Disclaimer: I don't own anything, at least for now!


After going through his thoughts and re-checking his work on the boy, he left the room in search for Lily. He soon found her sitting in the pub at an empty table by herself with couple cups with tea. She had obviously tried to calm her nerves with it. He would have chosen a firewhisky for that but he had to admit that Lily was very responsible by choosing the non-alcoholic beverage. It was obvious that she didn't want to drink because of Harry; she couldn't get drunk in case Harry needed her.

Severus sat in the chair across from her after a moment and Lily looked at him immediately, demanding to know what happened to Harry.


Chapter 4

"Severus, is my son okay? Have you been able to heal him?" she asked distraughtly.

"Calm down, Lily. Harry is alright - at least physically. That kind of abuse must have left some kind of emotional scars on him. He will need your help in getting over it. But don't force him to talk about it. It will just cause him to close himself and that wouldn't be good for him," Severus warned her.

She nodded towards him; she knew he was right. Her parents had forced her to finish muggle school in the summers and she had had a psychology class when she was 16. They talked about abused children there, so she knew at least something about the situation.

She paid for her tea and followed Severus up the stairs to the room where her son rested. A look of relief spread across her face when she saw that Harry was somewhat healthy even if he looked much smaller now then he did before. Earlier, he looked like a copy of his brother and father but now, she saw that he had much of her attributes, not just James'. She cried while Severus told her of Harry's injuries.

Severus stood near Lily while she checked over her son. He didn't want to tell her what injuries Harry had but he knew that he had to tell her if she was to talk to her son about it. He hopelessly watched while she cried for the abused boy that she had loved since he had been born. Severus walked over to her and patted her back gently and soothingly, rubbing small circles along her back. He figured that she probably blamed herself and she didn't deserve that. If he remembered correctly, Lily had always stood up for him while they were in school, even though she was a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin.

Just as Lily had calmed down, a house elf popped into the room and told them that James was downstairs and that he was looking for his wife. A look of fear spread across Lily's face and she looked at Harry after hearing the news. When Severus saw this, he began to feel slightly concerned as well for the child. He was sure that the little one would not survive his next encounter with his father and James was probably here to take them back. It wouldn't be a good thing.

"Lily, I know that you don't trust me but would you like to come to my house for now? Just until you find a place of your own. What do you say?" he offered.

"You're right - I don't trust you. But you saved my child's life so the least I can do is give you a benefit of doubt. We will go with you. But only for now!" Lily reluctantly agreed.

"Good. Take your stuff and floo to my house. The address is Snape manor, ok? I will take the kid," Snape said. Lily looked ready to kill him for thinking that she would leave her child just like that but she figured that she could trust him with Harry at least, so she listened to him. She guessed that he couldn't be any worse to Harry than James was, in any case.

After Lily was gone, Severus gently took Harry into his arms and went to floo away through the fireplace mantel. Just as he was disappearing from sight, the door opened and James entered with a determined look on his face. When he saw the empty room, he yelled in rage and hit the wall with one fist in an attempt to relieve his anger.

A/N: Well, here is the fourth chapter. I know it's short, I'll update again soon. I hope you like it. Please leave me a few reviews!

Many thanks to my lovely beta, xScenex, for editing this chapter!
