Disclaimer: I don't own YYH

Author's Note: I just want to state that this story takes place after Yuusuke returns from the makai.

Extended Summary: (PLEASE READ!) Kurama and the others are trying to get back to their normal way of life after the Makai Tournament. It's actually quite hard for them all. Yuusuke keeps getting the urge to fight, and the thought of returning to the makai keeps crossing his mind, but he doesn't want to leave Keiko. Kurama seems to be having trouble with his other self again, Youko Kurama. Kuwabara loves Yukina, but he's trying to move on and try to get a date with a human, and Hiei keeps lying to himself and says that he doesn't miss any of his former teamates, when he really doesn. Includes some YuusukexKeiko, KuwabaraxYukina and some other minor pairings or mentioning of pairings like HieixMukuro There's NO KuramaxHiei.

Chapter 1

Shuuichi Minamino enjoyed the familiar yet refreshing aroma of roses as he walked by the beauty shop at the corner of his street. Following him was his younger step-brother, who ironically had the same name and personality as his elder sibling.

Shuuichi was now eighteen, he was quite different than what someone would expect as a young adult. His crimson hair was to his mid-back and it rested on his delicate shoulders. He was slightly above average height and had a slender body, but was in no way weak. His eyes were a deep emerald, along with his hair, he almost resembled a rose. In fact, Shuuichi was very similar to a rose. Even a rose has its thorns...

The sun was high in the sky, but it was blocked by gray cotton-like clouds that made their way through the area last night. The sun would peak out ever once in awhile, but it was mainly dark and gloomy.

Shuuichi and his brother finally made their way to a ramen restaurant that belonged to Mr. Yukimura, Keiko's father. She had invited them both over for her birthday and something good to eat. As expected Shuuichi heard Yuusuke and Kuwabara's voice as he opened the entrance door into the restaurant.

The room was brightly lit and steamy, it was filled with many recognizable faces. Keiko, who was standing behind the counter noticed the brothers walking in. She greeted them with a warm smile. It took quite a bit longer for Yuusuke to notice though. He was busy participating in a lively arm wrestle. His opponent, Kuwabara, who wasn't as strong, but kept up with his rival. With one large burst of energy, Yuusuke slammed Kuwabara's hand to the table causing the salt shaker to fall over.

"That's quite enough Yuusuke," Keiko yelled while placing her hands on her hips.

Unlike usual, Yuusuke didn't have his hair gelled back. The change seemed to affect Yuusuke's personality. He cast a grin at Keiko and slouched back into the booth. "Hey, Kura... Shuuichi, long time no see," Kuwabara stuttered.

"Indeed it is."

The Shuuichi brothers sat down at a table adjacent to where Yuusuke and Kuwabara. Keiko took off her apron and untied her hair. She soon stat next to Yuusuke.

"Seventeen already, it feels like yesterday when we first met," Yuusuke said as if he was playing his words. They were working too, Keiko blushed and turned away from him.

Shuuichi Minamino couldn't help but let a smile form with his lips. He couldn't believe how far the two came. When he first met them, all they did was fight, but now it's as if they were always flirting with each other. They could even be classified as a couple.

Yuusuke wasn't the only person who changed, Keiko had as well. Her hair was now completely healed from the burns she had received. She had also grown since her middle school years. Her legs were long and slender.

At that moment Keiko's mother entered the room wit ha brightly lit cake. The lights suddenly turned off in the room, and her father came out from the corner. His eyes reflecting the light glow from the candles. Mrs. Yukimura took her time reaching the booth. Each time Shuuichi saw her, it seemed as if she aged two years. Instead of having her chocolate brown hair, it was now dull and wavy with some strands of gray showing in random places. She finally placed the heavily iced cake with big blue letters reading 'Happy Birthday', down on the table. Her parents and the Shuuichi brothers huddled around the booth in anticipation.

"Yuusuke, why don't you start?" Mr. Yukimura started.

"Why me?" he answered. He pointed to himself and felt himself get hot. Mr. Yukimura never joked. He had a trembling voice as he started the song out, but when everyone else joined in, his voice went back to normal.

After the song was finished Keiko blew out the candles. Causing smoke to slither up into the air. The room became even smokier and quite hazy.

"I'll go open a window while I get the plates." Mrs. Yukimura stated as she walked into a room behind the counter.

Yuusuke was about to take a sliver of icing off the cake with his right index finger, but Keiko's eye saw and gave him one quick slap on his arm. Yuusuke reclined and patted his arm to try and ease the pain. "Geez, woman."

"You haven't learned anything have you, Yuusuke Urameshi." Keiko said with a bit of girly tone in her voice.

Yuusuke lowered his shoulders like a sad puppy dog. Whenever Keiko referred to Yuusuke with his full name, that was her queue to not mess with her.

Mr. Yukimura let out a boisterous laugh. "I can't wait until you two get married."

Yuusuke and Keiko both looked up at him at the exact same time. "You're joking right Dad?" Keiko said with a strict voice.

"Do I ever joke. If I remember correctly, he proposed to you a while back didn't he?"

Keiko crossed her arms and closed her eyes in anger. "You didn't actually fall for that Dad did you? He was just doing that so I wouldn't go and get another boy friend while he was gone."

"Oh is that so? Where did you go off to anyway Yuusuke. You sure were gone for a while."

The room fell silent. Keiko looked up and stared at Yuusuke waiting for what his response was.

"Geez, yr' all actin as if you were dead. Forget what I just asked.

"Oh, well I just went to a Detention center, that's all." Yuusuke said with reinsurance.

Keiko let out a deep sigh, and shook her head because of Yuusuke's stupidity. "Hey, Mrs. Yukimura is back, let's have some CAKE!" Keiko said trying to change to subject.

Kuwabara reached across the table and went to whisper into Yuusuke's ear. Geez, a detention center, you could of thought of something better than that. Now her parent's won't you around her."

"Well it's not like they wouldn't believe me." Yuusuke shouted back causing Kuwabara to cringe.

"You do have a point, I guess."

Mrs. Yukimura put a plate in front of everyone and started slicing the cake. She gave the first piece to Keiko, and then two bigger slices to Yuusuke and Kuwabara.

"Wow you're pretty good Keiko's Mom!" Kuwabara said before he completely devoured the marble cake.

Mrs. Yukimura finally handed to slices to Shuuichi Minamino and Shuuichi Hatanaka. "Hope you enjoy you two." she replied with a smile.

"I'm sure I will." Shuuichi Minamino complemented as he cut a small sliver from the top and placed it into his mouth. "Very good like usual."

"I'm sure you're mother cooks well too, I'd like to meet her some time."

Once the party was over the gang walked over to the nearby playground. They would often do this, not to play, but to talk. Yuusuke and Keiko headed over to the double swings like they usually would, and talk it out. Kuwabara climbed up to the top of the slide, making aloud clanging noise each step, and sat on top deep in thought, while the two Shuuichi's placed themselves on the merry-go-round and would every so often spin it by pushing their foot off the ground covered in mulch.

The weather still wasn't the greatest. It looked like it would rain any minute, but no one really cared. They wanted to get out of the restaurant, and Shuuchi didn't admit it, but he was getting sick of the ramen smell that blanketed the whole room they were in.

"Hey, you guys. Want to play squash the watermelon?"

"Seriously Kuwabara, don't you think we're a little too old for that."

"Actually, I don't mind. I used to play that all the time while in elementary."

Yuusuke's eyes rose. "You really want to play?" he asked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Sure whatever you say." he said as he stopped the swings motion and went over to the slide.

The younger Shuuichi jumped off the merry-go-round and soon joined his older friends.

"Hey, Shuuichi elder. Don't you want to play?" Yuusuke yelled while he was half way up the ladder.

"No, that's quite alright. I'd rather watch."

"Suit yourself. Yuusuke said as he pushed Kuwabara down the slide. He slid down lightning fast since he had pants on. When he reached the bottom he nearly slid off, but was able to stay on.

"Hehehe, get ready for hell, Kuwabara!" Yuusuke announced.

Kuwabara, like a mouse, grabbed the sides of the slide, and made sure his feet were well balanced on the ground. He was acting as if a bomb was about to go off.

Yuusuke, slid down with his shoes pointed out. He slammed into Kuwabara's back causing him to jump up in pain. "That's cheating you jerk!"

Next was Keiko, unlike Yuusuke she slid down delicately and slowly. She touched Yuusuke like a feather, Yuusuke had to turn around and make sure she had actually slid down.

Kuwabara was having a harder time of staying on the slide. He kept pushing back but every time he did, Yuusuke would thrust himself forward, causing him to slide forward more. He kept sliding his feet into their was no much left except dirt.

The last to come down was Shuuichi Hatanaka. He had a mischievous grin on his face. Keiko became nervous because of this and tried to lean forward as much as she could. "Too intimidate them, Shuuichi slammed the top of slide three times, which caused a loud rippling noise, that was very annoying.

"Go easy on her Shuuichi," Shuuichi Minamino warned.

Shuuchi Hatanaka rolled his eyes and finally sat down. He pushed himself and went speeding down like a bullet. Keiko and Yuusuke both jumped off the slide, causing Shuuichi to collide with Kuwabara. He flew off the slide and landed on his bottom with a big bang.

"Hey you cowards!" Kuwabara yelled as he brushed himself off and rubbed his butt. "God you little devil."

Yuusuke started laughing with little self control. Even Keiko started giggling a bit. "You flew off like a rocket!"

"Yeah I could image, putting into fact how fast this little guy was flying down that slide.."

"Shuuichi Minamino walked over to the group and gave his younger brother a little pat on the shoulder. " Shuuichi, I told you not to go too fast."

"You told me to go easy on Keiko, and I did. I didn't even hit her. I hit Kuwabara."

For once Shuuichi elder was out worded, he sighed, shook his head, and walked back over to the merry-go-round.

To be continued...

This is my second fanfic of YYH. Personally I like it better than the first one because I have no original characters, and it's more realistic I guess you could say. Or at least the most realistic as you can get on YYH Please read and review! I want to know what you think.