Sorry for the long wait! My birthday was on the third so I haven't gotten around to typing this story for a while! PLEASE DON'T RIP OFF MY HEAD! Lol…

Anyways the long awaited chapter 17. \o/


Ron, Hermonie and Katherine awed over it for a while. "I didn't realize how big it was from the inside…" Katherine gawked.

Hermonie was the first to snap out of her daze. "C'mon guys, Harry's in there." She reminded, snapping Ron and Katherine out of their trance as well.

"Let's get going." She said and started walking, Ron and Katherine following behind silently. It wasn't that long of a walk, but it felt like an eternity. Soon they were starting to approach the clearing in the woods. At this point Hermonie stopped and pulled something out of her pocket. When Katherine first saw it at Hogwarts she thought it was just a silky blanket… that is until Hermonie draped it around herself and turned invisible. Katherine gasped. Before she could question though, Ron grabbed her by the elbow and walked her to Hermonie, who threw the blanket over them as well. Ron had to bend down so their feet wouldn't show.

With out saying a word they all started the clumsy walk over to the castle, stepping on each other's feet and tripping over the hem of the cloak often.

Finally they made it over to the castle wall and Katherine started to direct them to the window they escaped. She was having a hard time remembering. She would stop, look back, and suddenly keep going, sending Ron and Hermonie for a whirl. Finally she stopped once, looked back, and turned around. Ron finally blew up at her, but quietly. "Urgh! We've already checked this window! Will you just find it already!" He whispered harshly.

Katherine suddenly looked excited and pointed to the barred window they were standing in front of. Ron and Hermonie bent down to examine the room. It was just a hallway, lit up by flickering torches, but what made the hallway unique was a door that's outline glowed purple.

"You think Harry's in there?" Hermonie asked in the quietest of whispers. Katherine nodded vigorously. Hermonie bit her lip nervously and took out her wand. She looked at Katherine one last time for reassurance, but she was already staring at the glowing door intently. If this wasn't the right door, they were screwed, to put it lightly. Hermonie mumbled a severing charm a Ron reached out and caught the bars before they fell to the ground.

Hermonie then took the invisibility cloak off Ron and Katherine and quietly slipped in to the hallway to see if the coast was clear. Ron and Katherine stared intently at the spot where they thought she was waiting for her signal. After a while, they started getting worried. Why was it taking so long?

Suddenly Hermonie materialized right in front of them. Katherine and Ron jumped and had their mouths open in a silent scream. Hermonie found it slightly amusing but she stayed strictly to business. "Coast is clear. Lets go." She said, turning towards the door. After a second of regaining their bearings, Ron and Katherine jumped though the window as well, Ron throwing the bars he was still holding in to the forest.

They examined the glow around the door. To help them out Katherine whispered, "When I was in there, if we got within five feet of the door, it threw us back, not allowing us to touch it. When I was uh… taken out… they used some sort of spell to make it come back again."

Hermonie nodded, thinking. "It sounds like some sort of repelling spell." She said quietly, gently tapping her wand to her temple. After a minute she tried a Latin sounding jinx, but to no avail. She paused thinking again, then said a different spell. It didn't work. She then tried a series of spells, ones that Katherine had even heard her Aunt use when the bathroom door got locked.

Hermonie was trying all the counter curses against repelling jinxes she knew, but she was starting to fell heavy hearted. Finally she was starting to think about giving up and just saying spells off of memory when suddenly the purple outline faded away. She didn't even notice though and kept listing off spells. "Uhh… Hermonie… you did it." Ron said poking her out of her stupor.

She stopped, and was startled to see that he was right. "Oh…" She said sheepishly. Then Ron dug into his pocket and pulled out a knife, very similar to the one Sirius gave Harry in their fifth year, if not the same. He slid it through the lock and there was a click that made everybody's heart soar. Ron pulled out the knife and noticed it was not damaged, so he pocketed it again. Then he reached out to pull open the door slowly.


McGonagall held her wand tighter as she dueled with a newer Death Eater. She could tell he was new because he didn't use as many unforgivables as the more experienced of them. She was quickly able to deflect a sickly yellow stunner and she was able to catch him off guard with a stupefy.

Then she turned around to help an auror who was having trouble taking on two. She was able to quickly knock him out as well and went looking for someone else to duel when a few of the ministry members gave up their duel and ran. Curious to see why, she looked around a fighting auror in front of her and saw none other than Voldemort standing there. He had a ministry member by the neck and she heard a snap as his neck broke, killing him instantly.

Horrified, McGonagall didn't move, glued to where she was standing. Dumbledore always told her to be prepared for when the time came for her to finally meet the Dark Lord. So when the blood red eyes turned to her, she had already shaken off her shocked face, but she couldn't help her shaking hands. "Hello there Professor, how nice it is to finally meet, and kill, you." He said amused in his own little sick way. McGonagall could only stand there, shaken to the bone.

She knew she had to get out of this trance in order to survive. She surprised herself when she thought 'What would Harry do?' Thinking that, she was able to finally break free of what ever was holding her back and she got in to a battle stance, knowing that she would probably not survive. 'For Harry' she decided in her mind.


It took a second for their eyes to adjust to the darkness but when the finally did, they saw a figure lying towards the side of the room. When the door opened the figure's head snapped up revealing untidy black hair and glasses. He was looking at the door wearily, not really sure who had come.

"H-Harry?" Hermonie squeaked.

He squinted, looking at her closely, but then his head fell back to the ground. "Darn it. Another realistic dream." He mumbled. They all stood in the door way for a second, not saying anything, but then Hermonie rushed in, picked him halfway up and hugged him.

"No Harry, it's not a dream." She said pulling away, and helping him to his feet.

Ron was already at his side, helping him up as well. "We're here to rescue you," Ron explained smiling. Harry still couldn't believe it and was looking at Ron closely.

"Ron," he said. "Is that really you?" He asked as if Ron would never lie to him.

"The one and only," Ron replied.

"And Hermonie?"

She nodded, smiling.

"And… Katherine?" He asked, as if shocked to find her there.

"Yep, we need to move guys." She said, checking the hallway. "Oh… and," she ran up and hugged Harry, "I'm glad your okay." She whispered. Then pulled away just as quickly. "Lets go."

"So… so this really isn't a dream." He asked, leaning on Ron and Hermonie for support and they hobbled out of the room.

"Nope" Ron simply replied.

"B-but how?" He asked.

"Well it's sort of a long story… so I'll try to make it short. Katherine and Sara came to us after they escaped and we made plans to rescue you. The Order made a fake HQ and reviled it to some Death Eaters so we could draw them and You-know-who out. Katherine came with us for guidance and now we are supposed to get you out as fast as possible so the Order can all apparate away." She said taking a long breath in after wards.

As they approached the broken window Ron said, "Okay, we need to get you up and out of the window… so you think you---"

"Shhh!" Katherine suddenly exclaimed, tensing. The others did the same, looking down the hall. Suddenly Crabbe and Goyle appeared around the corner yelling, "FREEZE!"

Instead of doing that though, Ron broke away from Harry and pulled out his wand. Hermonie quickly handed Harry off to Katherine whispering, "go," and drawing out her wand as well.

For a second Katherine just stood there with Harry's arm draped across her shoulder, but as soon as the first stunner was sent at them, she decided she had to get Harry away. She closed the distance between the window and them, and Ron and Hermonie started dueling with the Death Eaters. "Can you get up yourself?" She yelled over the battle noises. He nodded and Katherine let him struggle though it. As soon as Harry was safely out she followed behind.

"C'mon!" She demanded but Harry stopped her.

"We have to wait for Ron and Hermonie!" He exclaimed.

"We don't have time, if they alert others we will have one heck of a time trying to get out of here! Plus they know where to go!" She said, grabbing him by the hand and running up in to the woods. Harry was having trouble keeping up, but he must have decided she was right and followed behind silently.


"Duck!" Hermonie yelled to Ron, and he did so, a flaming orange spell fringing the top of his hairs. Then she leaped out of the way of a killing curse. She retaliated with a few well-placed stunners, but they were all deflected. Ron was by her side, taking on Crabbe.

Hermonie suddenly cast a fire curse at Goyle, and it exploded at his feet, causing his aim to go haywire. A pink spell administered from his wand as he fell back, but it hit the wall, and bounced around the hall like a bouncy ball, until it hit Ron.

Suddenly Ron started dancing. He looked down at his unresponsive feet. "WHAT… KIND OF… DEATH EATER… WOULD CAST… THIS?" He yelled, panting in his effort to stop.

While Ron's dancing had Crabbe distracted, Hermonie cast a stunner at him, knocking him back as stiff as a board. She then checked on her opponent for the first time and she saw that he had hit his head when he feel back and he was also knocked out.

Hermonie quickly counter cursed Ron's jinx and he fell to the floor, exhausted. "Let's go lazy bum, Harry and Katherine are probably already at the brooms by now." Ron mumbled something to defend himself, but Hermonie didn't catch it and climbed out of the window. Ron quickly followed behind, and if they would have stayed for just a second longer, they wound have heard a swish of a cloak and a 'pop' as Knott went to warn his master of what just happened.



Ugh… I had no idea this story would be this long… is coming closer to an end though so HA! To my wonderful reviewers!

Werewolf777- I hope I answered some of your questions in that chapter!

Athenz- It's a size of a book, that's for sure… but I am really trying to complete it, its just hard. Lol.

Mpro1- The Gods must be smiling upon you… another update! Even if it took FOREVER!

With my other story I always ask a question at the end of a chapter so I think I will start on this one too… Who has ever been in a 911 situation? Review if you have or haven't or somewhere in between.