Disclaimer: I own Cds and hot chocolate. That is all.

A/N: So, my lovelies...another story begins! Er...please don't despair. I know I am bad at finishing my stories. But please, bear with me. I am still working on Learning to Breathe and The Girl From New York. But I am going on another streak of fandom, so here is my way to get it out of my system. Yes, yes. So, err...read and review. Please?

He he. I bought a Lost 2006 Calendar. It's going to be June all year! -posts sexy Josh Holloway picture on the wall-

Er...on with the story. Ahem.

Summary: Kate thinks she's got everything figured out for herself at Hogwarts. She has great friends, she is a smart student, a member of Gryffindor, and has even won more-than-a-friend attention from one Harry Potter. That is, until the infuriating–and disturbingly handsome–Cedric Diggory starts meddling with her plans...and her heart.


Someone Like You

Chapter One: Just Kate

"The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving." -Oliver Wendell Holmes


"Oh, Katie, our little honey...will you be okay?" Meredith, Kate's mother, asked.

"Yes, Kath, anything else you need?" John, Kate's father, joined in.

Kate rolled her eyes. "Mama! Papa! It's not like it's the first day of school. I can handle going to a different school. I'm almost sixteen!" she protested.

The three of them were standing on platform nine and three-quarters outside of the Hogwarts express. It was Kate's first time to Hogwarts. She had just moved to London from Madrid, where she had been previously attending the Magnifico School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in southern Spain.

She was a born Spaniard, with dark curly hair and livid blue eyes as deep as the sea. She had sharp, attractive features and was medium height, unlike her brother, who was 21 and only 5'4".

There were dozens of students of all ages running about them, both trying to get away from their parents and catch up with their friends. Kate glanced at them as they all kept going by. Surely, if they were so excited, it couldn't be so bad...

Kate suddenly lost her air. Her parents had grabbed her in a huge hug, literally suffocating her.

"Mum!...Dad! You're embarrassing me!" Kate squeezed out.

They let her go, stepping back awkwardly. Kate hoped no one had seen that. She needed to make a good first impression if she wanted to make friends.

Her eyes dashed about nervously as Meredith and John smiled at her. "Mi chica...sea verdad a usted mismo." Meredith muttered in Spanish. It meant "My girl...be true to yourself." She looked away. She was deeply saddened every time they said goodbye to Kate. It was like losing part of herself for 10 months, and it tore her apart inside.

John bent over and put his strong hands on Kate's shoulders. "La buena suerte, my hija." He said quietly to her. It meant "Good luck, my daughter."

Kate knew after her first year how her parents always gave her advice before she left for school. Despite the fact that it seemed overplayed and predictable, she tried to think of what they had said all year long.

"Goodbye..." Kate said quietly, flushing. She loved her parents. They made her everything that she was. She looked at them for the last time for 10 months and then turned around, walking hurriedly towards the train.

Kate was particularly thinking about what her mother had said. "Be true to yourself." It was so simple. But in the texture of those words, there was a lot to be learned and Kate would certainly be tested on being true to herself that year.

Kate walked bravely onto the train, and into her new world, her new home. She looked around, walking nervously down the isles to find an empty car. She found one at the very end of the train. She opened and shut the door, and sat down, getting comfortable in the roomy space.

She breathed in heavily, taking in the new essence. What would this year entail, she wondered. She had thought it was going to be a dramatic, despairing escapade when her parents first told her they were moving. She was so upset she had spoken many Spanish swears and stormed to her room. But she had recently begun to look at the move and a new experience, and new adventure, and a new challenge.

Kate smiled slightly to herself. The car was extremely quiet. The peace rippled through the air with undisturbed majesty. She was inspired.

Kate pulled out a book from her bag, crossed her legs sophisticatedly, and opened it across her lap. She was reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Jane Austen was her favorite author ever since she was a young girl and her mother read the books to her. This book was her particular favorite. She was absolutely entranced by Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, how they hated each other, and how they found love.

Kate wished for a Mr. Darcy. She had never been in love before, never had a boyfriend, never even been kissed...

Maybe he would be at Hogwarts.

She laughed to herself. Yeah, right.

Kate had become very involved in her reading. She saw the livid imagery created by the words on the page in her mind. The book had come to life for her. It was absolutely magical.

And then...

The compartment door slid open silently and quickly. Kate glanced up to see three students, probably about her age, standing the doorway. One was a dark-haired boy with green eyes who was in the front, then a redhead boy and a brunette girl.

"Er...can we sit here?" the dark haired boy asked.

Kate nodded happily. Her chance had come. "Certainly, go ahead!" she obliged cheerily.

The threesome gladsomely sat down. The girl sat down next to her and the boys took the opposite side.

They introduced themselves(A/N: and of course, you already know who they are) as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Kate liked them already as they asked her name and seemed interested in what she had to say.

She had three new friends. It made her feel very happy, and the words of her mother kept coming back to her...

"Sea verdad a usted mismo."

They talked for hours, until Hermione announced they should probably get into their robes. A few minutes later, the train came to a halt.

Students flooded from their cars out into the hallway. Outside it was cloudy and dark, the air warm with anticipation. Kate tried to stay close to her new friends. She found it difficult.

They exited the train, stepping onto the platform outside. Hundreds of students were stilling there. A very tall scruffy man yelled out, "First years! This way!"

Dozens of smaller children followed the big man. Kate had been informed not to follow them. She had received specific instructions from Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, several weeks before in the mail with the materials she would need for that school year.

She had been instructed to merely join the first years when the sorting hat was presented. Kate knew very little about the houses at Hogwarts; they hadn't had them at Magnifico. What were they for? Why were they so important? She was sure she would find out soon.

Kate got into a carriage with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. There were two boys in there all ready, both with dark hair. One introduced himself and Neville and the other as Seamus. They seemed to like Kate as well.

It seemed as soon as they entered the carriage it was time to get out again. Rain had begun to fall steadily and lightly down.

Kate marveled at the majestic castle in front of her. "This is...incredible." she said, awestruck.

"Just wait until we get inside." Hermione said excitedly. Kate smiled.

Kate stepped forward through the great oak doors. The sweet scent of a new beginning filled her as she took in her surroundings. The high ceilings, the talking pictures, the buzzing students...everything in the atmosphere told her there was something more than what she believed would be there. An infinite mysterious feeling was contained in those walls, and it had just barely touched Kate. It was so simple, but so magnificent in is simplicity.

To make a long story short, Kate was sorted into Gryffindor, the house with the magnanimous and brave students. It made her feel confident, and she thought of what her mother had said again.

Kate sat down proudly at Gryffindor table as people around her applauded; the nearby Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws clapped as well. But the Slytherins held off. She had gathered that the Slytherins were where sly and sinister students were classified. Harry and Ron hated their guts; Hermione was a little more open-minded.

By the time Kate finally got to bed that night, she was truly happy. That was the first time that had happened in a few months. It was a relief to have that feeling again.

And she could only look forward to what the next day would bring...


I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd
But don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
But won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away
Away from me
It's all right
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy
Or anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me

It's not easy to be me

Superman(It's Not Easy) - Five For Fighting


A/N: Yeah, that chapter sucked, I know. Tell me about it. But it will get better, don't worry. I suck at starting stories, and I just want to dive right into the romance...but I can't do that! But please review. Those are greatly appreciated...

One thing, though...I'm trying to decide which story line to follow. Suggestions are welcome. Also, if anyone can guess my real age, you get 20 taco points:3

So please review! Much love.