Disclaimer: Not mine. I don't think, anyways…maybe it is? Nah…

A/N: Yep, I've jumped on the Harry Potter/Yu Gi Oh Bandwagon as well. Bakura and has his own body. Ryou visits his father in England, and Bakura wanders somewhere he shouldn't.


:Ryou to Bakura:

:Bakura to Ryou :

Vampires In London

"Um…Bakura?" Ryou asked hesitantly,

"What?" Bakura asked, looking up from his dagger.

"Well…Father is in England, and he sent me a letter asking me to come down and visit." Ryou said, holding up a letter.

"I thought you had school." Bakura mumbled, turning back to the dagger.

"Well…I do have school, but we'll only be there for a couple weeks and we'll be back before school starts.." Ryou answered. Bakura flinched, though Ryou couldn't see it. The yami could hear Ryou's longing to see his father, but he wouldn't do it without Bakura's support.

"If it means that much to you, hikari." Bakura said, tensing slightly when Ryou hugged him impulsively, before relaxing into it. It had taken a long time, but Bakura was starting to accept and, Ra forbid, even like Ryou's spontaneous emotional bouts and hugs.

"Great! Now let's pack and then I'll call father and he'll order a ticket!" Ryou said, nearly jumping with joy.

Check that, he WAS jumping with joy.

Bakura sighed, but let a small smile curl the edges of his lips. Making his light happy was a lot better than making him miserable, Bakura had found out.

Putting the dagger in his belt he stood and began to pack what he knew Ryou would pack, and he threw a few things in that he would want as well…namely his Duel Deck, an assortment of knives, and etc.

Ryou came running into the room, a bright smile on his face as he shut off his cell phone.

"Father had already placed a reservation, he just confirmed it after I called. We leave tonight!" Ryou chirped, hugging his yami tightly.

Bakura allowed it, staring over his light's shoulder out the window. He didn't want to leave, even if it was just for two weeks. He had just begun to be accepted by Ryou's friends, and even the Pharaoh was beginning to place trust in him. He had become fast friends with Malik and Marik, and he didn't want to leave.

But he would for Ryou's sake.

Besides, it was only until two weeks.

- - - - Time jump past he flight to Ryou's rented house.

Ryou happily unpacked his luggage, being sure to hand his yami the items he had packed for himself, whistling under his breath. His father was grocery shopping to stock their rented house, and he was happier than he'd been in a long time.

He hesitated in his unpacking for a moment, thinking on his yami. It was obvious Bakura agreed to come along to keep Ryou happy.

See, a couple months ago the yamis' woke up one morning to having their own bodies. Neither Yami, Marik, or Bakura could understand what happened, and neither did Isis or anyone else who might know figure it out. They still retained their Shadow Powers, and the mind link and soul rooms were still operational. The yamis' could retreat to their Item (like Bakura did for the plane flight) but they could also live outside the Item, and even in a different country, than their lights.

An example is that Yugi is in Japan still, while Yami went on vacation to Egypt, and they still were able to communicate, albeit for short spans, across the mind link. It seems that distance strained the link, where only short conversations can be exchanged before the link cut and they had to try again later.

But Ryou had begged Bakura to come because he couldn't bear leaving him in Japan alone.

And Bakura came, but he seemed depressed. Actually, he seemed bored. Ryou bit his lip, wanting to make his yami happy by letting him explore, but afraid of what might happen with his tempermental, easily-angered and kleptomaniac yami out in London unsupervised.

"I promise I won't do anything." Bakura whispered, and Ryou jumped, unaware he had been broadcasting his thoughts so that his dark could hear them.

"Do you mean it? No killing, sending people to the Shadow Realm, stealing, and all that?" Ryou asked, staring at Bakura with a stern expression.

"I promise not to kill, or send people to the Shadow Realm. But you know I can't promise not to steal. But I can promise I won't get caught." Bakura said, a sly smile lighting his lips.

Ryou sighed. "Nothing big. Nothing obvious." He said, crossing his arms.

Bakura grinned, the first smile since they'd arrived in London.


- - - - - On with Bakura's exploration!

Bakura stalked down the street, eyeing the people who passed him, glaring at those who stared. He didn't look THAT out of place, did he?

He wore black cargo pants, and a black T-shirt. His belt had one dagger, his favorite one that had a flying falcon for the hilt, but he had plenty more hidden with Shadow Magic where they would be easily accessible. He wore black hiking boots (the big heavy ones with treads) but dispite the fact that he wore them he didn't make sound when he walked. He didn't look TOO obvious, did he?

No matter. Maybe it was his white hair, his red eyes, and the fact that his fangs showed when he snarled at someone.

:Bakura: Ryou's voice echoed along the mind link.

:Yes: he sent back, glaring at another staring person, who lowered the gaze and hurried past.

:The news says it's going to rain. Are you near the house: Ryou's mind voice sounded worried.

:No, I'm not. Don't worry Ryou, I'll find a resteraunt or something to stay in until it passes, ok: Bakura responded, sending a warm feeling of reassurance down the link. He felt Ryou relax.

:Okay. Be careful though, ok? Call if you are in trouble or something. You could just return to the Ring…: Ryou suddenly added as he thought about it.

:Nah…I don't want to go back. It's boring. I'll stay out of the storm.: Bakura smirked.

:AND you'll stay out of trouble.: Ryou commanded.

:Of course.: Bakura cheerfully responded, before Ryou sighed and closed the mind link.

Bakura looked at the sky, it did look like it was going to storm, what with the humid air and overcast sky.

He glanced about for a place to stay that wouldn't be TOO boring.

Hmm…what in the world?

"The Leaky Cauldron," Bakura read out loud, cocking his head to the side. That would seem interesting enough, especially since a woman who wore a long, vibrant green cloak and a tall, feather hat had just entered it and the normally dressed people that walked beside her didn't seem to react to her outfit, which was even more odd than Bakura's.

Very interesting.

Bakura sauntered up to the door and entered.

Definitly interesting! There were all sorts of eccentric people here, and there was a strange aura of magic that was unlike anything Bakura had felt in his entire lifetime!

And it was defiantly magic, if the man stirring his cup without touching the spoon was any hint, or the broom moving itself about.

Well, now this was going to be very fun! Bakura mused, quite curious on how another magic source could exist that he didn't know about. This was too good to not look into.

He walked up to the bar and scanned the menu. Ryou could read English, therefore Bakura could as well.

"Can I help you sir?"

Bakura looked up, blinking russet eyes as the bartender looked at him oddly.

Che…as if he was the odd looking one here! But then again…he did stand out since he wasn't wearing a cloak. That would have to change. He'll have to get one. Snicker…

"No, just looking."

"Aren't you a little young to be looking at the alcohol section?" The bartender pressed, staring at Bakura suspiciously.

"I am, for your information, three thousand years old." Bakura replied back with a huff before he thought about it. But to his surprise the bartender eyed him again, taking in the pale skin, flaming red eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light, and the fangs that were revealed when Bakura smirked at him.

"Vampire?" the bartender hazarded a guess, trying to piece together what he had learned about them. The image seemed to fit. Fangs…red eyes…pale…creepy. Yes, defiinitly creepy.

Ryou had informed him what Vampires were, and Bakura was quick to latch onto the reasonable excuse to behave normally…which was bloodthirsty.

"Yes." Bakura hissed, letting his eyes flash. The bartender took it in stride.

"Don't get many vampires around hereabouts, but there will be some stores that sell items especially for your kind." He said, wiping out a mug.

Bakura grinned. He could like this place if they took something like vampires for granted and even sold stuff for them.

"And where can I browse those stores?" he asked.

The bartender glanced at him. "Hogwarts student?"

"Um…sure! Yes." Bakura said.

"First time student, then?" At Bakura's nod he smiled and motioned for Bakura to follow. "This way then, I'll show you where you can buy your school supplies."

A magic school? How interesting! He'll have to tell Ryou about it, so that Ryou would know where he was. He didn't plan to leave this place without exploring first, and since it seems to be busy, it's probably quite large. Just then the sky opened and rain pounded against the windows.

"Ah…well…maybe you should wait before buying your supplies. You want a room to stay in? This storm is supposed to be a doozy." The bartender remarked kindly. Bakura decided to be nice in return.

"Sounds like a good idea." The pale haired thief remarked, handing the bartender a handful of strange gold coins that he had looted as they walked through the inn.

"Very good, very good. Here's your key, and if you wish for food and drink, feel free to come down and order some." The bartender said, handing the spirit an odd assortment of coins back. Bakura grinned at him as he accepted the money and key.

"Well, thanks!" He said, walking off to his room.

When he left the bartender gave a small shudder. Vampires give him chills, what with their intense eyes that seemed to pierce the soul. And that one was one of the oddest ones he's met yet!

Bakura entered the room and was not disappointed. It seemed like a cozy enough place, but he had no intention of staying cooped up in here. Deciding to go back down to the main area, he'd watch the people coming and going.

And maybe get some food and drink as well, he was a bit hungry.

With a snicker, Bakura left and wandered down stairs.

- - - Skip to Harry, Hermione, and Ron!

"Wow that's some storm, eh Harry?" Ron remarked, watching the rain beat the windows violently.

"Yeah, sure is." Harry responded, moving his pawn forward a space and wincing when Ron's knight took it out. Hermione was reading one of the books she had bought that day. The three had spent the summer together over at the Burrow, and had arrived two days ago to get school shopping done.

"Blimey Harry, look at that bloke!" Ron's excited whisper cut though Harry's thoughts. He turned to see what Ron was looking at, Hermione looking up as well. Harry blinked in surprise at the odd kid.

He seemed to be about eighteen years old, and yet his hair was a pure, shining silver that hung down to his waist. He was dressed in black muggle clothes, and his skin was pale, which made his bloody red eyes stand out quite eerily. He stood at the entrance to the stairs, watching everyone.

"What do you reckon he is? He can't be human with those eyes!" Ron whispered.

"Please, Ron. Just because he has odd eyes does not mean he's not human. Though, it is kind of creepy." Hermione admitted, glancing at the boy again, her eyes following him as he went to an empty table that was in a corner near the door, and sat down.

He ordered and was soon brought what seemed to be a rare steak.

Check that, it was raw.

"Bloody hell…" Ron remarked, staring as the kid grinned, showing sharp canines, and dug into the bloody steak.

The three kept glancing at the odd boy every now and then, and they were not the only ones.

They overheard a pair of people at another table shooting glances at him and whispering. Harry leaned back, trying not to be obvious that he was eavesdropping, and tried to catch a word or two.

"Don't know what they're thinking, having vampires about. I thought they kept to themselves and out of public places." One witch whispered.

"For the most part they do, but the ones that can resist the sun will come out every now and then." A wizard hissed back, pulling his eyes away when the silver haired boy looked over.

"You mean some can resist the sun?" The witch gasped.

"Yes, no one knows why. That one obviously can. Ugh…vampires. They give me the creeps." The wizard muttered.

Harry looked at Ron and Hermione, and noticed that they had overheard as well.

"Vampire," Ron muttered, staring at the boy who had just finished his bloody steak and was licking the excess blood with a satisfied look on his face. Ron shuddered and turned back to his pumpkin pie.

The boy got up and left, heading up the stairs, and the three finished their meal before heading to bed an hour later.

- - - - Back with Bakura!

Bakura had been aware of the whispers and looks, and was quite amused. The steak was good though, very good. He hadn't had a good rare steak in a long time.

He lay on his bed, musing over the events of the day, when his thoughts were interrupted.

:Yami: Ryou's hesitant call was as clear as day, since they weren't too far apart.

:Yes: Bakura sent back.

:You okay: Ryou's voice sounded worried.

:Of course.: Came the reply, accompanied by a derisive snort.

:Where are you:

:Some inn.: And Bakura proceeded to tell Ryou the entire story. When he reached the end, Ryou was shocked.

:A magic school? Seriously? And you told them you were a vampire? Oh gods…well, if you say that they acted as if it was normal to have a…ahem…vampire there, then I'll believe you.: Ryou said, amused and knowing his yami wouldn't lie about this.

:Yes, I'm quite amused myself.: Bakura admitted. :I might just stay awhile, investigate the place. Since you'll be being homeschooled if I were with you I'd have to stay in the Ring when your father wasn't at work, and stuck in the house when he wasn't.: Bakura said, a slightly pleading note in his voice.

:I don't think it'll do any harm…as long as you keep to your promises and return to the Ring if anything goes wrong.: Ryou said.

:Of course.:

:Good night 'Kura.:

:Good night hikari:

- - - - In the Morning

The rain continued relentlessly, and didn't show any signs of letting up. Bakura sighed but decided to go see what the inn was serving for breakfast.

He left his room and nearly tripped over a orange cat that was walking by. It gave him a look and meowed its displeasure at nearly being stepped on.

"My apologies." Bakura muttered to the cat, smiling. He actually did like cats…one of the few animals that he admitted to liking.

The cat meowed again and rubbed against his leg, purring. Bakura snorted at the obvious plea for attention and picked up the animal, stroking its head as it purred louder.

He paused as he heard voices, and the cat perked up as well.

"I'm telling you, Ron, it's not right to jump to conclusions like that!" a girls voice came echoing, the footsteps drawing closer.

"Well, for your information, I…" the people came into view around a corner, and they stopped. Bakura's eyes narrowed slightly. These three were some of the ones who had been staring at him last night. There was a tow headed boy with glasses and messy black hair, and a red haired kid with freckles, and a brown haired girl with a snobbish look to her.

"Um…sir, can I have my cat back?" the girl asked hesitantly, reaching to take the cat from Bakura.

The thief eyed her, grinning mentally as the three tensed when he moved suddenly to set the cat down on the floor, where it rubbed his legs again and purred before walking to the girl.

"Thanks. I'm Hermione Granger." The girl introduced herself, picking up the cat.

"Ron Weasley." The red haired boy put in.

"Harry Potter." The black haired boy said, and tensed as if expecting some sort of reaction.

"Yami no Bakura." Bakura said, deciding it wouldn't hurt to introduce himself that way. It sounded impressive. A lot more impressive than 'Ron Weasley'.

"Nice to meet you, Yami." The girl said. Bakura scowled.

"Just Bakura, if you don't mind." He corrected, spinning about to head to breakfast. His eyes narrowed in annoyance as the three decided to follow him.

Then the rain decided to suddenly clear and let the sunshine through.

"Oh look! It's done raining! Now we can go to Diagon Alley!" The girl cried, and proceeded to lead the way somewhere.

Deciding this would be more entertaining than wandering around the inn or returning to Ryou, Bakura followed.

They wandered about, and Bakura, threw eavesdropping with the Ring, learned from those in the crowd around him that the Harry Potter kid was famous, and he learned about the school of magic…Hogwarts, and that there was a world wide community of 'witches' and 'wizards'. He picked up mentions of a Dark Lord and a 'you-know-who.'

"Well now, what's this? Potter, Weasel, and the know-it-all." A cold voice drawled from their left, interrupting Bakura's thoughts. "Oh, and they have a new follower as well!" Bakura's eye twitched at being called a follower of anyone, and turned to see the speaker.

A pale, blonde haired boy stood there with two big goons at his side, sneering at the three who had decided to follow Bakura. The three were glaring back as well.

"Shove it, Malfoy." The one boy, Harry Potter, gritted out.

"What are you going to do to make me, Potter?" The snob spat back. Bakura growled in annoyance. Stupid mortals.

He stepped forwards and the Malfoy kid turned to look at him, eyeing him up and down and curling his lip as if he disliked what he saw.

Which he probably did.

"Listen, kid, I follow NO ONE. Do NOT associate me with anyone, understand?" Bakura snarled, throwing caution to the winds and letting his eyes glow and his lip to curl back, revealing his fangs. Quite a nice effect, if he did say so himself, he thought as he watched Malfoy flinch away and pale even more.

"Do you know who I am? My father will have you-" He was cut off by Bakura waving a hand dismissively.

"Your father couldn't do a thing to me."

"Why you…" Malfoy seethed.

"Careful Bakura, his father's a Death Eater." Harry said, saying it like it was a curse and grinning when Malfoy shot him a dirty look.

"A Death Eater?" Bakura repeated, obvious confusion in his eyes.

"What, are you a mudblood or something?" Malfoy spat, backing away slightly when Bakura growled at him.

"Care define what a 'mudblood' is?"

"It means you come from a nonmagical family." The snobbish brown haired girl replied in a rush.

"Che…I've been doing magic for three millennia." He said, flipping his hair back.

"Three millennia?" The Malfoy kid repeated, eyes widening. "You lie."

"Yes, I do lie, but I'm not lying right now. I am over three thousand years old, kid, and you had better watch your step or I might decide I don't like you." Bakura snarled, smirking at his face.

"And what would happen then?" The kid said mockingly.

Bakura let an eerie grin spread across his face.

"I'll steal your soul, or what little piece of excuse you have for one, and seal you into the Shadows where you can suffer your deepest fears and nightmares for the rest of eternity. And, if I decide I don't like you enough, I will wander the Shadows every couple hundred years to pay a visit and torment your mind." He followed that up with a cackle, and the shadows that lay along the walls seemed to rise and twist about him.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione backed away, shock evident on their faces, mixed with a healthy dose of fear.

"YAMI NO BAKURA TOUZOKOU!" came a familiar voice.

Bakura flinched and dropped the Shadow Magic, pulling on an innocent façade.

"Ryou, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Father?" He asked, trying to divert his hikari's attention from the present situation.

"Bakura, you remember what I said?" Ryou said sternly, folding his arms and ignoring Harry or his friends, or Malfoy and his goons, who were busy staring at the 'twins'.

"Um…" Bakura began, playing dumb.

"NO killing, NO hurting people, AND NO STEALING SOULS!" Ryou shouted the last part, making Bakura cringe a bit and people stop to stare.

"Sorry…" Bakura mumbled.

"SORRY? You're SORRY? You PROMISED! You TOLD me you wouldn't! And I have to run all the way here because I felt you doing it! Gah! We're going back to the hosue. NOW. And you are not going anywhere if I'm not with you! I can't trust you in public alone, can I? Why…" Ryou ranted, grabbing Bakura's arm and dragging him away, ignoring his protests.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared after the two, wide eyed.

"Well…that was decidedly odd…" Hermione remarked.

"Yeah…" Harry agreed.

"Yup. So, anyone for Quality Quidditch Supplies?" Ron said, heading to the store, leaving a stunned Malfoy standing there, staring after the retreating forms of yami and hikari.

"Man if all vampires are like that, I never want to meet another one." Ron mused, and the other two agreed wholeheartedly.

- - - - -- The End.

Heyla, just thought to do a random HP/YGO fic for once. My first and probably only one, so be nice. One shot of Bakura in Diagon Alley, couldn't resist.