Blind Heart/Puppybaddog

Summary:Saitou/Tokio fic, the Wolf of Mibu finally meets his match.

Disclaimer: Don't own don't sue

Chapter 1 Important Mission

Saitou cleaned up his sword as he watched the Ishin he'd just killed bleed out, then turned to his men and ordered them to search the surrounding areas, looking up at the sky as the rain poured down. His men assured him that there was no one left and so seeing how tired they looked Saitou ordered them to return to headquarters. On their way there the men cheered and laughed as they entered the nearest brothel, Saitou sighed as he sat in a booth and ordered a bottle of sake.

A geisha smiled wickedly as she sat beside him running her fingers within his gi, Saitou snarled as he wasn't in the mood and pushed her off him, "Get off me woman…" he growled, the geisha huffed and walked down the aisle to find herself another customer.

Saitou sighed as he looked at the sake cup in his hand, "Drinking alone again Saitou-san?" Okita chirped.

"What is it now?" Saitou growled he was obviously in a bad mood today as he lifted the cup to his lips.

Okita sat down in front of him, "Kondou wants to speak to us…as soon as possible."

Saitou sighed as he gulped down the bottle, left a few coins and stood up following Okita outside.


Kondou lifted his head from the documents he was reading when he heard a tap at his door, giving the word to enter he gave a small smile to the martial arts master, "Tetsu…ah come in come in…please sit…" he gestured to the large pillow in front of the small table like desk.

Tetsu smiled as he entered Kondou's office and sat down, "Kondou-san, I won't keep you from what you're doing too long…I've heard from our informants that we are to head into battle soon…"

Kondou sighed, "That we are…we've just been given word. I'm afraid that the Ishin's are to attack the city soon…don't tell me you won't be joining us into battle?" he quirked an eye at the master.

"Oh no that's not it sir…it's just that my daughter is with me in Kyoto and if we are to head into battle…I'd feel much better knowing that she is well protected…if I may I would like a few of your men to escort her to a dear friend in Tokyo…I'd take her myself but your new troops still need a lot of training…"

Kondou seemed a bit surprised, "I didn't know you had a child Takagi."

"Yes…" he smiled, "She's my treasure…" he smirked. "I'm afraid I don't trust a lot of people with her…"

Kondou chuckled softly, "No father who has a daughter does…how old is she?"

"Twenty one…sir" Takagi smirked.

Kondou quirked an eye, "And she's not married?"

"Not a lot of men seem interested…"

Kondou leaned his elbows on the small table resting his chin on his hands, "Why on earth not?" he asked a bit interested in the man's life.

"She's blind sir…"

"Oh I'm terribly sorry…was she born that way?"

"No sir…it happened when I lost my wife during a raid, the house was set afire and…" Tetsu paused for a moment as he remembered the memory, he seemed lost for a moment then looked up shaking his head a bit, "…She's all I have sir…"

Kondou thought for half a minute, the man had done so much for the Shinsengumi, he couldn't really say no to his small request and they had a little time before the Ishin's were reported to arrive, "Yes of course Tetsu…we are very grateful for your help in training our men…" Kondou was suddenly cut off as they heard a tap at the door.


Saitou narrowed his eyes at every recruit who looked at him, Okita had a small smile on his face as he always did as he led the way to Kondou's office, "What do you suppose Kondou wants?" Okita asked with an evil grin.

"How should I know…" Saitou grumbled, fingering the cigarettes in his gi, he desperately needed a smoke. Saitou sighed when he noticed Okita leaning against the door, listening in on Kondou.

...A few of your men to escort her to a dear friend in Tokyo…I'd take her myself but your new troops still need a lot of training… Okita heard, 'Hmmm I guess we'll have to wait until whoever is in there is finished talking to Kondou…wait a minute…' ...She's blind sir… Okita heard and smirked recognizing the voice he glanced to Saitou then listened again, ...She's all I have sir… Okita grinned wickedly as a thought popped in his head, 'Really well now this could be very amusing…' he thought to himself with an evil chuckle.

"You know you can get hanged for that…" Saitou quipped an evil grin gracing his lips as he leaned against the wall and watched the first captain.

Okita looked up, "Only if you get caught…" he smiled and tapped on the door.

Kondou frowned as he told whoever it was to enter, and sighed when two of his Captains entered the room bowing their heads, "You wanted to see us sir?" The Shinsengumi's third Captain asked with an uncaring voice.

Okita Souji the Shinsengumi's first captain quickly stepped forward, "Pardon me for being a bit forward sir but as we arrived we just happen to hear a small bit of your conversation with Takagi-san…" Okita grinned. Kondou quirked an eyebrow in disapproval, as Okita continued to speak, "Please forgive us sir…might I suggest Captain Saitou for the task, he is very well skilled and is extremely devoted to honor and duty."

Saitou widened his eyes a bit though it was hard to tell then glanced at Okita pure murder in his amber eyes as he glared at the young Captain beside him.

Takagi and Kondou both quirked an eye, Kondou gave a small smile, "Yes he'd be perfect…" he thought aloud, he then looked to the third Captain, "Saitou you are to escort Mr.Takagi's daughter to Tokyo…"

Saitou narrowed his eyes but bowed his head all the same, "Sir with all due respect wouldn't it be better to send someone else…I'm sure I could be useful elsewhere…"

"No it's been decided…" Kondou interrupted the man.

"But…" Saitou growled as he grit his teeth and slowly bowed his head, knowing he couldn't change Kondou's mind if his life depended on it, "Yes sir…" 'I'm the Shinsengumi's third Captain, not some errand boy that has to baby-sit some woman…' he growled as he stood up straight.

"You wanted to see us sir?" Okita smiled, a bit proud of his achieving in pissing off the wolf.

"Oh yes I want you all to double up on the patrols…inform the other Captains…" Kondou turned to Takagi, "When would you like your daughter to be brought to Tokyo?"

"As soon as possible sir…" Takagi answered with a smile.

Kondou looked to Saitou again, "Saitou be prepared tomorrow morning…"

Saitou sighed as he was starting to get a migraine, "Does your daughter ride a horse Takagi-san or do I need to get a carriage?"

"She rides very well…"

"Carriage Saitou…you're escorting a lady…" Koudou cut in. "And you two are dismissed…" he waved them off.

"Yes sir…" Saitou sighed, bowed his head and turned leaving the room heading for his quarters. Okita tried very hard to hide his smile, as he watched his friend leave the room. This was the first time Saitou was sent on this sort of mission and he knew that Saitou would get back at him for volunteering the wolf.

As they walked down the hall Saitou glanced behind him, as Okita rushed to catch up, "Remind me to wring your neck when I arrive Okita…"

"Of course Saitou…" Okita chuckled as he went to the dojo to do a few katas.


Tetsu Takagi slowly closed the gate to his home as he had received the day off to help his daughter pack for her little trip, a smile graced his lips when he silently entered her room to find her running a comb through her long ebony hair, he couldn't believe how much she looked like her mother, her amber eyes had a small haze in them as she stared at nothingness, a small smile on her lips. "Trying to surprise me again father…" she grinned.

Tetsu approached his daughter, a small chuckle escaping his throat, "I still don't know how you do that…" he whispered leaning down to place a kiss on top of her head, his hands combing through her hair he reached on the dresser to grab a blue ribbon and tied her hair in a loose ponytail.

"Well you did teach me to use my hearing did you not father?" she grinned, tilting her head up.

"Hmhmmm that I did…" he answered with a soft chuckle.

Hearing the tone in his voice Tokio slowly stood, "What is it?" she asked turning to him.

Tetsu sighed as he ran his hands down her arms to grasp her hands bringing them to his lips, "I'll miss our little arguments…" he smirked.

"Oh father you didn't…" Tokio groaned.

"I'm afraid I did…It won't be for too long…" he promised as he looked at the unimpressed look on her face. "Please don't be angry with me Tokio…the Ishins are expected to sneak into the city…I don't think I could go on if I lost you…" he whispered.

Tokio sighed as her hands roamed up his arms to lightly touch and caress his face he had always been extremely protective when it came to her, and gave a small smile, "You should stop frowning you'll get wrinkles…" Tetsu chuckled as he pulled her into a hug and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Best get ready, you my treasure leave in the morning…" he whispered sadly.

Tokio smirked, "You didn't get a whole fleet to escort me did you?"

"No…a Shinsengumi Captain, was assigned…"

"Just one…Father you're not losing that protective touch of yours are you?" Tokio grinned.

"Absolutely not…you WILL tell me if he hurt's you in any way, I'll kill him if he does…" he answered with a small growl.

Tokio laughed softly, "He's not going to act all brave and show off is he?"

Tetsu sighed with a small chuckle, "My goodness I hope not…I pity him the moment he does, you won't hurt him too much now will you?" he smirked, he was a master in martial arts after all and had trained his daughter well.

"Only if he aggravates me father…" Tokio giggled as she felt around in her dresser for the clothes she wanted to wear, she so hated getting dressed up when she traveled. "What color is this?" she asked holding it up.

"Maroon…" he answered taking out a black hakama as well as arm guards. "Going to dress like a man again?" he chuckled softly.

Tokio turned, "You don't expect I ride a horse in a silk kimono do you?"

Tetsu smirked, "Kondou-san has sent for a carriage…"

Tokio sighed, "Ugh like I want to be stuck in a carriage for a week."


That morning Tokio took her sweet time getting ready, wanting to annoy her escort, hearing a knock at her bedroom door, she gave a small smile, "Are you decent?" Tetsu asked.

"Yes father you may enter…" she grinned, as she felt around her waist to secure the ties of her hakama, Tetsu took one of the arm guards and gently lifting her left arm tied it securely and did the same with the right, then reaching down in her dresser he took out a few kunai's putting it in his daughter's hand he then guided it within the arm guards, to show her where they were hidden, he did the same with a dagger, hiding it within her gi.

Tetsu sighed as he stepped back to look at her, "My word you've grown so fast…"

Tokio smiled, "I'll miss you too father…" she chuckled reaching out to lay her hands on his face.

Tetsu smiled as he held her tightly, "I love you…"

"Love you too…" she grinned as he pulled back and grasped her arm and led her outside to her awaiting carriage.


Saitou groaned as he leaned against the carriage wearing his Shinsengumi uniform, the driver had just finished strapping the lady's few bags to the top of the carriage he smirked when he heard his captain mutter, "Can't believe I've been ordered for this stupid mission…" he grumbled as he looked at the gate, seeing a few figures approaching. Saitou stood up straight his hands behind his back and quirked an eye in surprise, when Takagi arrived with a young girl on his arm, wearing a maroon gi with black hakama as well as a black haori.

Tetsu looked up, "Captain Saitou this is my daughter Tokio, I trust you'll take good care of her?" he asked in a warning tone.

"Of course sir…" Saitou answered bowing his head a bit, Tokio gave a small grin as she approached the captain and inhaled, Saitou looked at her oddly before he could say anything she tilted her head to her right.

"Stop worrying father…I'll be alright…" she smiled sweetly leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"Oh alright…" he sighed as he helped her into the carriage. Saitou sighed and rolled his eyes as he watched him close the door and turn to the captain, "No harm comes to her…" he warned and returned into the house.

"Of course sir, I'll guard her with my life…" Saitou promised as he turned to the carriage and climbed up with the driver, telling him to drive off.


After about four hours, Saitou thankful that the woman was extremely quiet told the driver to pull over as they were nearing a small soba house, jumping off the carriage Saitou opened the door, "Are you hungry ma'am?" he asked.

Tokio tilted her head to the sound of his voice, "I'm beginning…" she answered sweetly.

Saitou sighed, "We've just stopped at a soba house…is that to your liking?" he drawled still feeling a bit pissed.

"Yes that would be fine…" she answered a small smile plastered on her lips at the sound of the tone in his voice, her hand patting the seat beside her as she slid close to the door, then at the wall, Saitou quirked an eye as he held out his hand and gently grasped hers to help her out of the carriage.

"You have two steps…" he whispered.

Tokio was smirking inwardly, knowing very well how many steps there were, she enjoyed playing the helpless little blind girl, to this Shinsengumi captain. As she pretended to trip, she crashed into Saitou and found herself a bit surprised when they didn't fall to the ground.

The last man she had done this too was a suitor the matchmaker had paired her with this had been their first meeting and their last. While Tokio was led to him she pretended to stumble a bit and had happen to hear him whisper that she was a clumsy oaf completely forgetting that the woman he was meeting was blind…Tokio quirked an eyebrow as he introduced himself as she did the same she pretended to trip and crashed into him. He had cursed very loudly as they had crashed to the ground, he had landed in a puddle of mud while she landed on top of him. Her knee accidentally meeting his groin…ouch, anyways enough talk about the idiot and back to Saitou...hehehe

Saitou quirked an eyebrow as he pulled her to stand up straight, "Are you alright?"

"Yes thank-you…" she breathed, grasping his arm, "Would you be so kind as to lead the way?" she asked sweetly.

Saitou still a bit annoyed grumbled to himself, 'A messenger would have been able to do this mission…' he silently cursed out, "Of course ma'am this way…" he drawled as he entered the building and led her to one of the booths, Tokio smirked as she slowly sat down while Saitou did the same in front of her, "Anything in particular you would like?" he asked.

Tokio thought for a moment, "Hmmm perhaps, some honey flavored soba, a bowl of rice with a cup of green tea…"

Saitou grunted in response when an old woman stopped at their table, "What can I get you?" she asked with a small smile.

"Two bowls of rice and two bowls of soba, one honey the other plain and a pot of green tea please…" Saitou answered simply.

"Plain soba…not one for exploring new tastes hun…" Tokio smiled.

"I happen to like plain soba…" Saitou answered.

"What is your name sir?" she asked. "I know your last name but not your first."

"Hajime…" Saitou drawled then frowned when Tokio gave a wicked grin.

"You don't seem in good spirits in taking me to Tokyo, I can tell from the sound of your voice…How old are you?"

"Why would that be important?"

"I'm curious, how old are you?" she repeated.

"Twenty-nine…" he drawled as he eyed their surroundings, the carriage driver had just entered and sat at another table.

"Hmmm…you don't sound twenty-nine…"

Saitou snorted at what she said, "How old do I sound?"

Tokio tilted her head, "Well you have a rough voice, and you sound very what's the word…annoyed…wait that's not it oh yes grumpy…I would guess at least thirty-five…"

Saitou smirked at the woman's answer and looked at the old woman as she balanced a tray of food in one hand and the tea in the other. "Here you go sir…ma'am…" she placed the food down then left them to eat in peace.

Saitou watched as Tokio placed her hands on the table and slowly moved them to the bowl of rice, bringing the bowl closer to her inhaling the smell, her hands then searched for the chopsticks. Saitou watched with interest as he sipped at his tea. Tokio held her chopsticks grasping a mouthful of rice and slightly flicked her fingers, sending the rice to fly towards the Shinsengumi captain, Saitou quirked an eye as he had noticed the slight flick and narrowed his eyes a bit as he brushed the rice off his uniform, sipping at his tea again he watched her hands. After a dozen or so bites of rice Tokio then searched for the soba finding it she dipped the sticks in her bowl and twirled it grasping the noodles she then lifted the sticks to her mouth blowing on the hot noodles, then slowly ate them savoring the taste of the honey. "You're awfully quiet Captain…Aren't you hungry?" she asked.

Saitou quirked an eyebrow as he stared at her, "I'm savoring my tea at the moment…and I'm not one for much conversation when I'm eating…"

"Oh well please don't let me bother you sir…" she answered now looking for her tea.

"A few inches to your right…" he drawled, Tokio smiled when her fingers brushed against the cup and lifted it to her lips taking a few sips.

After lunch Saitou paid for the meal and led Miss Takagi back to the carriage. Again sitting beside the driver, Saitou ordered that they continued on their annoying little journey. Riding until the sun disappeared beyond the mountains, the three stopped at a small village for the night, Saitou jumped down from his perch and was about to open the carriage door, his hand froze at the handle as he heard Tokio sing softly within the carriage, swiftly opening the door Tokio stopped and looked towards the captain, "It's getting dark out, and we're staying at an inn…" he drawled watching as she slowly made her way to the door, grasping her hand Saitou again led her out, eyeing the people who seemed to gawk at them.

Guiding her up the steps and into the small inn, Saitou faced the desk, Tokio still beside him. The man had a wicked grin on his face as he eyed the woman over, "Found yourself a little ass hun…looks quite tasty…" he laughed softly gazing at her face, Tokio quirked an eyebrow as the man smelled like he hadn't taken a bath in years while Saitou narrowed his eyes.

"Two rooms…" he spoke in a warning tone.

"Two?" he quipped an evil grin plastered on his lips, and stared at the woman beside the man, "So I take it she's not yours to play with?"

"No…" Saitou answered plainly, as he eyed the carriage driver, who carried the few bags on his back, "Two rooms…I want the rooms to be adjoined…" he repeated.

"Yes of course…" the man chuckled handing Saitou two keys, "Here...second floor rooms seven and eight…" he smirked.

Saitou took the keys handing them to the carriage driver, "Take Miss Takagi to her room…" he ordered still looking at the man behind the desk, as he gawked at Tokio while the carriage driver led her away. "Lay a hand on her, and your neighbors will find your head on a pike in the morning." He warned dropping the money on the desk, and following the two up the stairs.

Tokio smirked as she had heard the warning tone in Saitou's voice now wanting to annoy him a bit more, as the carriage driver helped her sit down on a cushion, Tokio thanked the man as he turned to Saitou, "I'll go get some food…" he told his superior.

Both men turned when Tokio spoke up, "Would you ask the inn keeper to prepare a bath for me please?" she asked, the driver looked to Saitou who seemed a bit aggravated and nodded his head to the driver who quickly left the room. Tokio slowly stood her arms extended, she smiled when she hit a wall, she felt around trying to familiarize herself with the room she'd found two walls with a few scrolls adorning them a small table, a changing screen, an open door which led to the other room. Saitou stood at the entrance of her room watching her every movement in silence. Tokio knowing exactly where he was walked past him quickly turning she hit Saitou in the chest, she smiled inwardly when she heard a small 'oof' "Oh I'm terribly sorry captain…you shouldn't be so quiet around me…did I hurt you?" she smiled innocently.

"No of course not…" Saitou muttered rubbing his chest, 'Should cut those nails of yours…' he grumbled inwardly starring at her as she continued to walk around.

Several minutes later the carriage driver arrived with four trays stacked one over the other, three carried food while the fourth had a pot of tea as well as three cups. Saitou lead her to a small table and sat her down, the two members of the Shinsengumi sat at the table with her eating quietly.

After eating, Saitou sighed as he waited patiently within Tokio's room as she felt through her bags for her yukata, soap and oils. Slowly standing Tokio clutching her things to her chest began taking slow steps towards the door, Saitou quirked an eye as he had remained quiet, she stopped in front of Saitou and turned her head to him, "Are you going to stay there all night?" she asked with a sweet smile.

Saitou frowned wondering if she truly was blind as he grasped her arm and led her down the corridor. 'She hit me on purpose…sly little kitten…' Saitou rolled his eyes as he helped her towards the bathhouse and stayedby the door, Tokio felt her way around and locked the door she had a small smile as she began to undress and dipped her hand in the warm water. Saitou not trusting the innkeeper stood guard at the door thinking of devious ways to torture Okita when he arrived back to Shinsengumi headquarters. A few moments had passed and he couldn't help to think about Tokio for some odd reason. Tokio 's head surfaced from the water a smile on her lips as she had dipped her head in the water and moved to the side of the tub resting the back of her head against the rim she listened to the third captain mumble and curse out on how to get even with a certain someone named Okita then everything became quiet. "How did she do that?" she heard the man whisper.

'I think I'm going to like annoying my escort…' she smiled wickedly as she ran a cloth on her arm.

Saitou glared at the shadows to his left as he heard something rustling in the bushes behind the bathhouse, "That perverted little bastard…" Saitou ground out, as he made his way behind the building.

Tokio had just finished tying up her yukata when she heard branches and leaves rustling, as well as a few punches and whispered arguing and something falling to the ground. Chuckling softly as she finished drying her hair and put on her haori, gathering her things she slowly made her way to the door and unlocked it. A hand gently grasped her arm as she took her first step, Tokio leaned against the man beside her and inhaled deeply, smelling cigarettes and sage, she smiled as she allowed Saitou to lead her back within the inn. "I hope you didn't injure yourself too much…" She whispered.

Saitou quirked an eyebrow, "You knew he was there?"

"But of course, didn't you know one's hearing is heightened when one is blind?"

"Hn…" Saitou smirked as he glanced back to see the innkeeper crawling towards the inn with a black eye and a few missing teeth as well as a swollen jaw.

The door adjoining the rooms was left open, Tokio made herself comfortable in her futon as she was sleeping behind the changing screen, for privacy, she was a lady after all. The carriage driver and Saitou shared a room, Saitou kept close to the lady just in case the innkeeper or any other perverts in the region decided to pay the woman a nightly visit. Thankfully he was a very light sleeper, Saitou was now leaning against the wall between the adjoining rooms, his katana resting against his shoulder his head bowed as he closed his eyes to get a few hours sleep.


The next morning Saitou stretched lazily as he looked within his room, the carriage driver had just finished putting away the futons he had laid out and was strapping his sword by his side, Saitou slowly stood as he padded into Tokio's room "Miss Takagi?" he spoke softly not hearing anythinghe glanced behind the screen seeing the she was stillfast asleep, her hair was strewn about framing her face, her lips were parted slightly as she took slow deep breaths, her right arm rested on her stomach while her left cushioned her head. For some odd reason he couldn't look away, but reluctantly did when the carriage driver informed him that he would get breakfast. Saitou then returned to his room hoping this week would pass by quickly...He didn't like these little distractions.

Saitou sighed as he stepped towards a water pitcher, pouring water in the bowl he then splashed some of it on his face to wake him up fully, frowning as he sensed something odd, Saitou dried himself off and walked out of the room strapping his katana at his hip. He slowly made his way to the stairs spotting the carriage driver as he was leaning against the wall listening to the hushed whispers downstairs, the carriage driver quickly turned to Saitou a dagger in hand, leaning up to his superior he whispered in the man's ear, "The innkeeper apparently is loyal to the Ishin Shishi…he's talking to them now I spotted four inside…and several outside...not sure but there could be more..."

Saitou's eyes narrowed, "Shit…they're closer then we thought…sneak out of town steal a horse and return to headquarters inform Kondou, I'll get Takagi to Tokyo…" he whispered then turned to go wake up the woman.

"Yes sir…" the driver nodded and headed down the hall to climb out of the nearest window.

Rushing into her room, Saitou quickly shook Tokio awake, Tokio awoke with a start as Saitou clamped his hand on her mouth, "Keep quiet…the Ishin Shishi are in the building…" Tokio slowly nodded her head and sat up feeling around for her clothes, Saitou grabbed them and dropped them in her lap.

Saitou quickly made his way to his room putting on his haori and arm guards he grabbed a small bag throwing it over his shoulder then went back into Tokio's room where she'd just finished putting on her arm guards and sandals. Saitou grabbed her arm, "Haori…" she whispered, Saitou turned and grabbed the black coat putting it on the woman. Tokio held the top part of her gi closed as she tried to tuck it in more.

"Come on…" he whispered grasping her hand and slowly opened the shoji, looking up and down the hall he pulled her out of the room and closed the shoji again, Saitou's eyes narrowed as he heard a dozen footsteps rushing up the stairs, "Shit…" he cursed as he led her down the hall towards the noise and entered another room, after hearing the Ishins pass by ,Saitou peeked out and carefully pulled Tokio to him, staying close to the wall. Saitou looked at the stairs and placed her hands on the wall, "There are fourteen steps…" he whispered in her ear, Tokio nodded as she slowly made her way down, Saitou backed down the stairs keeping an eye on the four men as they broke into their old rooms.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs Tokio no longer had a wall to guide her and not being familiar with the inn stretched out her arms, she suddenly found herself hitting the desk the innkeeper grinned wickedly as he looked at her and approached, "Well well what have we here…" he whispered his face a few inches from hers, Tokio grimaced as she smelled rotten cheese on his breath. The man didn't notice the pissed off Shinsengumi arrive and slam his fist in the man's face rendering him unconscious, grabbing his gi before he fell, Saitou slowly lowered him to the ground so as not to alert the others and grabbed Tokio by the arm leading her out of the inn, the Ishins were still silently searching the rooms upstairs.

Carefully eyeing their surroundings as they were now walking outside, Saitou frowned as he spotted two Ishins near the woods blocking their escape, pulling her to him Saitou headed for one of the sheds hiding them from the Ishins view, he could have easily killed them but he didn't want to risk the woman freaking out or getting hurt,Grabbing a rock at his feet Saitou threw it to his left, attracting their attention, when they were no longer in sight Saitou grabbed her hand and rushed into the woods, Tokio had a hard time keeping up with his speed and long strides and kept stumbling, hearing her gasp for breath Saitou ducked behind a tree bringing her with him, "Take slow deep breaths and keep quiet…" he instructed as he lowered her to the ground at the base of the tree, and narrowed his eyes.

"Check the woods they have to be around here somewhere…" one of them yelled out.

Saitou growled softly when he spotted the Ishins roaming the woods searching for them. "The carriage driver?" Tokio gasped as she rearranged her clothing.

"I sent him back to headquarters to warn Kondou…" he whispered, then took hold of her hand and lifted her up, "Come on we have to go…"

After about an hour of walking, Saitou decided to give her a rest and was leaning against a tree, opening his senses to see if they had been followed. Hearing her move around he glanced behind him and sighed "What are you doing?" he asked a bit annoyed as he stared at her walking around her arms outstretched.

"There you are…" she quipped, "I'm curious…"

"About what?"

"I wish to know what you look like…may I?" she asked, her hands hovering before her trying to find the man, Saitou not knowing how to respond didn't move as she bumped into him and grasped his arms feeling across his chest, he quirked an eye as she slowly moved her hands upwards to caress his neck and cheeks, her nimble fingers lightly touched his skin as she moved her hands over his forehead and nose stopping at his lips.

Saitou chuckled softly, "So what do I look like?" he whispered a bit curiously.

Tokio smirked, "Why have you never seen yourself in a mirror?" she whispered back, her fingers roaming his cheeks again.

Saitou chuckled softly, "Do you do this to every person you meet?"

"No just a select few…" she smiled, as she ran her hands through his hair, "Don't these hairs annoy you?" she asked grasping his four bangs, swatting at them as if she were a kitten playing with four pieces of string.

"Not really…" he answered with a coy smile as he stared at her eyes.

Tokio tugged at his ponytail with a grin, as she caressed his cheeks again, "What color are your eyes?"


"Hm…" she smiled her fingers brushing at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, " always keep your eyes this narrow...probably to scare your opponents with a cold stare hun?" she grinned tilting her head to the right her lips pursed a bit as she moved her hands again.

"Sometimes…" he answered watching her hands as they traveled down to his shoulders and grasped his biceps giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Hmm, well built…you must be very skilled with your sword…" she though aloud.

Saitou snorted, "If you grasped a metal workers arms I'm sure you'd tell him he's well built as well…"

"Of course but you're not a metal worker…you're a Shinsengumi captain…you have arms like my father…meaning you know more then swordsmanship…" she giggled, "…and you're left handed." She spoke to no one in particular.

"Hn…How would you know I wasn't a metal worker, and how can you tell I'm left handed?"

"Although your hands are calloused, they aren't that rough…and your left arm is more firm then your right…" she answered then quickly turned her head to the left and held her breath, Saitou frowned as he followed her gaze, sensing movement within the woods he quickly grasped her arm and nearly dragged her further within the lush forest, "Why are they after us?" she breathed.

"I'm Shinsengumi…is there any other reason?" he whispered as they found themselves in an open field, "Shit…" Saitou growled as he unsheathed his katana and pulled her behind him, watching as the Ishins slowly surrounded them.

"What's happening?" Tokio breathed clutching at his back.

"We're being surrounded…" he whispered as he pulled her away from him and got into a Gatotsu stance, Tokio crouched low and palming her Kunais she tilted her head and listened. Saitou eyed the four before him, then glanced behind at the three. 'How the hell am I going to get her out of this without a scratch?' he thought to himself as he eyed his opponents again, then heard a thump behind him. 'What the?' he turned to see an Ishin lying dead on the ground, hearing a shout Saitou looked forward and lunged at his opponent severing the man's arm, then turned and blocked as another Ishin ran to him, dodging the third, Saitou swung his sword and killed two men instantly, glancing towards Tokio, Saitou's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw Tokio kill another Ishin with a kunai and was now knocking and dodging each of her opponents blows, ducking down she then swung her legs and back flipped nearly missing having her throat slit.

Saitou ran forward and killed the other two then turned only to see Tokio lunge at him a dagger in hand, Saitou dropped his sword, stepped back and grabbed her arm, twisting her wrist to force her to drop the dagger, now weaponless Tokio lifted her knee and slammed it in Saitou's gut, Saitou cringed as he pushed her to the ground but Tokio swung her legs and tried to trip him, Saitou let himself drop and grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head he then pinned her body to the ground with his as she began to struggle, "It's me…" Saitou growled staring at her face. Tokio quickly froze as she breathed heavily, "It's me…" he repeated as he slowly released her wrists and leaned on his right arm looked around to make sure there were no more Ishins, Tokio shakily lowered her hands to rest on his face, running them over his forehead and cheeks stopping at his lips. She immediately began to calm as her fingers painted the picture of his face that she had memorized earlier.

"Oh it is you…" she whispered, "Sorry about that…" she then blushed as her hands wound around his back, suddenly realizing the position they were in.

Saitou noticing the blush quickly got off the woman, "Your father didn't tell me he had trained you…" he growled as he slowly stood and helped her up, then ran a hand across his ribs.

"Of course he didn't, it would ruin the significance of a surprise attack…no one would ever expect the blind girl to know how to defend herself." She smirked grasping his arm as he helped her to her feet, "Are they dead?"

Saitou looked around and walked to one of the dead men and pulled out the woman's kunai from the corpse as well as the other then picked up her dagger, "Yes…" he answered cleaning them on a cloth and putting them in her hand, "More or less…" he smirked as he watched her put away the blades.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Now we get out of here before more arrive…" he answered sheathing his katana.

Tokio snorted, "Of course…what was I thinking it's so obvious…" she drawled.

Saitou smirked as he intertwined his fingers with hers and led her away from the field. After walking for most of the day and eating nothing but a few berries Tokio was now extremely exhausted and leaned her head against the man's shoulder, Saitou looked down, "Tired?"

"Am I that obvious?" she groaned.

"Yes…" he answered looking around and led her to a tree, "We can rest here for the night…" he sighed.

"Oh goody…" she whispered as she tried to make herself comfortable, "You wouldn't happen to have a pillow on you would you?" she grinned.

"No…" Saitou sighed as he sat down beside her, resting his katana against his right shoulder and leaned his head back. A few moments later Saitou felt a weight on his left arm and looked to Tokio who was now fast asleep.

Good Bad Sucks?