Evangelion: A Fool's War

Written by AgentKaji

Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or any of its associated properties/materials. Evangelion belongs to A.D.Vision and Gainax and any other companies associated with its creation and development.

No author notes, just read the chapter, it's late as it is ;)

Chapter 10: The Man In The Middle

The building had the look of one battered by the elements, its roof of corrugated steel, rusted and dirty. Several windows were boarded up. Although the Second Impact had changed the regional weather into a perpetual state of summer, hot and very wet, it had not stemmed the tide of the Pacific Ocean. Even now, violent waves crashed against the harbour side, large explosions of water splashing against the concrete ground and walls. This had not stopped the owners from proudly displaying their colourful banner (Kichiro's Freight Services) to the rest of the dock yard. It was soaked, They hadn't had time to take it down. The red and green against granite grey colours shone through, even in the shade of overcast skies and turbulent wind. The building looked as if it wouldn't last much longer, before the pressures placed upon it eventually let it fall into ruin.

It was this building that he was currently looking at. He stood across the street, viewing the large warehouse as it stood in defiance against the weather. Like an old man too frightened to accept his fate the scornful thought came swiftly to his mind and went away just as quickly. It was unusual to for him to have such strong thoughts regarding such….trivial things. They were of no concern of his.

"Hmph… lilim? They do not deserve my…"

Pity… was the unspoken word, he chose not to dwell on the subject as something against the far wall caught his attention. It was a small cat, black with tufts of grey spotted over its body. He watched as it crept slowly, parallel to the wall, avoiding the growing puddles that formed under the roof. A smile unintentionally made its way to his lips as another wave of water was sent over the side, this time thoroughly soaking the kitten. As the water receded, the cat could be seen edging towards the back of the warehouse, its fur now slick and wet, a pitiful meow could be heard as it struggled to find protection from the merciless weather.

"Not even aware that its fate is being decided at this very moment."

The smile worn earlier left his face, his eyes glinting almost maliciously as he looked towards the events unfolding nearby. Turning his head, grey hair swaying in the wind, he watched as the purple one, the one they call Unit-01 ran full speed in his direction. It's pounding feet sending tremors and shaking the ground as it got closer and closer…and closer. He stared at the Evangelion, wondering what the boy inside was feeling as he fought yet another battle. A large explosion was soon heard, followed by another, then another. The blue one equipped with the Nerv positron rifle fired at the Seventh Angel, the impacts seemed to have little or no effect.

"They cannot harm us by such means, yet they still tr-"

He was cut off as the warehouse he had been staring at was crushed under the weight of Unit-01's feet. His eyes closed instinctively as dust and rubble flew in all directions, heavy pieces of concrete and steel holdings were thrown towards him. He remained silent, hands in pockets as all stopped just a few feet away, never reaching him. When the dust had settled, he stood stoic and unflinching as Unit-01 continued on its path towards the Angel. Putting a hand through his tousled hair, he stepped from the rubble strewn street and began to walk away from the ensuing battle. Large crashes and several explosions followed as he ignored the carnage around him. Stepping onto a large stone slab which had lodged itself into the street, he turned for one final look.

The purple one had jumped high into the air, a great dark shadow in the sky. It hung there for a moment as time slowed down, the giant spear like weapon was raised in preparation of one swift strike. And then down it went, like a comet, succeeding in splitting the Seventh straight down the middle. An unearthly quiet filled air. The wave of water created by Unit-01's impact subsided. The red one, which had stayed stationary throughout the whole battle moved forward, a large pistol in hand and held at the ready. The blue Unit remained where it was, it's weapon trained on the unmoving body of the Angel. He watched, amused, as they cautiously walked towards the Angel.

His eyes narrowed.

Hundreds of meters away, two bodies emerged and in synch, swiftly dispatched the off guard Unit-01. It was hurled into nearby mountainside, trees were swept aside like blades of grass. And then the loud roar of explosive munitions returned, this time Unit-02 firing at the two Angels with almost reckless abandon as they both approached. Seeming to realise the weapon was doing no damage, it was discarded in favour of the Progressive Knife. Pausing for just a moment Probably trying to decide which one to attack first…he thought. He watched with a small amount of astonishment as Unit-02 ducked under a swipe by one of the half Angels, and then launched a vicious slash at its counterpart.

"Impressive, very impressive…so that's why they chose you…"

He spoke softly, though an underlying hint of something far worse could be detected. Now intrigued he continued to watch this display of…power. Unit-02 dodged an attack only to hit by another. The knife flew out of its hands as it was left defenceless, it took a step back, almost as if contemplating retreat. A moment of indecision was all that was needed as the Seventh pounced, flying towards the red Evangelion before flanking and then attacking from the side. Two 'feet' of the Angels impacted on Unit-02, the torso distorted, almost bent out of the shape from the force of the blow. I imagine she must be in a lot of pain right now. The thought lacked any harmful meaning, simply….an observation. He watched as Unit-02 made a tremendous splash against the water, several nearby boats capsized from the resulting wave. With both Units 01 and 02 out of action, he turned and walked away from the battle.

He didn't see Unit-00, which had gone around behind the Angels as they fought Unit-02. He didn't see Unit-00 fire the positron rifle at point blank range. He didn't see Unit-00 standing cautiously, waiting for the smoke to clear. He did feel the impact of the blue Evangelion crashing against a dock side. He continued on, he had seen all he came to see. The battle had gone as expected. With his eyes closed he turned his face up to the overcast sky, the first rain drops were falling, grey hair swept around his head. His pace was leisurely, seeming to be in no great hurry to reach his destination. Soon he came onto a country road leading out of the small docklands and into wide fields of rice dotted with small farm houses.

"How will they triumph this time I wonder?"

He was answered by an N2 detonation. He was nowhere to be seen as the shockwave reached where he had stood. He was gone and with him, the faint sound of one humming Ode to Joy.

The room was silent, save for the steady breathing of three pilots. Rei sat at the far end of the row of chairs, her head back and eyes closed as she rested against the seat. Shinji sat a few seats away, head slumped forward over his arms, a grim expression on his face. Asuka was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. Her expression suggested she was in deep thought and had surprisingly not uttered a word as the pilots entered the dark room. All three were still in their plugsuits and LCL soaked towels draped around their shoulders. The large projector screen in front of them was blank.

"-ted a second rate pilot like you to screw up."

Shinji looked up, towards Asuka, her expression aimed squarely at him. What is she talking about now? He wondered, not having caught her mutterings.

"What?" If possible her eyebrows slanted even more at his question, annoyed that he had not listened the first time.

"I said 'I should've expected an idiot like you to get his ass handed to him' hmph…"

"Me? What about you! You're the one who went against-"

"Orders! So what? I was going to make sure you killed the damned thing! And look what happened then! You get thrown face first into a mountain! Really Shinji, great job!"

"Hey! W-well it beat you as well!" Shinji tried to stay in the argument, not content with being blamed. How can she blame me for this!

"At least I put up a fight…..unlike you! Honestly, if I had led the attack, we'd all be celebrating a victory! I don't know what Misato was thinking putting me as backup, my synch scores are higher than yours and Rei's combined!"

It's because you're a rookie! He chose not to voice this particular thought, from what he had learned of the girl the short time he had known her was that she took her job as an Eva pilot very seriously.

"Hey don't talk to me lik-"

"Arguing about it now is pointless, we have lost and are….lucky that we have another chance at fighting the Angel."

They both turned to Rei, who had been quiet up until now, although she had not moved position and her eyes remained closed.

I guess she's right…still. He looked over to Asuka, a frown marring his features. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it and turned her head away. What is her problem? The sound of the door opening made him turn his head towards the back of the room. Misato entered first, her expression was blank and he wondered what was on her mind. Trying to catch her eye, he failed, Misato stared straight ahead and walked up to a small pad and inserted a small disk. She turned round to the pilots who were now curiously waiting to hear what she had to say.

However, her eyes widened and she gave a crisp salute, turning round once again, he found Sub-Commander Fuyutski entering the room. His father was nowhere to be seen. He made his way to the front, he eyed each of the pilots, Shinji mad eye contact but quickly looked down. He continued to stare into his lap as the Sub-Commander started speaking.

"….thanks to that…..display, Nerv is now a laughing stock. We failed…any other time that would have been it. Any other time we wouldn't be having this conversation because we would all have been destroyed. However….Dr. Akagi informs me that the Angel is currently inactive and will remain so for the next week, while it regenerates. Be thankful that we had the JSSDF as backup, that doesn't mean we will continue to rely on them. We are Nerv, our job… is to defeat Angels, not to let our pilots go on some crusade for personal glory!" Towards the end, his speech had steadily risen in volume.

Shinji unconsciously sat up straighter as he watched the old man, however he couldn't help but notice that part of what he said had been aimed at Asuka, glancing in her direction, her expression showed she had come to the same conclusion. I don't think she agrees with it… Fuysustki spoke again…

"…Captain Katsuragi, play the video feed." Misato pressed a small button and the screen came to life, starting with the initial drop of Evas against the shoreline. Shinji watched the battle, including the part where he was thrown by the two half Angels, he winced as Unit-01 crashed to ground. He watched with slight admiration as Asuka managed to almost hold her own against the Angels, managed to directly attack one of them with her knife before she too was defeated. I guess she is as good as they say….her attitude however….The recording ended with Unit-00 meeting the same end as Unit-01 and Unit-02, a minute later the whole screen lit up as an N2 mine detonated. It paused.

"Captain Katsuragi."


"Was Pilot Sohryu ordered not to engage the Angel?" Shinji quickly looked at Asuka, who seemed to barely keep herself from shouting out. Misato retained her composure, though he guessed she was none too pleased with the line of questioning.

"…yes, sir."

"And was she not also ordered to retreat from battle, once it became apparent of the Angel's….obvious superiority?" His eyes remained staring towards the static screen…

"Yes, sir…but might I add that… we didn't-"

"I will not have excuses, if the Commander was here, you…" He turned to Misato "…would have been demoted. Control your pilots Captain, that's an order. As for you three…" He turned to the wary pilots.

"You will learn to work together…one way or another. Pilot Sohryu!"

Asuka jumped slightly at being addressed, she glared at the older man, though he replied with one of his own.

"Pilot Sohryu….I will not have a repeat of today….is that understood?"

Asuka remained silent, they both stared at each other, almost willing the other to break eye contact. Shinji wondered what might happen when Asuka gritted her teeth, a barely audible "Yes, sir" reached his ears and the Sub-Commander was on his way out the door. As he left, it seemed the tension seeped out of the room and all within relaxed.

"Why that stupid-" And then it returned, as if spurned on by Asuka's adamant refusal to take blame.



"No buts! He's right….if I order you to do something you do it, I am Nerv's Tactical Officer for a reason. You thought you could take down two Angels at once?...Well?"

Silence was her answer, Asuka looking away to observe the featureless walls. Misato stared at her before sighing and walked out of the room, running a hand through her hair as she went. He decided that silence was best, and slowly got up, making his way along the row of seats before turning towards the door.


He turned towards Asuka and saw she was still standing against the wall, her head down, her hair hiding her expression. Should I…? The thought was unexpected….most likely she would upset, she did not take defeat well, so why did he want to speak with her? He took a step towards her, she was the only one left in the room. Rei had somehow silently exited without him even noticing. He gulped.

Hesitantly, walking towards her, he reached out with his hand…


He whispered it. He didn't know why, but he did. No response.

"Asuka…I-" This time however, she looked up, a deep scowl marred her otherwise pretty features. Her eyes were slightly red. Strands of red hair fell over her face, giving her an untamed look that frightened and beckoned him at the same time.

"…er, Asuka…it's…it's not your f-"


"…er, yes?"

"…don't patronise me. So what if I was beaten by some dumb Angel? You think I need you to tell me that. I'll defeat it and no one, not even you are going to stop me, got that?"

"But Asuka…why….why don't you let me help you?"

If possible her expression darkened. Did I say the wrong thing?

"Help me?"

"…er, well not exactly help….er, more like….urm….well it is two against one….so….?"

She stared forward, not looking at him and he wondered what he done now. He reached out to tap her on the shoulder, but immediately sprang back as she looked at him, her eyes glinting as she looked him up and down. His tension heightened at this added scrutiny.

"Help me…well it is two against one, I guess it would only be fair if I let you fight them as well, don't think I can't beat them on my own. I was just… distracted, yeah! I mean, Misato was screaming in my ear "Oh Shinji! My Shinji is hurt!" obviously I lost concentration. Idiot, if you hadn't gone down so easily then I would've beaten them, so don't think I'm gonna hold back next time, got that?"

Shinji barely stopped his eyes widening in puzzlement at her quick change in attitude. He also just managed to stop a quick rebuttal from leaving his mouth. Why am I getting the blame? Although she was now in similar spirits to that of before the battle, he decided it was better this way. The smile on her face looked much better than a frown he reasoned. Unintentionally a matching smile made its way onto his face, which Asuka soon noticed.

"What are you looking at? Can't take your eye of me?" She leaned forward, closing the gap between their faces.

Blushing bright red, he jumped back.

"N-no! ..er that is-"

She leant back, hands on hips and a grin firmly in place.

"Hahaha…too easy Third Child, too easy. Uh huh, I can't believe that until I got here, all we had were you and the First. Ha!"

She pushed off the wall and confidently strode towards the door, shaking her head. He watched dumfounded as she walked wondering what was going through her mind, though glad the earlier conversation seemed forgotten. Running a hand through his hair Ugh…the stink of LCL was still there. A sigh escaped his lips, having decided he would take a quick shower before returning to Misato's. He made his way towards the door catching a glimpse of red hair before it disappeared. …odd. He however gave it no further thought.

As he headed in the direction of the changing rooms, he ignored all others around him. Choosing instead to immerse himself in his thoughts. He had survived today, and that he figured, was a good thing. He entered the room, shuddering slightly at the thought of their near loss at the hands of the Angels. He quickly stripped off the plugsuit and stepped into the shower.

Letting the warm water was over him, he sighed in contentment, enjoying the peace and calm that came along. Soon he found himself, quicker than he would have wanted, towelled off and buttoning up his shirt. Grabbing the towel, he opened the locker and placed it inside, taking a glance at his reflection in the small mounted mirror.

A face framed by grey hair and red eyes stared back, what could be called a smile on the boys lips.

Huh! What the…!

Shinji's eyes widened in shock. The boy spoke, Shinji spun round, frantically looking all over the changing rooms. No one. His pulse returned to normal after shooting up to a racing speed. Another glance around the room yielded the same results. Rubbing his eyes he grabbed his ID and wallet, a final look in the mirror revealed his panic stricken face calming down. He quickly walked out the changing rooms, eager to return to back to the apartment. I must be seeing things…he stifled a yawn…man, I'm tired. All the while, the words that he had heard, real or not, rang in his mind.

"She is not who you think she is."

Pushing off the wall, she decided she'd had enough of this room. In much better spirits than she was, she walked towards the door, fully intent on having a relaxing shower and then going back to her assigned quarters. Ugh…they'd be laughing at me back home if they found out I get assigned some second rate room. I'm the Second Child! I expect some gratitude for saving their collective asses. She continued this mental rant as she walked, though not forgetting her conversation with Shinji.

"But Asuka…why….why don't you let me help you?" Help me? Ha! Like I need help. But still…she was grateful…at least a little bit, whether she cared to admit it or not. Her first meeting with the Sub Commander of Nerv Headquarters had not gone exactly as she had planned. Certainly it was not the shower of praise she would have hoped for. Not that she deserved it, she had failed to defeat the Angel…If only I lead the attack...It was a failure on both fronts, in and out of battle. She swore to herself it would be her last such failure. She was the best after all…nothing less would be expected of her. Though Shinji didn't see her that way. It irked her, to know that he didn't even recognise her achievements. A far cry from her days in Germany where everyone treated her with the respect she deserved. Yet at the same time the fact he had wanted to help her, pleased her, for some reason she could not fathom, she was happy he was willing to help her, not frightened off by her superiority…not seeing her as just a pilot.

"You are here to do a job never forget that. You are the Second Child, Pilot of Evangelion Unit-02...nothing more". The words sounded cold, yet she remembered saying them to herself the night before she had met the First and Third Child. Before she had experienced her first real Angel battle. It seemed a long time ago when in reality it had only been a week. Nerv Headquarters did not turn out to be as great as she had expected, nor had the Third Child, yet he managed to surprise her. Maybe… Realising she had stopped outside in the corridor, she cursed under her breath and hurriedly headed towards the showers.

As walked in, she found Rei pulling on her school uniform, the white and blue plugsuit discarded on the bench. She began to eagerly pull off her own plugsuit as she walked towards the divider separating the showers. Might as well make conversation…

"I swear, you make one mistake and they chew your head off! Is the Sub-Commander always like that?"

Rei didn't turn around, nor did she give any sign of hearing Asuka over the sounds of running water. Supressing a sigh of annoyance, she began to ask again.

"I said-"

"No." Somehow, the soft voice carried across the empty locker room.

"No? Well it must be me then, why else would he single me out? I mean…both you and the Third were defeated as well…"

"If you are ordered to do something, you must do it."

"Were not soldiers Rei. This isn't the army, we are Eva Pilots…a position of respect, not that we get any…"

She trailed off as she remembered her chewing out.

"…Rei…we are the ones risking our lives, we are the ones who feel what the Eva feels, we are ones on call 24 hours a day. I think we should get a little leeway, don't you think?"


"No. No 'perhaps'. That's how it is, no doubt about it. I mean, I'd like to see that old goat fight in an Eva, not mine of course. He'd probably break a hip just getting into the plugsuit hehehe." Though she laughed, she quickly shook her head to get rid of the mental image. Ugh…

There was no reply, through the mist that had slowly accumulated she saw Rei nod. And found herself nodding along. Her hair soaked with water, she ran a hand through it. Making sure to get rid of all the LCL, she continued showering. Rei placed her belongings into the locker and closed it before making her way out of the room. Stopping at the entrance, she turned her head slightly. Asuka realised that she had stopped and enquired…


"Perhaps…but we are the only ones."

That said, she stepped through, the doors closing behind her. Leaving Asuka to contemplate the words as she finished showering. Once finished and fully clothed (a school uniform…ugh) she reached for the door when it opened and in stepped Misato. Surprised slightly, she stopped. What is she doing here? Instantly her semi-good mood turned sour and she expected another chewing out for disobeying orders. Not this again


"Don't look at me like that Asuka. I'm not here to berate you…even though technically I should. I am your superior officer after all."

At her confused look, Misato carried on.

"I'm here to take you to the Sub-Commanders Office where you will be assigned a new place to live."

"Really! Finally! I thought I was gonna rot in those things you call beds! You'd think with all the money Nerv has, it could provide some decent living quarters." Maybe this day isn't so bad after all…

"Now Asuka, Nerv isn't made of money you know, we have a…. limited budget. Trust me, my pay check will tell you that hahaha."

Misato's laughter proved infectious and soon they were both laughing.

"So….where do you think I'll be staying? Somewhere better than this pig sty I hope." If possible, Misato's smile widened.

"You don't have to worry about that, your going to need a legal guardian, and who better than yours truly?"

"Hey! I don't need a guardian, I can take care of myself you know!...But seeing as it's better than staying here, I guess I won't mind."

Reaching what was presumably the office, Misato knocked once and opened the door. Cautiously looking in, she made her arrival known.

"Sir, I have the Second Child with me." From the other side of the door, she heard a reply and Misato gestured her in. She noticed 'the old goat' sitting behind a large desk, in front of which stood a man who's back was facing her. Looking around the office, she noted several pictures hanging on the far wall, a large leafed plant in the corner. On her right, a large window provided a stunning view of the famed Geo-Front, the lake shinning with crystal like clarity in the afternoon light that filtered down. No…not a bad at all.

"Ah…Pilot Sohryu, Captain Katsuragi I believe you both know Mr. Kaji here?"

Asuka's head swivelled round so fast it almost hurt. Her eyes widened as she saw him standing there, hands in pockets, the same look in his eyes. That cocky grin that would once have her heart racing now did nothing but aggravate her. Her heart raced nonetheless.

"Asuka…I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now, I'm sorry you feel this way but I have to pack my things, my plane leaves tonight."

"Fine then, you-you're just leaving me like the rest of them! Go then! See if I care… you bastard!"

The words that they had spoken at their last meeting returned to her, as did all the feelings. What is he doing here? Is she had taken her eyes away, for a moment, she would have seen Misato's expression was frighteningly similar to her own, for a moment. Asuka decided she would stay quiet, unless spoken to…she had nothing to say to him. It was Misato who spoke first.

"…er, yes, sir. We were both stationed together several years ago."

"Well, actually Sub-Commander we both went to college toge-" he was cut off by Misato, who stared directly ahead at the old man.


"Ah, yes. Mr. Kaji here has some interesting data that you may want to look at regarding the latest Angel. As Director of Operations you are expected to formulate a plan to destroy the Angel, is that clear?" When he spoke, he had lost the steely tone used when talking with Asuka, but still retained a voice of authority.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, Mr. Kaji?"

While the Sub-Commander had been talking, Asuka watched Kaji shrewdly and caught his eye. She frowned hoping to make her feelings clear. This was not what she was expecting…not at all. He winked. Her eyes widened and she turned her head to look out the window. Why that arrogant…She heard him speak and made sure to listen to his every word, despite appearances, it would not do to miss out any information that may be of use.

"The Commander wants you to proceed with the Operation immediately."

"Operation? What operation!"

"Why Misato, the operation to defeat the Seventh Angel! I'm sure you will come up with some way to defeat it. You've done so before, I hope you don't mind me helping you a little?"

He handed over a disk, which Misato reluctantly accepted. She stared at it in her hand, before placing it in the front pocket of her jacket. Asuka didn't miss the scathing look on her face sent towards Kaji. Is there something between them…? She wondered, why she was even interested, she didn't know. But it seemed to her that there was history between Misato and Kaji…and she wanted to know. My curiosity always got the better of me…she thought mirthlessly.

Misato nodded once before she spoke.

"And sir, the Second Child's place of residence? I wish to-"

"Yes, Captain…"

Asuka let out a breath as she sighed Yes! Finally…out of this hell hole…

"Mr. Kaji has agreed to resume his position as guardian of the Second Child."

For the second time since she entered the office Asuka was shocked and this time, couldn't help but voice her opinion on the matter.

"What the he-"

"Sir, I strongly disa-"

"Silence! I will not have subordination within this office. Captain, Mr. Kaji here was already the Second Child's legal guardian in Germany, before she left. It is only prudent that he is also her guardian here, in Japan. The Nerv branch in Germany and her family have no problems with it and I see no reason to refuse. Do you?"

Asuka, silenced, looked to Misato, hoping that she might say something. Misato stayed quiet, though her eyes told a different story. Asuka glared at Kaji. Please Misato…don't make me stay with that-

"No, sir."

"Good. You may all leave. Remember we only have seven days in which to defeat the Angel. Make sure you are ready."

With that Asuka turned round and marched out, her eyes narrowed in anger. Misato and Kaji followed behind her. As soon as the door shut, she turned round to face him, fully intent on getting some answers. Misato looked upon him, more in annoyance than anything else but Asuka presumed she would want answers as well. And it was going so well, he just had to ruin it all…

To his credit, Kaji seemed unfazed with the (negative) attention he was receiving from the two females. His grin, if anything widened, grating on Asuka's nerves. He gestured towards a lift on the other side of the corridor.

"Well Asuka, looks like we'll be living together." He winked. She ignored it.


why me?

Fuyutski watched as the Second Child and Misato both walked out, both with near identical looks on their faces, both of which had been aimed directly at Ryouji Kaji. He had to give credit to the man, smiling the whole time, apparently unaware that he was not in their favour. Not that it concerned him, although a healthy relationship between his subordinates was always encouraged. The Second Child also… seemed remarkably unconcerned with a man reports had stated she was particularly fascinated with. Well….I can't see it being a problem, no need to intervene...

A beep beep interrupted his train of thought, sighing he opened the desk drawer and picked up the integrated phone. Sitting back in his seat, he glanced at the door before speaking.

"Yes?...yes, put me through."

Waiting a moment for the line to be put through a secure channel, the voice on the other end indicated it safe to speak.

"Yes, I did as you told me. Yes and it wasn't a pretty sight either, I can certainly see where she gets her temper from….I know, I remember…do you really suspect her? I know in the past we helped them create the system…but after all these years?... I understand. Yes, I've placed Mr. Kaji as her guardian just as you asked. Given their prior relationship, I doubt we will have problems there. And how are things at the Second Branch?... Really? Well that is interesting, perhaps the Antarctica expedition wasn't as fruitless as it first appeared…it will be implemented into the new Units I assume? And Adam?...Ahh, so that's why he was brought here, I'll admit, from what I've read of his file, he does have rather unique talents. If the old men find out…I see. Very well then, I will see you when you return."

He sighed as he put the phone down, closing the desk drawer with more impact than he would have liked. The conversation however ran through his mind…as well as the details which had been provided. Dr. Katsuragi was right after all. The Super Solenoid Theory…Unit-01 it seems, will not be the only one to possess such power.

Running a hand through his grey hair, he looked outside to the Geo-Front, though not really looking at anything in particular. His thoughts were elsewhere.

You are playing a dangerous game Ikari.

End of Chapter 10

Author Notes:

I added Fuyutski's talk at the end to this chapter, originally it was the beginning of chapter 11, but I think it fits much nicer here. As you can see I've stuck Asuka with Kaji, both for character and storyline purposes and Asuka won't be completely isolated form the other pilots, rest assured.

As for who I'm going to pair up for the battle…grin you'll just have to wait and see. Also apologies if after so long, this chapter may not have lived up to expectations (if any). I wanted the battle at the start to be from a unique perspective, ground level and all the dialogue was necessary plot wise. The result may have been boring but sets up the next chapter perfectly. Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, seriously thanks a lot. Thumbs Up

Chapter hasn't been pre-read.

Until the next chapter…