okay, this is my first fanfic.it's a shortstory that takes placeat the beginning of Inkspell, Warning SPOILERS! Ifyou haven't read Ink spell, DO NOT READ THIS! but that's your choice. this short story is about Farid and Meggie realizing thier love for eachother and things start to happen between them. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inkheart, Inkspell, or any of Cornielia Funke's books or thier charactors either, so please don't sue!

Chapter 1: Farid

Meggie had been lost in thoughts as she walked down the street, in a town not too far from Elinor's house, mostly thoughts about Farid. She was now thirteen, it had been a year since Capricorn's death, and her, Mo, and Darius had since then been living with Elinor. She was starting to realize how much she really liked Farid. She had been walking for about an hour, strolling the streets, observing her suroundings, lost in thoughts. The streets were now deserted.

She came across a deserted-looking ally way, and she decided to take it as a shortcut to the edge of town to get back to Elinor's. As she walked down the alley way, she was soo lost in thoughts that she didn't hear the soft footsteps coming up behind her. Suddenly, five boys about her age grabbed her from behind, holding her mouth shut, only one startled shout escaped her mouth. They shoved her on the ground and started to undo her pants. She suddenly realized that they were going to rape her! She started to try and struggle free in vain, but it was no use, they were to strong, she started to cry in terror, hoping that somone had heard her desprate shouts that escaped her mouth.

They managed to get her pants down to her ankles, when suddently a familiar voice sounded from the end of the alley way, the way she entered, "Leave her alone!" The five boys stopped what they were doing and stood and faced the way the voice had come from. The shadowed figure at the end of the alley way was holding a lit torch, a boy by the looks of him and the sound of his voice,and, judging by the size of the person, Meggie assumed he wasn't much older than her, but whoever it was she was gratefull he had come.

"What are you going to do about it!" one of the five boys said in a snotty way. The boy at the end of the alley way whispered something to himself, Meggie thought it was "Anything...".

Suddenly, the five boys ran at him. The first boy to reach him swung a hard fist at him, but he dodged it easily by ducking, and the boy ended up swing at thin air. Then, right after ducking, the boy, in one swift movement, swing around, laid on his back and with both feet kicked the boy's front kneecaps soo hard you could hear the bones crack. The boy howled in pain and rage, dropping to the ground.

The other boys were about ten meters away, so he took the oppurtunity, he took a small bottle out of his pocket took a gulp of the liquid inside, put the bottle back. He turned to face the boy only a foot away, he quickly lifted the lighted torch to his mouth and spit the liquid in his mouth at the flame, bursts of flames headed toward the remaining four boys. Small patches of their clothes caught on fire, but they began to spread slowly, they ran passed him and made for the streets, flailing in all directions, it was only a couple seconds later before their screams were only faint sounds in the night.

Meggie had been watching the whole thing, she now came back to her senses and quickly pulled her pants up so the stranger wouldn't see her. He was walking towards her, looking at her, she couldn't quite see his face yet. He was now a few steps from her.

"Meggie, are you okay?" he said in the familiar voice. His face now came into view. "Farid!" she said overjoyed and imediately stood up and flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly, burrying her face into his chest, still crying. He blushed, then wrapped her arms around her as well, holding her close and tight, comforting her, whispering into her ear that it was going to be all right.

so, did you like it? Please R&R!