Disclaimer: see chapter one

I've decided to do another story based on this poem and may do more in the future.

I would like to thank all those who reviwed chapter one

The Night before Christmas: Geofront

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Geofront.

Not a person was stirring, not even the grunts.

The Evangelions were placed in the cages with care,
In hopes that they wouldn't berserk, and from their bindings tear.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Angels assaulted their heads.
And I in my boxers, and Ritsuko in her coat,
We was just getting ready to rock the boat.

When out from below there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the Magi not caring who we flash
We turned on all the cameras, which maxed out the burst cache.

The light that reflected off of marshmallow lady
Was actually quite adequate but still a little shady.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature Angel, It was Kaworu that queer.

And with his sharp wit, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment I was going to be sick.
More rapid than eagles his curses they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and thought it a game!

"Now Gendou! now, Ritsuko! now, Misato and Shinji!
Oh, Rei one, two, and three don't be so stingy!"
To the top of the boat! to the top of the cross!
"You know who sent me it was Keel your boss!"

As mere mortal before AT fields, splatter like goop,
When met with Anti AT fields, just turn to soup
So up to Lilith the boy angel did fly,
but I knew from the beginning I didn't ask why.

And then, in that moment, I heard him command.
The Tearing and prying of lillith began.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the service shaft came a great booming sound.

Standing Forty meters, decked out in purple and green.
Was my lovely wife Yui looking desperate and mean.
She whipped out her prog knife, her pride and joy,
And was looking to kill that poor little boy.

His eyes-how they widened! and then how they twitched!
To think he could be outdone, by this oversized bitch!
His droll little mouth was drawn up in a smile,
The lilim had no idea of his cunning and guile.

The tip of his finger he pointed at the beast,
And the nimbus therein spread out like a wreath.
This is the light of my soul, a barrier which no man shall pass,
He said as he shook his head, and let loose the blast !

I knew right then, this was mankind's final test,
And I cried out in terror, despite my best!
The glow in her eyes faded as she fell on her back,
My precious Yui defeated with one single attack.

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And ReiIII went to Terminal Dogma to deal with the with the jerk.
And laying her fist upside the boys face,
His head popped off to land in the lake at that place!

Now she went up to Gendou, seeing as how the battle was won,
And Gendou gave her a hand as his arm came undone.
Then I heard her exclaim, 'as her wings unfurled,
"Happy Christmas to all, and all is right with the world!"