Ok- I have been meaning to make a Harry Potter fan fic. ever since I made my pen name but it took me this long to think of something and write it down before I forgot it. So this is my first one… suggestions wanted!








Death Eaters-



huge fight…

A sudden throb in the back of his head is what woke him from his deep sleep. He opened his eyes and discovered this made his head hurt more- so he closed them. He tried to remember what happened besides the vague details. This was very hard considering his growing headache. He chanced another peak. This time he opened his eyes slowly.

Harry Potter was staring up at a clear, blue sky and a sun that told him that is was around breakfast. He rubbed his sore head and discovered a large bump and dried blood where it hurt. He also discovered that his scar was throbbing dully. That was never a good sign. He got to his elbows slowly and almost yelled in surprise when he discovered someone lying next to him. He looked around and to his horror saw a sea of bodies around him. He scrambled to his feet to see the whole scene.

Most were Hogwarts students, but there were a good number of people in masks and black cloaks too. He didn't know how many were dead or how many were just knocked out, as he was. He hoped to God that most were just knocked out. Then, with a sinking heart he remembered everything.


He was at Hogwarts before it happened. Ron and Hermione were furious at each other because Hermione heard a rumor that Ron was getting back with Lavender again so they weren't talking to each other. Harry was trying to restore peace for days but nothing seamed to be working. Then in the middle of the night- last night- there were massive explosions happing all around the Hogsmade and Hogwarts area and nobody knew the cause. It got to the point were the Head Mistress, Professor McGonagall, ordered the staff to start making portkeys to get the students out of there while they sorted it out. Already, almost everybody in Hogsmade apparated away, scared for their lives.

They were all sent to the mountains, off Hogwarts grounds, because it was basically too dangerous to walk with out the risk of being blown to bits. It was really starting to get out of hand. Now they were not protected by all the spells and charms and enchantments that were protecting Hogwarts. Probably, it was planed like this because the Death Eaters just happened to make an appearance.

Most people escaped in to caves or others were portkeied off to some other place- but some stayed to fight- Harry, Ron, and Hermione included. At first the Death Eaters were heavily out numbered but it looked like they were just trying to find something, and then get the heck out. Right when everything seemed to be calming down and Hogwarts winning, Voldemort showed up. Just the sight of him sent everybody running. Harry was shoved off with the crowd. Then without warning something hit him with such force that he blacked out.

-End of Flashback-

A chilly wind blew through his unruly black hair. He shivered as his memory flashed back at him. Then he then remembered Ron, Hermione and Ginny. Where were they? Where they hurt? Harry shivered again at the thought if something happened to them. He quickly bounded down the hill looking for any sign of the three. He hoped over bodies and scanned for familiar faces. He saw several people he had seen before in the halls. He wanted to be anywhere but here- he hoped it was all just a huge nasty nightmare… but it wasn't.

Every once in a while he would see somebody that was in the D.A. he stopped when he saw Neville and checked if he was still breathing. To his relief he, as was many of the other familiar faces, would probably recover… but some were not so lucky. After about 15 minutes of searching he saw a bushel of brown hair among the mess.

He quickly ran over to her and turned her over. For a moment he didn't know what to expect. For a couple for seconds nothing happened. Then he saw her take in a deep breath and turn over again. He was so relived that he almost smiled. Then he remembered Ron and Ginny. He quickly swallowed his relief and started searching again. Soon he found Ron as well but he still couldn't find Ginny. He searched and searched. He finally sat down on a ledge that over looked the battlefield and just hoped that she had taken a portkey back to Hogwarts, because she certainly wasn't here.

He guessed the battle had just ended maybe an hour before- and nobody had come looking for them yet. As he was looking out at all the people he felt his throat swell up and his eyes water. The Death Eaters were after him… not all the other people that stood up for him. All of these people protected him weather they knew it or not. Some even died for him… He quickly wiped the moisture from his eyes and drew in a deep breath to calm himself.

Then all of the sudden his scar seamed to burst open. He yelled out in surprise and pain. He looked around and sure enough he saw Voldemort appear behind him. He scrambled up, grabbing for his wand but surprisingly Voldemort didn't make a move. He was simply looking out at all the bodies with a cruel smile on his face.

"Look at all the death you have caused- we have caused, Harry… except you didn't even have to cast a single killing curse. You just had to exist." Voldemort let out a cold, cruel laugh that sent chills down Harry's' spine. Harry balled his hands in to fists. He wasn't going to be intimated- or at least show it.

Besides how could all of this be his fault? It infuriated Harry for him to say such a preposterous remark—but could he have a point?

He thought about it. If he, Harry, didn't exist, Voldemort would no longer be looking for him, he would no longer destroying peoples lives trying to find him. Yet he would just do it anyways, with or with out Harry. Though if Harry did exist, along with Voldemort, it would be just the same. So basically he had no choice but to kill Voldemort. That would regain peace in both the magical and muggle world, like it was for the first fourteen years people thought Voldemort was dead. But how he could kill Voldemort, he did not know. He cursed the prophecy that bound his fate with Voldemorts. Kill or be killed.

It was Voldemort's icy tone that brought him out of his thinking trance. "You have escaped me for your last time Potter. Now you shall pay for the humiliation you have caused me. People are starting to believe that I cannot kill a simple boy…" He paused for a moment, his nostrils flaring in either rage or excitement, or both. Voldemort took a deep breath and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"

Harry knew it was coming; he simply rolled out of the way, behind a boulder. It was still a very close shave though because he had expected him to monologue longer. Harry pointed his wand towards him from the ground. "Stupefy!" He didn't know if he could actually knock out the Darkest Wizard of all time, but he could try. Sure enough it was deflected with a wave of Voldemorts wand and another spell came hurling his way.

He had only seen this sort of curse when Voldemort was dueling with Dumbledore in his fifth year. He instead he rolled the other way- knowing that even though he might put up a shield- it would still probably do some heavy damage.

Now that he looked where he was positioned he discovered that rolling that way was almost as bad of an idea that trying to block the spell, because not only was he was vulnerable but also right if front of Voldemort.

He quickly got to his feet thinking of a curse that might actually work when he was sent to his knees by Voldemorts next curse. It was the Cruciatus Curse- the torturing spell. Harry struggled now not to scream out. He fell to the ground twitching and yelping. He hoped it would be over- he had never held it this long before. It was white-hot pain that seemed to rattle his very skull. Was Voldemort trying to make him go mad, like Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom? He was now absolutely screaming and wreathing in agony. At last Voldemort decided to lift it. Harry didn't even bother to get up. He just lay on the ground shaking, and trying to catch his breath.

All of the sudden Voldemort grabbed Harry by the neck and lifted him off the ground with amazing strength for a man that looked so feeble. He then shoved him in the side of the mountain, his head hitting it with a crack. Harry saw stars burst in front of his eyes. Once they cleared away he clearly saw Voldemort's wand pointed directly at his scar, which was now burning more than it had ever in his life.

Voldmort looked lively. "Say goodbye Potter," Harry was forced to look into his pitiless red eyes and pure horror surged through him. He knew he was going to die. Before he panicked his instincts kicked in and told him he had to get away so with out much thought; he kicked Voldemort in the shin.

Voldemort grip loosened as he stumbled and Harry took this opportunity to squirm out of his grip. Before Harry could do anything Voldemort had regained his composure and sent a blazing, sparking purple spell towards him that he had never seen before. It happened so fast Harry couldn't have possibly done anything.

The spell hit him and immediately took its effect. What ever it was, it seemed to be trying to tear his very soul in half. He yelled out in agony. He would have rather preferred that it would kill him instantly. On top of it all, it felt like his scar was on fire. As he hit the ground and was slipping in to the blackness that surrounded his brain he could have sworn he heard someone scream his name off in the distance…



Yea… sorta dark…. I know… but it will get better! Girl scout promise…

Anywho I practically have chappie 2 done but I just want to see the feed back I get and see if it's good before I post it up… I won't be one of those gambler types and say "Won't post up chappie 2 until I get 10 reviews!" or something but I will say the more reviews I get… the faster I type! lol.