Bendicks Grove

She put her hand in his. They turned to see a cloaked figure looking down at them. It laughed scornfully. "Young love." "Mr Malfoy." Ron breathed. Hermione realised. This was the person who had captured her. Lucius carried on laughing. He suddenly stopped and knelt ominously close to them. "Love does not save you. Love can destroy you. Love is worthless." He stood up and pulled back his wand. "Avada Kedavra!"

Bendicks Grove

Ginny looked around, ignoring what Lupin saying. She caught sight of something moving. And she was running. Running towards the person about to kill her brother. That flash of green light hurtling towards Ron. What could she do? So Ginny did the only thing. She stood in front and took the blow. That girl lying crumpled on the floor, that girl died for her brother and he will always love her for it.

Lucius looked shocked and in that moment he was captured. Hermione and Ron were freed. Hermione just stood there. What do you do when you don't know what to do? Ron knelt by Ginny, amazed by her sacrifice for him. He started crying. That was his sister, his little sister, whom he'd teased and protected. How could she be dead?

A screech owl swooped down to Lupin. He grabbed the letter. " He's dead!" Hermione's stomach clenched, "Not…not Harry?" "No! Voldemort! Hermione! It's over! The deatheaters are all locked up and Voldemort. He's dead! Dumbledore's killed him."

They couldn't believe it. But it was true. Voldemort was dead and it was over. They apparated, taking Ginny's body, back to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts (Harry;s POV)

I was running towards her when I saw her face. She was crying. But it wasn't me comforting her.I t was him. He was holding her hand. I wanted to kill him. Ron, my best friend, had the only thing I wanted. Hermione's love. Let them go. But I love her. So let her go. I accept that this is the only way. I carried on running. I hugged her, hugged Ron. Love is a funny thing. It hits you when you least expect it. But I truly love her. So I let them go.

The End

A/N Hopefully you like it. Any comments?