Yeah kit kat and snick3rdoodl3 FINALLY back to bring you more! We've struggled with this story but we decided to go ahead and start posting after getting some good ideas. After finishing A Hit to the Head, we were encouraged enough to make us want to write another fic! Thanks to all those who reviewed A Hit to the Head. I hope we get a lot of good reviews for this too!

Disclaimer: We don't own Sailor Moon. This goes for the rest of the story so please don't sue us!


Summary: Darien is also known as Prince Earth. He and his team of Prince Senshis fight the evil Demonic Dragons. But who is this new "guy" under the name of Prince Moon? AU R&R

A/N: I'm using the American names throughout the story! It's 10 times easier for us.

Prince Earth and the Prince Senshis

By: Kit Kat and Snick3rDoodl3

Chapter 1: Ordinary day

"Crap I'm gonna be late for school!" Darien ran out the door of his small, Japanese house and dashed down the street. A piece of toast was hanging out of his mouth as he tried desperately to stuff his homework into his backpack.

Darien was just an ordinary high school student… Well besides the fact he owned the most powerful weapon in the world, the Imperial Sword, and was somewhat of a "superhero" known as Prince Earth.

But at the moment Darien was just himself, an ordinary high school student on the verge of being late to class… again. He tried not to let all of the responsibilities of being Earth's only hope get to him. Then again, not a lot of teens can think much past themselves.

Now Darien wasn't the klutzy type, but he was known for never paying attention to pretty much anything. He was too busy staring at his watch to know he was about to hit someone… BAM!

"Oh God that hurt!" he looked to his right and saw none other than Serena, his sexy college-bound bully. "YOU! What the hell is wrong with you! Late to school again?"

"Psh nothings wrong with me! A guy's got the right to run." He pointed cockily at his chest and turned his head up.

"Well you better watch it next time you run into me, mop head or you'll," she got up and brushed the dirt off her skirt, "no longer be a man when I'm done with you." His jaw hit the ground as she walked away.

Ouch what a tease… He grinned and got up. Shit school!

And so our Prince Earth dashed away yet again with the tardy bell ringing in the distance.


Later at lunch…

"Yo Darien!" His friend, Andrew, waved for Darien to come join him, Greg, Ken, and Chad for lunch.

"What's up guys?" Darien sat huddled around the shade of a tree with the rest of his friends. It was a frickin hot day. Summer (and the end of school) was right around the corner. More free time to kick evil's ass.

Andrew, Ken, Chad, and Greg knew everything about Darien as Prince Earth. They were also part of his team, the Prince Senshis.

"Nothin, just aced another math test." Greg smirked.

"Shut up." They all grumbled. Greg, a.k.a Prince Mercury, was the smartest of the group due to his ability to see parts of the future. (Cheater!)

"Hey Darien do we have any leads to who the new leader of the Demonic Dragons is?" Ken cracked his knuckles. He was Prince Jupiter, the roughest combat fighter of them all. He also loved to cook, but if any of them even tried to make fun of him they'd be next in the oven once his cookies were golden brown.

"Chill out, Ken. We'll know soon enough." Chad sat in the tree, quietly meditating. He probably had the strongest powers of them all (well besides Darien) and was the most strategic. He was the fiery Prince Mars.

"Well if Greggy here could get his head straight and tell us what he sees, everything would be a hell of a lot easier!" Andrew rolled his eyes and continued to eat his lunch. Tough love was his policy as Prince Venus.

"I already told you guys all I can see is a black shadow! There's no face." Greg said defensively.

"It's alright. I have the feeling we'll find him soon enough…" Darien left them all thinking.

For a long time they had battled the Demonic Dragon Clan… dragon after dragon with no trace of who sent them. Three Dragon Masters had been defeated but they refused to reveal their leader to the Senshis.

Their motive? Universal domination of course. And the only way they could achieve this was to gain the Imperial Sword and use the Crystal to destroy anyone who opposed them.

"Maybe we should do some investigating after school." Chad suggested.

"You guys can… I can't." Darien mumbled.

"Hm what? Why?" they all knew why Darien couldn't. They were just being smart-asses.

"I have detention! God…" he grumbled.

"Lateness is next to stupidness." Andrew chuckled.

"Dude that was so gay! Stupidness?" Darien said getting ticked off.

"Why were you late this time? Overslept?"

"Well I did over sleep but I was almost at school when I collided into--" he stopped mid-sentence. Crap I fell right into their trap!

"Who?" Ken smiled evilly and they all stared at Darien with knowing eyes.

"Just some random person." He tried to play it off cool, but they saw right through him.

"Naw, I bet it was Serena." They all began to laugh as Darien flushed part anger part embarrassment.

"Dude Darien don't you think she's hot?"

"Did you fall on top of her?"

"Ugh shut up! I do not like that stupid little meatball-headed woman. She's too annoying." He turned his head away with a defiant "Hmph!" and crossed his arms.

"You're such a girl." Ken poked.

"Oooook whatever dude." Darien continued to look away, extremely pissed that they would even hint that he liked her. "Why don't you guys just go investigate after school and I'll meet you up later."

They sighed and nodded their heads. He's so… touchy! The lunch bell began to ring and they parted their separate ways, Darien still fuming and bright red.

Stupid meatball head… Stupid, but cute.

In the distance a cat sat hidden in a tree that was not too far away from where the Prince Senshis had been. She sat quietly, analyzing what had the Senshis had said and what she had just discovered.

"Finally after all these years… I've found Prince Earth. I must notify her quick! Operation Prince Moon has begun." The black cat leapt out of the tree, her crescent moon shaped birthmark glowing wildly on her forehead.

(End chapter 1)


Thanks for reading and please review! We'll try to update soon.
