Evangelion: A Fool's War

Written by AgentKaji

Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or any of its associated properties/materials. Evangelion belongs to A.D.Vision and Gainax and any other companies associated its creation and development.

Author Note:

This is my first fanfiction. I've been reading fanfics for ages now and finally plucked up the courage to write one myself. Hopefully you'll find this chapter interesting enough to carry on reading the story, which I promise to update regularly (Big promise to make, I know!). It's basically a retelling of the canon with a few twists here and there which I don't think have been done before. As it is the first chapter, it will probably be modified quite a bit as the story progresses until I feel I have got it right.

Ok, that's enough of that….less of me, more of fanfic…enjoy!

Chapter 1: The First Test

-Nerv Headquarters-

"The Eva has activated itself! Its ripped out of both arm restraints!"

Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, computer genius and Head of Technical Division 1, sputtered and spilt half the coffee in the mug down her front. Cursing loudly, she shifted her gaze to the young Lieutenant who made the announcement.


Makato Hyuga, aware of the glare directed towards him hastily typed on his keyboard until a camera feed of the Eva cages blanked onto the holographic screen in front of the bridge. Everything, to her eyes, seemed to be in order. Except for the fact that Evangelion Unit-01 was missing and that giant claw like slashes and deep holes were present in the wall. No, she thought, nothings wrong at all. A wry smile played on her lips for a second and then it was gone.

"No! That's not possible! The entry plug isn't even inserted! That just can't happen!"

Sub Commander Fuyutski glanced at his superior, a questioning look in his eyes, but remained silent. The individual in question; Gendo Ikari, Supreme Commander of Nerv, watched calmly as bridge technicians and engineers ran wildly at this unexpected turn of events. The JSSDF Generals were in an uproar, questioning just about everyone near about what was going one. Their loud commanding voices were soon hushed, as was the voice of every single person within the Nerv base.

A large feral roar ripped though the command centre alerting everyone to the fact that Unit-01 was free and out of their control.

"Damn! Why did I have to lose him at a time like this? Why now?

Misato Katsuragi sped through the streets of Tokyo 3, hoping to pick up the Third Child in time. Sounds of gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance. Sighing, Misato thought resignedly; To be Operations Director of a secret organisation that no-one had even heard of…sucks

Losing the new pilot on the first day was definitely not a good start.

Ritsuko will probably chew me out…brilliant…

As she drove, she saw a giant green figure loom up in the distance, right in front of her. Shifting her Alpine into high gear, she drove off, almost hitting several abandoned cars in the process.


So intent was the Operations Director on the road ahead of her, that she did not notice a solitary figure standing at the entrance to an alleyway. As the figure slowly took a step back into the shadows of the alley, a pair of crimson eyes could be recognised and with these parting words it disappeared.

"Let us see how these lilim fare…"

Shinji Ikari, put down the pay phone, giving a sigh as it clicked into place.

"I guess we won't be meeting here…" he said disappointedly, making sure not to look too long at a rather risqué photo of a very attractive woman. The arrows pointing out various 'features' weren't helping to stop the colour from rising on his cheeks.

However all such thoughts quickly escaped him as the shaking ground and loud noises alerted him to a far more dangerous situation.


Missiles whizzed past, seeming to weave in and out of the small buildings, leaving smoke trails as they sped towards their target; a large humanoid figure, with spiny bone like features and a red orb on its chest.

-Nerv Headquarters-

"Where is it now?"

"…er, about 30 seconds from the target." Maya Ibuki barely kept her voice from trembling, as she answered the Commander. It was not because of him, rather because of the distant look she noticed in her mentor's eyes.

The JSSDF planes hovering around the monster seemed like flies and as Shinji Ikari saw, could be as easily swatted away.

Volley after volley of explosive ammunition was fired at the target, the tracers speeding through the air. With pinpoint accuracy any flight commander would commend they impacted on the target, engulfing it in smoke and flames. Seconds later a spike of energy shot out, knocking the plane out air like a bird with its wings clipped.

Misato veered round the corner in time to see the Third Child fall back from the explosion as the Angel crushed the JSSDF fighter. Hitting the breaks, she stopped in front of the bewildered boy. Opening the passenger door and putting on a smile that didn't really suit the situation, she greeted him.

"C'mon! Get in! Am I real late?"

He scrambled in as more explosions rocked the car, debris falling all around them. Misato, hand on gear stick, shifted into reverse and hit the pedal. A loud sputtering sound greeted their ears as the ancient car stalled.

Punching the dashboard she screamed at the wheel in dismay.

Shinji was speechless.

"What! No! dammit! Not now!"

However, her passengers terrified scream, made her look up and see the 'foot' of the Angel rapidly descending down on them. Thinking she would die she waited for the inevitable.

But just as the Angel was about to crush the helpless Operations Director and Third Child, a shimmering yellow hexagonal barrier materialised on top of them.

"What! An A.T. Field?"

-Nerv Headquarters-

"Eva Unit-01 has expanded its A.T.Field and made contact with the target."

"How is this possible?"

"Energy levels are..."

"…commands not accepted…

"We can't stop…"

Gendo Ikari looked on impassively. Arms on desk with his hands stapled in front of him.

Shinji was confused, scared and didn't know a thing about the woman next to him, who eyes were currently glued to the scene outside and, to Shinji's abject terror, was quietly muttering to herself. He now looked outside and swiftly pinched himself to check if he was dreaming, the pain that erupted in his cheek told him otherwise.

The planes had withdrawn to such great distance, he could barely make out the black specks in the sky, as the new garish, purple 'robot' appeared. It had started with a loud rumbling noise, seeming to shake the earth itself. Shinji thought it was an earthquake, this was further corroborated by the fact that roughly a hundred yards away the ground seemed to split open as a single clawed hand appeared. It was soon followed by a whole body, thrashing the surrounding areas and structures which were subsequently reduced to rubble. As the new colossus stood to its full height, it let out a blood curdling scream of unimaginable rage and sped towards the first giant. It was now taking part in a savage hand to hand fight with its green counterpart.

Misato was similarly confused. Unit-01! They found another pilot? Why the hell wasn't I told? However her mind came up with only one answer;


She was going to have words with the good Doctor when she got back. If she got back.

It was at this part that Misato came to her senses. Mentally kicking herself for her lapse in the middle of battle, she tried the car again, in her mind daring it to fail her again.

Please, please, please work!

A tense second later the engine roared to life.

"Hold on kid!" She grabbed the boy and pushed him back into the seat. Arm over the passenger seat, she reversed quickly, not looking when the Third Child screamed or when a bright flash lit up in front of the car. Not wasting a second, she spun the car around and sped of towards Headquarters. Silence reigned in the car, the only sounds were that of the deep breaths taken by the Third Child. Misato, as she entered onto a main highway, risked a glance in the rear view mirror.

Oh crap!

Her feat once again hit the breaks and covered the passenger's body with her own.

"Get down!"

Shinji, about to ask, what the hell was going on, suddenly found himself under Miss Katsuragi, moments later a large explosion rocked the car, the shockwave turning it over and rolling it on its side.

-Nerv Headquarters-

"Target has self-destructed."

"Status of Unit-01?"

"Unit-01 is silent. Power levels are receding."

"Very well. Begin clean up operations."

Sub-Commander Fuyutski sighed and relaxed as the emergency ended. Looking down at all the technicians running around readying the clean up operations, most were scared and confused, not that he blamed them of course. Fuyutski felt a small amount of pride at getting past this first step and how his subordinates handled the unexpected situation, despite the operation's more…unexplainable aspects. Looking down behind him, Fuyutski tried his best to hide the shiver he felt go down his spine, as he saw the smirk creep up on the Commander's face. I hope you know what you are doing Ikari.

My car…why God? Why? I only finished paying the last set of repairs last week…I need a beer…

Dusting of her hands Misato turned to her charge.

"Thanks Shinji. You're pretty useful." Grateful for his help with putting her car back on all four wheels, she regarded the boy through her sunglasses. He's not bad…

"Thank you. But I should thank you Miss Katsuragi-"

"Ah, 'Misato' is fine. So Shinji Ikari, we meet at last."

"…er, yeah."

They stood next to the battered car, which to Shinji's dismay, was still driveable. As Misato got in, he hesitated, recent events in the car playing through his mind. Miss Katsurag- Misato, he mentally corrected himself, at the driving wheel did not help ease it.

Misato mistakenly took his hesitation as fear for seeing an Angel up close and thought to reassure him. Poor kid, he doesn't deserve to go through this, putting on her best smile she said;

"Don't worry, I'll get us to Headquarters as fast as possible."


-Commanders Office-


"It was a success then…"


"How will you explain this to the Committee?"

Smiling he confidently replied "…Unknown factor"

"Will they believe that?"

"What they will and will not believe is none of your concern Doctor."

"Yes sir."

"How soon until it can be fully incorporated into Units 00 and 01?"

"This was only an initial test, it was only running at 70 capacity, and we still have no way of-"

"Can it be done, Doctor?"

"Yes sir, we can begin incorporating the Dummy Plug into Unit-01's systems fully, by the end of the week."

"Well then…make it so…"

"Yes sir…" Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, hesitated, as if waiting for something, looking expectantly at the Commander. He looked into her face, his impassive as always.


"Yes sir." She turned round and briskly walked to the door, aware of his eyes on her back. When it closed behind her, she let out her breath, put on a face of concentration and headed for the Eva cages. As she walked, she fished out a packet of cigarettes.


End of Chapter 1

Author Note:

Yes! I finished my first chapter. I never knew how hard it is to write Evangelion fanfiction, and I now have deeper respect for all of you that do.(Thumbs Up)

As you can see this is following the basic timeline but is hopefully going to fold out differently. I'll explain the Dummy Plug in later chapters. In staying with Eva, it is going to be semi-serious, but I'm going to try (Keyword: TRY) to inject some humour, it's not my strong point, I'll say that.

I'd just like to point out that the format used for this chapter, will probably only be for this chapter, with the constant scene switching. This was done so that I could set the scene. The next chapters will most likely be from Shinji's point of view, with a lot more detail. I may consider other pilot's points of view as well as they are introduced.

One last thing, I really hate when you are reading a really good story and the author (for whatever reason) doesn't finish it. I will try to finish this story before I start another. (Unless I have a really good idea that I just have to write down.)

Please Read and Review. Tell me what you liked about it, what you didn't, point out spelling/grammar and any other general mistakes. What about story? Like it? Don't?

Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. Don't flame me.

Until the next chapter…