Songs: 'I LOVE U' by The Scanty and 'Endless Story' by Reira featuring Yuna Ito

Chapter 3

Severus Snape was getting irritated and snapped: "STOP THAT ALREADY, POTTER! YOU ARE NOT AN ANIMAL!" He was surprised to see that Harry indeed stopped. The boy was panting and trembling all over. "Let's get this over with," said Snape, but Harry suddenly stood and got against the wall.

"No! I can't! Is there another bed?"

"Unfortunately, Potter, Dobby wasn't ordered to bring your bed along with your things. There is only one bed so I'll just sleep on the floor."

"Whoa! Wait! It's your bed! I'll be the one to sleep on the floor!"

"I'll take back what I said then. You are an animal."

Harry glared at the Potions master. "I never asked for this, you know?"

"Do you have to remind me that, Mr. Potter? From your first year in this school you've been nothing but a mischievous and arrogant brat that always thinks the world spins around him. I've tried to teach some sense into you, but it has been in vain for you are Albus Dumbledore's favorite. You should have been expelled ever since you arrived to this school in that Ford Anglia along with Mr. Weasley. You've made my life miserable throughout your life as a student in this school and this is the worst that you have ever done to me. Do you think I'm happy?"

"You say it as if I planned it! I didn't plan any of this! Do you think I begged the students from your house to curse me? You should punish them because in pranking me they have also done this to you!" Harry tried to keep a hold on his senses by being against the wall, even though he felt vulnerable there being naked and with a chain around his neck...

Snape stared at him for a minute and suddenly started to laugh hysterically. Harry freaked and got goose bumps seeing the man laugh like that. Never in his life had he seen Snape laugh and it was truly scary. Snape suddenly stopped and said: "I cannot take you seriously when you are naked and with a chain around your neck." He kept laughing then until it all subsided and there was silence in the bedroom. Severus changed his robes to pajamas and got comfy on his bed putting sheets over him.

"Err... sir? Can I have a blanket at least?"

Snape rolled his eyes and threw a sheet at Harry. "Thanks," muttered the teen before lying on the cold floor. He had left his wand in Snape's common roon after he started acting like a dog so he couldn't even conjure clothes to cover him and he really wanted to get rid of the chain, but there was also his pride and he wouldn't ask the git for anything. Soon he managed to fall asleep.


Harry woke feeling very comfortable. The coldness of the floor had disappeared and he wondered when that had happened. His glasses were missing and he clearly remembered having them on when he lied down on the floor. Black satin pajamas that weren't his covered his body and the chain was gone. Something was definitely off and perhaps he wasn't really awake. He touched and could feel a bed underneath his hands and he was covered with blankets. Looking to his side he noticed that the bed was empty except for him lying there, but he saw a blur moving around the room. "Why am I on the bed?"

The black blur started to approach and handed him something, his glasses. Harry put them on and focused on Snape. "I decided to be merciful. Now be grateful and prepare for your school day. That will be all." Harry started meowing and Severus glared at him: "Stop!" The boy stopped and blinked. "Interesting. It seems that now I can actually order you to stop and it works."

Harry noticed that tiny detail too and wondered why now he could be somehow controlled by the Potions master. He quickly dressed and started his day.

Two months passed and it seemed that Harry spending time together with the Potions master alleviated the curse, but that was only when he spent generous amounts of time with the man. If Harry was separated from Severus for hours and encountered the man all of a sudden he started to act like an animal or like a seductive person yet again.

Harry and Severus hadn't been intimate in any way, but that night Harry was extremely depressed. He finished his homework in Snape's common room and then entered the bedroom and dropped himself on the bed. He had gotten used to sharing the bed with the Potions master even if nothing had happened between them. In fact he had gotten so used to it that it almost felt right to him and it made him feel quite comfortable, but he was getting nowhere to breaking the curse. Several times Severus had asked him about what he would do and he always replied that he wasn't ready. He was never ready. He was a virgin! One night he had even said that and sent the Potions master into the second laughing fit he had ever seen from the teacher. It had been extremely humiliating. He had to do something though. After all, they had to be intimate twenty-five... Harry's eyes were already spinning just thinking about it.

Severus got into the bedroom and looked at the teen. "It's only 8:00 PM. What are you doing in bed?"

Harry didn't reply and stared at the ceiling.

"Are you sick?" asked Snape with coldness in his voice.

Harry sighed. "We have to start at some point, don't we?" he asked in a defeated tone.

"You decide, Mr. Potter. I have never been nor I'll be looking forward to it. That I can assure you. This is the worst situation I've ever had. I think I would have preferred several sessions of the Cruciatus curse to being trapped in having to get intimate with James Potter's son. I have woken every single morning wishing that it has been a nightmare and it will fade. Unfortunately this ridiculous situation is very true and tangible. At least you've been acting coherently ever since you moved in with me. The Headmaster says that it is because that's one of the purposes of the curse. If you spend time with the one that triggers the effect you calm down, but I do want to get this over with."

"By doing it twenty-five times in one night?"

Snape looked horrified. "You know that is completely impossible, Potter. Unless you want me to die and yourself to end in St. Mungo's by trying it."

Harry almost said that he would be glad if the Potions master died, but refrained himself from saying such a thing. "Okay, we'll start then."

Severus blinked incredulously and stayed where he was standing, not moving one inch. Harry removed his clothes and approached the Potions master. "We start then." They looked at each other, but none moved at all. Harry went thoughtful. "So... How do we start?"

Severus was still petrified and motioned for the teen to start. "You can start whatever you want to start, Potter."

"I don't know how to start, sir."

Severus wanted to cry. "You tried to start it several times when you had just been cursed, Potter. Did you forget?"

Harry started to think and went to a corner and chained himself like he had done the day Dumbledore had come. Snape turned around and started to bang his head against a wall. "Not like that, Potter!"

Harry was sure of himself and startled the teacher when he spoke. "Just look at me." Severus shook his head, having it against the wall. "Look at me!"

Severus turned around and Harry closed his eyes and started to move in a seductive way while in chains as he was. Severus approached him and made the chains disappear, took the teen and escorted him to the bed and whispered: "Not like that, Potter." Then the older wizard kissed the teen on the lips, gaining a good response that encouraged the man to continue. Soon they were both aroused and Severus devoured the boy that night, twice.

They weren't intimate every single night, but little by little, as their making love sessions continued the curse was diminishing. Harry could feel it subsiding, but something was terribly wrong. Harry started to fear the moment when the curse was completely over. What would he do then? Return to Gryffindor Tower and everything would be forgotten? Just like that? He knew his thoughts didn't make much sense because then they would mean that he was enjoying being Severus Snape's lover and he could never admit something like that. So far they had done it fifteen times. Yes, Harry had been counting them.

By the time spring arrived they only had five times left and the curse would be over. That night Severus was grading papers and Harry approached him. "What is it, Harry?" Yes, at some point they had started calling themselves by first names. It was only fitting after they were being so close even if it had been against their will, or at least started that way.

"What will happen when it's over?"

"You'll be free at last and I'll be free of you. You'll return to Gryffindor Tower and I'll have my room to myself again. You'll be happy, I'll be happy, everyone will be happy, and none of this will be revealed to anyone. Why do you ask?" The man kept grading papers without another care in the world.

"Do you want it to be over, Severus?" asked Harry with his voice betraying him a little.

Severus stopped abruptly and looked at Harry. "Of course I want it to be over! I thought you wanted that too unless you've gone mad!"

Harry lowered his gaze. "I do want the curse to end, but... Will you forget everything? Haven't you felt anything at all?"

"Well, I do have to feel something, Harry. I am not impotent."

"I didn't mean that, Severus. I meant... You know... Us." Harry swallowed after he stated this and could feel Severus' piercing gaze.

The man scowled all of a sudden. "I was afraid this might happen. You've fallen for me."

Harry's eyes went wide with horror. He hadn't been ready to admit it, but it was the truth and his eyes went blurry with wetness. "Has it only been sex and pleasure to you? Is that what I have been? A... A... A slave? A pleasure giving object?" Severus didn't reply and Harry choked, feeling a knot in his throat and something piercing him all over. "YOU ARE A MONSTER!" he exclaimed before running towards the bedroom and dropping himself on the bed, sobbing.

Severus couldn't concentrate anymore in grading papers. He swore aloud before throwing books, papers, and quills in anger. Then he made his way to the bedroom and sighed as he saw the boy crying. He approached the bed and got next to Harry, patting the teen's back. He spoke softly: "I didn't mean to hurt you. You have not been my slave, Harry. I... I will miss you if you go back to Gryffindor Tower after it all ends." Severus felt really stupid saying those things, but he meant them and he was sure they would help Harry feel better. The problem was that the Potions master didn't want to encourage Harry. Even though he had developed feelings for the boy, something that was unavoidable when they were being so intimate, he wanted Harry to be free afterwards. He didn't want Harry to chain himself to an older man like him, but his worst fear had come true. Harry wouldn't want to let go no matter what he told him.

Harry's wet orbs locked with Severus'. "Then, do you feel something for me? Anything?" Severus nodded. "For real?" Severus almost wanted to slap the boy, but simply nodded again. Harry then kissed the man, passionately. Of course, it ended with only three times left until the curse would be over for they made love twice that night.

By the end of May Harry was free of the curse, but didn't return to Gryffindor Tower. Dumbledore went to Severus' quarters and asked them how it was going and they both lied saying that it wasn't over yet, but Dumbledore's eyes twinkled at the lie. "Remember to tell me when the curse is finally over." He smiled a very knowing smile and left them.

Harry looked at Severus: "Do you think he knows?"

"That old man? He always knows," replied Snape.

Harry looked at Severus mischievously. "Will it ever be over, Severus?"

Severus' arms embraced the boy against his body and smirked. "It will never be over, Harry." The green-eyed teen smiled in the man's arms.

Owari/ Fin/ The End

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