Sweetness and Strength

by annie-laurie

With possible spoilers for The Siege pt 2, I just wondered if this pairing would work.

Disclaimers – don't own 'em, wish I did

She'd often wondered how they'd become so close. After all, they were both so very different.

Then, as now, she'd find her answer, all the reasons why she loved him, simply by looking at him.

She could see them, recognise and cherish them, in the quiet, handsome calmness of his face.

Others may have met her arrival on Atlantis with suspicion – even the odd, slyly ulterior motive.

But not him. No, he'd been a true friend during those first awkward, unsettling days in their new home

Always there to offer gentle, unjudgmental support as she and her people had struggled to adjust.

In their constant battle for survival, she'd come to recognise the true meaning of strength and courage.

His strength didn't have to be openly bragged about. His courage didn't have to be openly displayed.

Teyla had always known it was there. After today, the whole of Atlantis would finally recognise it too.

Only she knew the courage it had taken for him to allow such awesome power into his mind.

The silent agony he'd endured to keep launching those drones, for hour after seemingly endless hour.

The rest of his friends, in forgiveable ignorance, had simply taken that selfless courage for granted.

In the chaotic aftermath of the Wraith's latest attack, they'd not even asked if he was alright.

Not noticed how quietly, and wearily, he'd finally slipped away to the sanctuary of his quarters.

That disservice still rankled her as, perched on the edge of his bed, Teyla continued her silent vigil.

In the safe haven of dreams, his face was calm and unlined, free of the pain that had contorted it before

He was smiling now, in familiar contentment, as she continued to stroke that forever tousled fringe.

Even in the depths of sleep, he could still sense, and welcome, her presence beside him.

A sleepily fumbling hand now caught hers, trapping it gently to his chest as she settled against him.

She couldn't quite catch the drowsily slurred words that followed, but that didn't matter.

She knew him well enough now to understand the soft, meltingly unique tones of his voice.

And whatever he'd just so charmingly called her – well, it had been done with nothing but love.

Snuggling closer against the solid warmth of his back, Teyla gently tightened her arms around him.

She'd waited for years to find her soulmate. She'd kept faith in the stories her father had told her.

Now, as those stories and the Fates had promised, the stars had delivered him.

And after coming so terrifyingly close to losing him, she was determined now not to let him go.

Perhaps disturbed by this movement, as if sensing her agitation, he was stirring himself now.

And as much as she loved those eyes, all Teyla wanted to see right now was to see them close again.

The exhaustion and pain that still clouded them still tore at her heart.

"Sh, I did not mean to wake you. It is alright, go back to sleep. We are quite safe," she soothed him,

gently stroking his hair until, at last, the pain faded and the familiar smile re-appeared.

"S're?" he mumbled, trying, with typical stubborn doggedness, to stay awake.

"Yes, I am quite sure," Teyla assured him, dropping her voice into its most soothing, persuasive lilt.

"Now sleep. You are exhausted, Carson. You must rest."

It was a familiar battle of wills but, as usual, sweetness finally yielded to more superior strength.

Only when she was absolutely sure that he'd settled did Teyla allow herself to do the same.

Around them, now shut out by a mantle of sleep, Atlantis continued to recover and regroup.

In private sanctuary, safe in each other's arms, sweetness and strength slept on in peace.

They'd never be truly safe, of course, until the deadly threat to their lives was defeated.

But they'd survived today. Together, they would survive tomorrow.