they be? No. Well Yumi and Randy never actually said- yes. They were Yumi's best friends from France. Cody clumps his hands into fists, and then slowly relaxes them.

"Hey Yumi." Cody greets quite loudly to get everyone's attention.

Yumi jerks away from her former position and smiles, recognizing her good friend. She gets up and pulls Cody by the arm to Ulrich and Odd.

"Cody, these two guys are Ulrich and Odd." She points to each one at the proper time. "They are two of my best friends from France." Once again, Yumi gives all three of them an award winning smile.

Right then her phone starts ringing, but unfortunately, she left it upstairs. She gave them all an apologetic look and sprints up the stairs.

"So was it Ulride and Osh?" Cody asks while gritting his teeth against each other.

"Woah. I so tense the tension, and I'm so leaving this room." Amy stops her constant tapping on her cell for a second and stands up to leave with Maimee tailing after her.

"Only if your name was Cindy." Odd replies back, placing the apple in a tissue and placing it on the table next to him, he stands up brushing himself and gives 'Cindy' a huge smile.

"No. It's Cody."

"Well then," Ulrich joins in, standing up also. "I think you should know its Ulrich and Odd." Scarily, Ulrich gives Cody the same smile that Odd was.

"Well whoever you are, leave Yumi alone." Cody responds glaring at them.

"Oh really, why do you say that?" Odd asks crossing his arms over his chest and forging an interested look on his face.

"Because; I don't want people taking my place; or even hurting her."

"Well don't worry about that. In case you don't know, let me clarify this for you. I was her first best friend, then this guy next to me, and two others who are in France right now. So I would have to say maybe you're the one who took our place. Horribly, if I may say so. Second, if we're her best friends why in the hell would we think of hurting her?" Ulrich finishes his tiny speech with a strong fierce look directed at the unexpected Cody.

Cody kept on changing his mind. He would open his mouth, then goggle his eyes, and then shut his mouth over and over again. Speechless.

"That's what we thought." Jake steps in.

Just then Yumi skips down the stairs and walks into the room. "What's going on?"

"Oh, we were just explaining a game to him." Brian innocently looks up at Yumi.

"Okay. Well guys, we're leaving in fifteen minutes, so I would suggest putting bags into the car."

"Cool. We'll I have to get back home. See you later Yumi." Cody hugs her and walks out of the room and out of the house.

Brian and Jake both set themselves back firmly in their old positions, relaxing. Yumi scoffs at them, knowing that they wouldn't help them with their bags. Rolling her eyes, she jogs back upstairs. Odd quickly 'slam dunks' his apple into the garbage can, (no idea how he did that) and Ulrich cleans up the mess. Soon, all of the bags were placed downstairs. With a couple of minutes of farewells, the trio was off, leaving in a car.

-----skipping over to them all in California, in Ulrich's house-----

"YES! My car's over here!" Odd yells, dancing around in circles. Odd's parents made sure that Odd's car was sent over here for how ever long Odd was going to stay at Ulrich's. Odd then quickly explains to us how he wants to explore the town and to meet us at the beach nearby. Then Odd hops into his car and zooms off.

"He can never stay in one place for too long, can he?" Yumi asks with a grin.

Ulrich and Yumi both laugh and head inside the Stern's huge house. First, they get interviewed by his parents, and after answering every question imaginable, Yumi and Ulrich were allowed to unpack. Once one of them found a deck of cards, they sort of spent the rest of their time secretly chucking them at each other.

When the Sterns left the house, the two 'kids' realized what time it was and started to get ready. Shocking enough, Yumi was wearing a one suit, no one does that anymore! Sluts. (no offense to anyone) Of course, it was black, and it fits her form perfectly. Ulrich just changed into normal swimming shorts.

On top, both of them wear normal clothing. Together the two of them walk out into Ulrich's sport car.

"Very nice car." Yumi comments as soon as she settles down in her seat.

"I know." Ulrich smirks, and then turns the radio on.

"I really want to thank you. For planning…all of this." Yumi thankfully says, spreading her arms around to gesture the last part. Shyly, Yumi places her hand on Ulrich's right hand which wasn't on the wheel.

'Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? Why can't I speak whenever I talk ab-?' Yumi turns scarlet, realizing how perfectly the music fitted her. Ulrich hastily changes the station.

'We were meant to be together for eternity'. Blush. Click.

'….this is where I belong...and it is you, I have loved all along.' Nervous cough. Click.

Yumi looks at Ulrich who was tightening his grip on the steering wheel. 'When it comes to you; boy I think I'm in love with you. I've been telli-.' Yumi widens her eyes, switches the station, and snaps her head back to her window.

''l- is for the way you look at me. O- is for the only one I see. V is very very extraordinary. E is even more than anyone that you ad-," Yumi scratches her hair uncomfortably and looks out the front mirror as Ulrich changes the station quickly.

'…she won't say a word, until you kiss the girl.' Yumi and Ulrich burst out laughing.

"Why in the world do they have that on the radio?" Yumi manages to blurt out between her laughter.

"I know!" Ulrich chuckles, regaining his control back onto the road. "Okay. We're here."

Ulrich and Yumi get out of the car and find a fair spot on the beach. Lucky for them, there weren't that many people on the beach. Yumi grabs a book from her bag and sunglasses and quickly sits under the shaded umbrella, deciding to wait until Odd reached there. Ulrich shrugs, and decides to walk around; looking for something to eat and drink which he knew Odd would want as soon as he got there.

Yumi was so absorbed with her book and was surprised when she finished it. "Oh man, I seriously should have brought the next book." Yumi groans, realizing that it had only been five minutes.

"What book?"

Yumi brings her head up and squints up, noticing a tall boy standing above her. Or did he just seem tall because he was standing?

"Excuse me, who are you?" Yumi asks in a careful voice, raising her eyebrow at the boy. Was he…hitting on her?

"I'm Brad Johnson. But more importantly, who are you? I haven't seen this pretty face around. I'm pretty sure I would have recognized it. Where are you from?" Brad reports.

"I came from Japan. And I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." Yumi replies with a sneer.

"Hah, a girl with guts; I haven't met one of those in a long time." Brad laughs good-naturedly and takes a seat on the sand in front of Yumi.

Food. Food. No matter how far Ulrich could see, there was no food. Oh well, if Odd got hungry (which he would) they could just go get some ice cream. He turns around, deciding to not leave Yumi alone for to long. By accident, he rams into someone. He quickly gets back onto his balance and looks at who he ran into.

"Oh, hey Amy."

"Ulrich! Cool, you're back!" Amy eagerly and enthusiastically yells. "HEY GUYS, ULRICH'S BACK!"

Suddenly a large group of people surround Ulrich. He laughs. All of them were good friends. "Hey guys. I don't have much time to talk. I have to go back to Yumi, she's waiting for me. But you guys can come if you want." No one notices Amy's face darken at the sound of 'Yumi'.

"Yumi! Isn't that the girl you're always like daydreaming about?" Jerry asks Ulrich laughing.

"No. I don't daydream about her…it was a…nightmare." Ulrich blushes.

"Oh my gawsh. Brad is here." Candy, another friend, reports to Ulrich. "He's talking to a really cute girl in black right now."

"Wait, what?" Ulrich asks furiously. He moves out of the circle of friends. Sure enough, there was Brad talking to Yumi. Anger filled up Ulrich quickly. Oh how he hated Brad. They were probably the most popular kids in their school. But they were both very competitive; and Brad is a jerk. "Anyone coming?" Ulrich asks his friends with gritted teeth, and without an answer, he stalks over to them.

'Man, California rocks!' Odd thinks to himself as he parks his car and jogs over to the warm sand. "OWCH!" Odd yells. Obviously, he wasn't expecting the sand to be that warm. Right when Odd finally got used to the heat, he notices something that was sure to cause trouble soon on. Yumi talking to another guy and Ulrich talking to another girl. 'I have a feeling that this day just got a lot more interesting.'
Sure, this guy was pretty nice, but Yumi wasn't interested at all. She was more interested in a tall brunette, if you catch my drift.

Searching throughout the premises, Yumi takes in Odd walking towards her, and Ulrich talking to a girl and this really fat guy eating some ice cre-. REWIND! Ulrich talking to another girl? The green jealously monster suddenly grew ten times its size.

Angrily, Yumi snaps her head back to the boy who was sitting in front of her, looking at her with amusement. "What?" She impulsively asks.

"Oh, nothing." Brad laughs.

"Oh, hey Yumi." Ulrich waves.

Instantly, Yumi turns her head to the side where he was linking arms with another girl and a whole group of girls and boys were behind them. "Hey."

"Hey, girl-who-still-hasn't-told-me-her-name, want to surf?" Brad gestures to his board which was lying down on the sand a few feet away from them, and to Yumi's which was laying right by her feet.

Yumi takes one last look at Ulrich before responding to Brad's request. "Love to; and the name's Yumi." Brad grabs Yumi's delicate hand and picks her up.

'If Ulrich wants to play that way, so can I.'

Oh gawd; stupid little Ulrich and Yumi. 'It would be fun to watch them though.' Odd giggles, wishing he could have popcorn and just watch the show, but then he realizes what a bad friend that would make him. Odd sighs and stands up, brushing the sand off of his shorts. Finally, he would get to play the matchmaker.

"Wassup man?" Odd asks, showing himself right behind Ulrich. Ulrich jumps a bit and rolls his eyes.

"You have got to stop doing that Odd." Ulrich murmurs.

"Hi … Odd is it?" Amy asks, her arms still linked with Ulrich's.

"Yeah it is…" Odd replies acting a bit out of it, staring at their linked arms and then sending Ulrich a pointed look.

"Hey Amy, want to go surfing?" Ulrich asks, obviously not paying attention to what his friend was trying to tell him. His attention was focused on a Japanese girl.

"Sounds like fun!" Amy responds, walking away to get their boards.

Without a word to Odd, Ulrich quickly jogs over to Brad. Yumi was gone putting away her book. "What the hell is your problem?"

Brad didn't look terrified or even a bit threatened, instead, he looked amused. "Oh, I see you like this chick over there?" Brad asks, pointing over to Yumi's back. "Too bad. I've got my eye on her, and you know how competitive I get with girls. Especially with pretty ones."

Ulrich grits his teeth. "Oh, wait, you love her don't you. Why, I don't believe she knows that. You know, you just made this game much more fun." Brad laughs.

"Don't you dare play around with her. She's not one of your play toys that you fling around." Ulrich opens his mouth, about to speak again, but fortunately for Brad, Yumi came back into earshot.

With a final glare directed at Brad, Ulrich jogs back to Amy.

'The war is on.' Ulrich clarifies in his head, watching Yumi go into the ocean.


Jeremy laughs after reading his last email from Odd. He knew that Odd would never change. Sighing, Jeremy couldn't help but wish he was part of the birthday gift surprise. But truthfully, there wasn't any way he could go. His parent's were too tight with there money, and it really wasn't fair to ask Aeltia's adoptive parents.

On the bright side, however, Odd did promise to take pictures and send them to us. Clicking on the attachment Odd had sent him, Jeremy doubles over in laughter. There were pictures of them caking Yumi, playing scrabble, and doing other various activities…such as Yumi hitting Odd and Ulrich with a pillow. Wonder what they did to deserve that?

He saves the email with a tiny bit of regret and guilt. But there was nothing much he could do. Trying to forget about his worries for a while, he switches to the city news website. Skimming through the pages he notices one sentence that took his breath away. Jeremy runs out of his door, slamming it closed and running from one building to the other. Jeremy continues running up the other building to the seventh floor and flings open one of the doors.

"What is it Jeremy?" Aelita asks calmly. It seems like either a) Aelita had thought something was going wrong today or b) Jeremy did that often.

"They're shutting down the factory." Jeremy breathlessly announces, fainting onto the floor.

"Do you know how to surf?" Brad asks Yumi in an over-masculine voice. When Yumi nods her head, Brad's ego slightly deflates and his shoulders droop. Obviously he had not been expecting that answer. It would have been a perfect way to get closer to the girl and to annoy Ulrich if she didn't know.

"I'm perfectly fine." Yumi winks, running into the waves. Within ten seconds she was far out, already riding the huge waves. Brad snaps out of his trance and follows after her with a goofy grin.

Yumi was indeed perfectly fine on her own. It fact, she was just perfect. How in the world could she be such a great surfer? Brad focuses his attention on two tiny dots in the distance. Ulrich and Amy. They were no where near the good waves, hell they weren't even near the water! What is up with those two? The overconfident boy shrugs, turning his attention back to his new interest, Yumi.

'Great, not only am I stuck with someone who's NOT Ulrich, I'm stuck with a pervert.' Yumi thinks in disgust as she notices Brad eyeing her.

"Do you know how to surf?"

Yumi tries her hardest not to burst out laughing. It was obvious what Brad was trying to do. Nasty Perv. Another thing: his head was practically the size of a blimp. She was going to enjoy deflating it.

"I'm perfectly fine." She winks at the disgusting creature and runs into the great sea. She loved how the waves were so strong, and she loved how she'd end up getting sprayed in the face. It was awesome.

For a while, Yumi completely forgot about her worries, including Brad, Ulrich, and – wait, she didn't even know the girl's name! Mentally she slaps herself, how could she curse at her if she didn't even know her name? Yumi chooses to ignore those thoughts and continue surfing. But it was harder than it sounds. Especially when the girl was OBVIOUSLY flirting with Ulrich. Her Ulrich.

Not even noticing what she was doing, since she was paying too much attention on the two people, she crashed into a wrong wave at the wrong time. Not smart.

Ulrich couldn't stand it. No, he couldn't stand HIM. The evil little bastard named Brad. Ulrich turns away from the two in his best tries to stop drilling holes in the back of Brad's head. Amy was gaining speed from running and quickly stopped in front of Ulrich with two boards.

He instantly grabs the board and starts to move, but stops when he notices his friend's absence. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know how to surf."

Then it hit him. Every single time they were out on the beach, she'd never go near the water. He'd always thought it was because she didn't want to get went or ruin her hair or nails or something like that. How stupid could he get?

"Don't worry. I'll teach you." Ulrich smiles warmly at his friend while she just laughs.

Since when did she have such an annoying laugh? Ulrich puts his thoughts to the side and walks hip-deep in the water. Ulrich models how to sit on the board and she copies him.

Ulrich's attention drifts to Yumi and her surfing. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her every movement. Her every breathe, her eve-.

"ULRICH!" Amy screams, collapsing on him.

They both fell into the water, and when they both resurfaced they found Amy's surfboard caught in a wave and watched it snap in two. Both of them start laughing hysterically and climb onto Ulrich's board. He starts paddling back to the shore, but stops when he hears a loud shriek – Yumi.

Brad's such an idiot. How in the world can I have a crush on that creature? Amy sighs, no matter what she does; she can't get him out of her head. She finalizes her own decision; she is going to get him jealous. When she saw Ulrich, she knew exactly how she would do it.

Ulrich grabs one of the boards and begins to walk away, but stopping when Amy wasn't following him.

"What's wrong?"

Amy blushes, and an idea struck in her head. "I don't know how to surf." Yes, she was lieing through her teeth. She knew perfectly how to surf, except Ulrich didn't know that. Every time she came to the beach with her friends, she never went near the water, but that was only because she didn't want to ruin her nails or her hair.

"YUMI!" Brad yells full of worry, sure he was a jerk, but he still had a heart. "YUMI!" Brad yells again, jumping off of his board to dive into the ocean. He didn't notice Ulrich doing the exactly same thing only from a farther distance…nor did either of them notice Amy paddling towards them with ease.

Meanwhile Yumi was completely aware of her surroundings, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get up to fresh air. She desperately needed oxygen. Anything. Time was running out quickly. Just when Yumi sees a way to get back up, her leg gets caught in seaweed, and she takes her final breath, taking in too much water, slowly drowning to the floor of the ocean.

"Calm down Jeremy. I bet it's nothing. And there's no point in worrying yourself over nothing!" Aelita soothes. "Xana is over. There's nothing he can do."

"You're right. It's just that…I have a really nasty feeling about this. Real bad." Jeremy agrees, trying his hardest to relax.

Since Brad was closer to Yumi, he did arrive to her quicker, but Ulrich was a faster swimmer so he arrived about five seconds after him.

Both of the boys look at each other and dive back into the ocean, making a silent agreement to work together for once. Ulrich first found Yumi. Both boys swim as fast as they can to her, and they notice the seaweed, ripping it off. Together they bring the poor girl up to surface gasping hard. Lucky for them Amy was right next to them with the board.

Ulrich eyes narrow. How did Amy get here so quick unless she didn't know how to surf? He continues to stare at her while she pretends not to notice. Unknown to them, Brad took the board and the reviving Yumi off to shore.

"I thought you didn't know how to surf?" Ulrich coldly asks his friend, searching for the truth.

Amy rolls her eyes, knowing that Ulrich would find out sooner or later. "I was trying to use you to get Brad jealous." Then, however, Ulrich did the complete opposite of what she was expecting.

He starts laughing. "You know, for a girl with a 4.0 GPA, you're really stupid." Ulrich finally tells her with a permanent smile pasted on his face.

"You mean you don't care?" Amy asks, her smile faltering.

"Amy, I never have. Practically everyone in the school knows that Brad has had a crush on you since he's ever met you. Which is why he's always dating these random girls…trying to get you jealous. Now you tell me that you like him? Wow." Ulrich shakes his head in amusement. "You are a strange one."

Amy's smile widens and she chases a laughing Ulrich back to shore.

"Hey Yumi, feeling better?" Brad asks.

Yumi stands up looking at Brad in the strangest way possible. "I almost drown…and not even two minutes later, you're asking me if I'm okay?"

Unsure of what she had just said, Brad nods.

"YOU IDIOT!" Yumi yells in frustration, grabbing everything in her reach and throwing it as hard as she could at him.

While she was doing this, all Brad was thinking was, 'Man, she's majorly PMSing.' But when he sees Amy and Ulrich approaching him, all of his former thoughts leave as he desperately looks for anything to make Amy jealous.

He grabs Yumi by the waist, and leans in. Yumi struggles to get away, but she couldn't. Then a strong pair of arms grabbed Yumi away from Brad. It had gone far enough.

Yumi turns around to save her savior, Odd. (haha. bet u thought it was ulrich) Yumi then looks at Odd weirdly. She has a reason; Odd's arms are full of ice cream, popcorn and soda.

"I have a reason for that…" Odd laughs nervously, and sprints away with Yumi still staring at his back strangely.

"Where do you think you're going, pretty little lady?" Brad huskily asks, wrapping his arms around her.

Yumi winces, trying hard not to puke. But, once again, someone else saves her.

"BRAD!" Amy yells running up shore, quicker than a wink, Yumi was released from his arms and into a pile of sand.

Grumpily, Yumi gets up, dusting herself off from the sand, and walks back to her things. Randomly, Yumi starts to laugh hysterically. California sure was interesting, and it was only the first day. And what a weird day it was!

Ulrich joins the laughing Gothic girl, and when he asks her why she was laughing, she just continued laughing, if not harder. Yumi found this really stupid. The day was really weird. She got jealous with a complete stranger, another stranger tried to get the other stranger jealous by using her, and she was jealous for no reason! Wow, that was confusing!

The poor brown-haired boy still wasn't in on the joke, but he started to laugh at Yumi. In a matter of seconds, both of them were laughing hysterically on the sand, facing the blue sky. Scarily enough, both of them stopped laughing at the same time, turning their heads to look at each other.

"Yumi?" Ulrich softly asks with a trace of nervousness. Yumi makes a noise to show that she was listening. "Are you jealous of Amy?"

"Wow. What time did boss say we gotta get rid of this junk?" Bob asks Todd, resisting the temptation to faint.

"Four o' clock, Bob."

"Oh, dear god. EVERYBODY! Let's get to work; we've only got four hours to clean up this mess!" Bob yells as loudly as he can, which is quite loud for a construction worker. Chaos spread across the construction site like water spreads, covering every inch and crack possible.

"Tom, Harold, Peter, and Garrett take the rooms down, Iverson and Will take the main floor, Frank, George, Sean, Steven, and Scott take the higher floors, and be careful with the freight elevator."

"Aye, aye, sir." All twelve men mimic their leader and friend, walking over to the inside of the building.

"Anything else?" Todd asks with the clipboard in front of him.

"I need a coffee." Bob sighs, and walks over to the group working out in the front.

"I have a reason for that…," Odd laughs nervously, sprinting away from Yumi before she could say anything.

When he was sure that he was completely out of Yumi's range, he slows down. He was ashamed- okay, maybe not, but he did feel a bit guilty for watching the whole show from afar. But it was so worth it. Jealous Yumi + Jealous Ulrich One Fun Movie. So what, maybe he had bought ice cream…popcorn…and soda…to watch them?

It had all been hilarious until Yumi had disappeared beneath the strong wave, but Odd did have faith, if not in Brad, in Ulrich. Still, Odd did start sprinting towards the shore that is until he noticed Yumi resurface with the other two boys, and then he started sprinting back to his hiding spot so no one could see him…or steal his yummy food.

While in thought, Odd walks into the quieter section of the beach. It was actually quite peaceful. That is, until he trips over nothing, at least what he thought was nothing.

"Watch where you're going fatzilla!" Wait, that voice was familiar…Odd turns his head around to see Hannah. Hannah!

"ODD!" Hannah yells, recognizing him at the same time.

"What did you say cuz?" Sam yells, appearing from behind a group of rocks.

"ODD!" Sam yells happily, running over to him.

What was Odd's life turning into? Both of them knew each other? They were related! Odd moans inwardly; boy was his life getting more and more dangerous/weird!

"Me and Frank will take this room right here." George volunteers Frank and himself.

"What was that for?" Frank grumpily asks, walking into the room slowly.

"Nothing. This room just looks cool. I want to look through the stuff before we tear it down." George shrugs, instantly dropping his equipment to look for the light switch.

Finally, George found it, and with a flick of the switch nothing happened. Just when George was about to reluctantly put his utility belt back on, a sudden loud boom throughout the room causing him to stop. In fact, he drops his belt in awe. In the middle of the room a large reticular prism was rising up, dangerously close to hitting the ceiling, but it stopped, and water fell from the prism to the moat-like thing around it.

Frank resists from screaming and George resists from running away. Both of them take a few steps closer to the strange looking machine.

"What's that?" Frank asks curiously, pointing to a lever on the side of it.

"There's only one way to find out!" George eagerly says, rubbing his hands together. Next thing, his hand was firmly placed on the lever, slowly bringing it up.


"Are you jealous of Amy?" Ulrich softly asks.

Yumi almost forgets to breath. "Um…I -,"

But before she could finish her sentence, a bright white light spread across the two confused teenagers.


Woah, this chapter seemed a bit like.. choppy and shudder just gross. but i'm like six weeks late with this...

Hm…the first person who can give me a list of the song names and artists of all of the songs wins a Code Lyoko one-shot. (doubt anyone would want to take the time to do that. Xp) and anyone who can guess which 'part' i also used last chapter...(once again, doubt anyone's going to do that)

Maimee and Amy : eighteen

Brian, Bryant, and Brent: sixteen

Jessica: fourteen

Harold: nine

Rachel: six

Kelly: eleven

Ben: twelve

Jake: seventeen