"And the guy says, get ready for it, 'Shut it, I's got no spouse, youse got's it.'"

"Ha, Ha, Ha"

"Oh man, good one Anakin."

Three men were sitting around a round table (A/N Duh!). There was a pack of cards on this table right in the middle. Scotch glasses surrounded it, some empty, others half full. It was sometime after 10pm and all the men, dare I say it, were fairly drunk.

The three men were as follows: Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the greatest Jedi to ever live. He holds the record for how many of Yodas gruels you could eat.

Record: 57Years Held: 16

(So this would mean that Obi-Wan was 15 when he did this, or round about.)

The second man was the brother in law of Anakin Skywalker, Darred. Darred had curly blonde hair, that was cropped short (It seems that the Naberrie sisters love blondes, wink, wink) around 5'11 and well build. There is a story the Padme's mother loves to tell, about dear Darred. This is the story of how Darred proposed to Padme's sister Sola. They were travelling across a lake as wide as…. Say…. 20 big parks, when all of a sudden, the boat conked out. The young couple waited for about an hour, and then all of a sudden Darred got down on his right knee and said then and there

' Sola you are the love of my life, I want to be with you always. I know we are young but. Will you marry me?'

'Well I'm going to have to.'

' Um, why?'

'Because I'm pregnant'


The third man at the table was, the one, the only…. Anakin Skywalker. If you don't know who he is…. get out!

Any way, three guys, an empty scotch bottle, pack of cards, after 10 PM, a round table. All this could only add up to one thing…

Poker Night!

"Hey bro, how come Padme let you have us over this weekend?" Darred asked.

"Oh the kids and her are in Theed to see the new queen. Man I tell ya, you Naboo go through queen's like a pair of socks."

"Huh?" Darred replied "But I thought she…"

"Gave up that life yeah so did I. HA! I tried to convince her not to go. But noooooo, besides Leia wanted to go see the gardens and Luke wanted to see the Starships."

"You mean Padme left you. Here. Alone. In her house. After the cupcake thingy." Exclaimed Obi-Wan.

"Yep, pretty much. That cupcake thing was 7 years ago, no biggie no more." Anakin replied smugly.

Silence. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Then…

" Ha ha ha ha ha good one Anakin, OH good one!" Burst out Obi-Wan. Darred was chuckling into his glass, as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh please Anakin tell another!" Obi-Wan finished, as he was whipping tears from his eyes.

"Well, that was not very nice, Obi-Wan. And to make you pay for that comment, you're going down, To Skywalker town." Anakin said, while he reached for the cards.

"Alright, bring it on. You in Darred?" Obi-Wan asked.

"You two and a game of cards…..Hell yes!"

"Great, what game do you have in mind Anakin?" Asked Obi-Wan. Turning his head to look at the man sitting next to him.

"What else boys. Go fish!"

"Ok everyone, we're home now." Padme said to her children, who were both rubbing their eyes. "Come on you two time for bed."

"But Mommy, I wanted to see Daddy" whined Leia

"I know Honey, but it's late and he's probably sleeping by now." Padme said as she picked up her young daughter.

Leia was asleep in an instant.

"Luke" Padme tried to get her son's attention. But he was looking down at the basement door. "Luke, sweetie pie."

"Huh, what sweet pie mom?" Luke asked, looking around.

Padme just rolled her eyes. "Luke can you get up to your room while I put your sister to bed."

"Huh, what? Oh sure, sure mom"

"Good boy" Padme started up the stairs "Luke try to change into your PJ's without putting your pants on your head."

At this Luke rolled his eyes at his mothers retreating form. A noise came from the Basement.

"What was that?" Luke looked (A/N Try saying that 5 times) at the door suspiciously "Right time to go see what the heck is down there. Wait what if mom comes back down. Hmmm, oh I know 'Mom I believe that my PJ's are in the basement.' Perfect, she'll think I'm the greatest son in the world!"

"Obi-Wan you cheated!" Anakin complained.

"I did not"

"Did too"

While the two grow men argued, Darred noticed a little boy creep down the stairs.

"Ah guys"

"Whatever Obi-Wan, you were always jealous of me"

"Never! You were of me.

"Um guys…" Darred started to wave his arms around like a Gorilla.

"Sure Obi-Wan" Anakin said, and in his drunken state added. "And you know what, you can get (This bit is censored for children and older people alike!)"

Darred's eyes bugged out of his head. "Oh man." Darred said as he slapped his head "Uh bro Anakin."


Darred pointed to his nephew.

"Hey dad what does that word mean?"

"Uh oh, Padme's gonna kill me."

What will Padme do to Anakin? When might Luke come out and say that word?

So what do you think of the first chapter. Well let me know by, tap, tap that little button. BYE!