hi I redid this entire story...if you like it let me know if you don't, don't bother to review...unless it's it help out my writng skills...thanks and I hope you like the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto- Damn it...Neji-kun is a differnent story

Expected the unexpected: The Pauper and The Heiress

Chapter 1: My Bodyguard

In the Hyuuga manor

Neji had just finished his training with Hizashi. Hinata had set out some food for them earlier. Hizashi noticed this and decided now was a good time to rest, plus, he needed to talk to Neji about an imporant matter. They sat down on the steps in the courtyard and started to eat.

"Neji, I would like to ask you a question." Hizashi said seriously.

"Yes, Sir" Neji replied as he gave him his full attendtion.

"How do you feel towards Hinata?" He asked without looking at him.

"Uh...how do I feel towards Hinata-sama" Neji repeated in shock. "I never really thought much about her." He said as he stared into his cup of tea.

"So, your not sure if you have feelings for her? Is that what your telling me?" Hizashi asked while taking another sip of tea.

"Yes, Sir" Neji said as he also took another sip of tea and confused as to where he was getting at.

"Well, then, I have a mission for you." He said now looking at Neji dead in the eyes.

"A Mission?" Neji asked puzzled

"Yes, as you are aware Hinata is the successor to the head family." He said informally

"Yes." Neji agreed with a nod

"Also, it is important for her to remain safe at all times." He continued as he gaze at Neji with serious eyes.

"Absoultely sir" He agreed not knowing where this conversation was heading.

"I want you to become Hinata's bodyguard and watch over her, plus I believe this would be great training for you." Hizashi said staring straight ahead in to the courtyard as he sip his tea.

Neji was confused as heck but agreed anyway.

"Also Neji, I have something else to say." Hizashi said in a serious tone

"Yes, Sir" Neji said as he finished eating and drinking his tea.

"I want you to know I'm proud of you and I feel even though you still need to work hard on you skills that you have become stronger and that is why I feel you would make an excellent guard to my daughter." He said in a serious tone as he gave Neji an apporved smile.

Neji was shocked by what he heard. Hizahi Hyuuga had never said anything like that to him before and he was glad that he thought so highly of him. "Thank you, Sir" He said with a hidden smile.

They both sat there for a while. It was a beautiful spring day and the wind was blowing softly. Hizashi was still eating and drinking his tea. He then broke the silence.

"Neji, as Hinata's bodyguard I want you to know something." He said as he gave Neji a very serious look which made Neji flinched a bit.

"Yes Sir" He answered a bit too quickly.

"It's true that both you and Hinata carry the Hyuuga name. But remember and keep this in mind when protecting her." He said as his eyes seem to bury themselves in Neji's own eyes.

"Yes, Sir" Neji said waiting patinetly for him to finsh his sentince.

"You and Hinata are not siblings, the two of you only carry the name. Your father and I were not blood related. So just keep that in mind Neji." He said sat there looking off into the screncry. Neji was seriously confused, just where was this man coming form? Is he trying to tell him something? Neji was just about to ask him when he heard a sweet voice fill the air around him.

He looked up form where he sat and saw two pale eyes staring back at him with a warm smile. He blinked and was taken back; there standing next to him was the heir to the Hyuuga head family. Hinata Hyuuga. She was twenty years old, her once short hair grew and was only a little past her elbow and was pulled back by a hair rubber band; her outfit was different she wore a white and black hooded cargo jacket and her old style pants. She had gotten stronger over the years and her timidness subsided, but she was still as sweet and quiet as always.

"Good afternoon Father, good afternoon Neji-san" she smiled happly as she bented down with her hands behind her back in a playful matter.

"Hello Hinata" Her father said with a smile of his own.

"Good afternoon Hinata-sama." Neji said as he stood up aburtly and bowed to her. She just smiled. She bended down lower and picked up the tray of empty cups and plates

"I hope you enjoyed the food I made," She said sweetly with a smile

"Yes dear it was very good." Her father said as he stood up and turned to face her.

"Yes, thank you Hinata-Sama" Neji said resepectfully as he also stood up.

"Your welcome. I'm gald to hear you both enjoyed it." She said, as she turned and walked back to the kithen.

"Hinata before you leave I want you to know something." He said seriously as he mangaged to stop his daugther from going to far away.

"Yes, father?" She replied as she turned around and look at her father with a coureious look

"I had disided to make Neji your bodyguard." He said as both him and her looked at indifference Neji. Hinata looked at him unsure with her father was telling her was the truth or and looking to Neji for the answer seeing that she was going to get one she then turned back to her father.

"I don't understand why do I need a bodyguard?" She asked curiously

"Because I feel that it is nessesary, that is all." He said in a low tone with his arms crossed.

"Ok." She said as she lowered her head and sent a quick glance towards Neji and then walked away. Neji just stood there unsure if he should follow her or stay where he was, and he was wondering why her father lied like that.

"Neji" He said as he turned and looked at him.

"Yes, Sir" He said looking back at Hizashi.

"What are you doing?" Hizashi said as he gave him a rised eyebrow.

"Huh...uhhh...I" Neji answered as he couldn't think of anything to say.

"Go and look after her, but whatever you do never let her know, where you are, you can't be more then 100ft away form her at all times, hide yourself well and if you see she is in danger. Protect her." He instructed strenly

"Um...Sir I don't understand all these rules, isn't the main idea of me being her bodyguard is to remain at her side the whole time. The way you have it makes it look like I'm spying on her and not protecting her." He said respectfully

"True. Nevertheless, do not forget your also training so you could protect her and train at the same time. Can you not?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow

Neji sighed and said "Yes, Sir" and left to look after Hinata. Hizashi stood there as he watched the young man leave in pursuit of his daughter. He felt a gently touch on his shoulder and turned to see his wife Hikari Hyguua standing next to him. She simply smiled at him and laced her arm around his as she leaned her head on it.

"Do you think it was wise not telling him?" She asked him with a hint of worry to her voice

"He'll find out soon enough." He said plainly.

Hinata left the house and was walking down the street. It was midday and the sun was shinning beautifully. Hinata was heading towards Sakura's house to hang out. They become best friends over the years; she was still walking but stopped when she thought she heard something. She turned quickly only to see a cat knocked down a trash can. She sighed with relief and continued on her way. After a few seconds, next to the knocked down trash can Neji reappeared behind a camouflage cloth behind the fence and sighed with relief.

"That was close" He sighed in a low tone.

"You can say that again," A voice said coming form across where Neji was. Neji looked a crossed the street towards the other fence and saw behind a camouflage cloth a certain blonde-haired shinobi.

"NARUTO!" he yelled in shock. " What are you doing? Are you spying on Hinata-sama?" He demanded as he pointed a finger in his direction. Naruto then at lightning speed ran towards Neji and covered his mouth to prevent him form talking. Neji then yanked Naruto's hand away form his mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL??!! NARUTO!!" He yelled again and once again found his hand over his mouth.

"Shh! Keep it down, will ya!" He whispered harshly "Stop yelling out my name, or else she'll hear you."

"Who'll hear me? Explain yourself baka" He said annoyed as he narrowed his eyes to him.

"Fine, I was in the hot spring distract, training." He started slowly in a low tone

"Training? In the hot springs distract?" Neji said as he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "You have no morals do you?"

"Yes, I do," He said in his defense "I really was training."

"Whatever, get on with it." Neji said rolling his eyes

"Anyway, when I finish training, I decided to go to the hot springs. I got my things and want in, however, there was a lot of steam so I couldn't exactly see where I was going..."He paused and blushed a bit.

"Don't tell me you..."Neji's eyes widden at what he was hearing and he had a pretty good idea at what he was going to say next.

"Yeah, I...accidentally...want into the women's bath." He said as he nervously placed his hand on the back of his head

"So why are you hiding?" Neji asked raising an eyebrow

"Well, when I want in there...I wasn't alone." He said as he lowered his head with a deep blush on his face.

"Who was there with you?" Neji said now becoming interested in the story. Naruto blushed even deeper and looked at Neji in a shy and embarrassed look. He sighed deeply and said quietly "Sakura-Chan"

"Haruno Sakura ?" Neji questioned with slightly widden eyes and rised eyebrow.

"Yeah, she called me a pervert and chase me here, but I finally lost her." He said with relief. Neji was completely dumbfounded. He could not believe what he was hearing. Just then, he heard a sound coming and turned to see a cloud of smoke heading in their direction.

"What's that?" He said in awe. Both of them turned to the smoke that was now racing toward them.

"OH, NO." Naruto's sapphire eyes widen in fear when he saw the smoke cleared just enough to reveal a very pissed off Sakura heading his way.

"NA-RU-TOOOO! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She screamed now running faster then ever with flames in her eyes.

"HELL YEAH!! YOU DAMN PERVERT!!" Inner Sakura yelled with flames in her eyes behind Sakura cracking her knickles.

"Uh...gotta go..Bye" And with that Naruto sped off as if his life depended on it. Neji just stood there as he watched Naruto running, screaming, and begging for Sakura not to kill him and Sakura yelling out he was a pervert.

"Well...that was a waste of time." Neji said to himself as he then went back to the mission at hand.' I hope she didn't get to far.' He thought to himself 'Ok. Back to work.' He made the hand seals and activated his Byakugan. He then began to scan the area to see if he could find her. About two minutes into the search, he found her fifty meters away at a small cafe. She headed outside and continued her walk to Sakura's house.

"Great, I haven't lost her." He said as he began to hop on the rooftops of each building trying to keep up with her. He finally stopped when he was in range of seeing her. She had just made it to Sakura's house; she knocked on the door and walked inside. Neji then begin to scan the area to see if he could get any closer to her without her noticing. He then noticed a big tree near an open window, he wasn't sure which room it looked into but decided it would be a great hiding place. The branches were big enough for him to sit or stand on and there were enough leaves to camouflage him.

He race towards to tree and jump on one of the branches. He hid behind one of the branches. That was when he notices the room he was staring into was a light pink color and filled with everything girly. He slowed down his breathing and moved his eyes to scan the area again for any signs of Hinata. He brought his eyes back to the room when he heard the doorknob turn. He continued to look and soon heard familiar voices. The door open to revel four girls: Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, and Ino.

'What is she doing here?' He asked himself. He focused his attention to the room and kept a close eye on Hinata. The window was still open and he could here the girls talking.

"So how are you doing Hinata?" Sakura asked as all four girls sat down on the day bed next to the window.

"I'm okay, my father had to me that he's made Neji-san my bodyguard," she said shyly as she looked down at the floor.

'Hinata-sama, don't tell them that' Neji sighed deeply as he dropped he head and sweat dropped behind the branches.

"Neji-kun" The three girls said in unison with shocked and surprise

"What? Are you serious? Your so lucky." Ino said in shock.

'Huh?' He thought to himself, actually taken back by what she said

"I guess" Hinata said quietly as she looked away and stare at the door.

"What do you mean you guess? HIS HOT." Ino said with sparkling eyes

"Yeah, I wish I could be you." Sakura sighed " But then again I have my Sasuke-kun, so I'm happy." She smiled happly as she thought of the raven-haired shinobi

'Damn Uchiha. Why compare me to a aggorent jerk like him?' He growled as he narrowed his eyes. He really didn't like the sound of his name at all.

"Yeah, I wish he could guard my body...if you know what I mean." Ten-ten said blushing and giggling as she poked Hinata in the side with her elbow.

'I...I don't believe this...is this what girls really talk about?' He thought to himself. 'I didn't think the girls thought of me like that before.' He manage to blush just a little.

"You guys like Neji-san?" Hinata asked curiously as she gave her friends a look of surprise.

"Hell Yeah" They said in unison as they jumped in fornt of her and rised their fist in the air with excitement.

"But you all have boyfriends" She pointed out with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean, we can't look" Ten-ten said mischeviously as a blush came across her face.

"What about you Hinata-chan?" Sakura asked "Unlike us, you don't have a boyfriend, do you like Neji-kun?"

She thought for a moment and blushed slightly.

"Well, yes I do like Neji-san very much." Hinata said shyly with a smile

'Hinata-sama' He thought in awe as a blush crept upon his cheeks 'Wait...why am I blushing?'

"Ohhhhhhh we knew it." Ino said poking her in the side with elbow jokingly

"Huh?" she asked confused as to where Ino was getting at.

"You're always smiling and blushing when you're around him." Ten-ten pointed out "Do think we haven't noticed." She added with a rised eyebrow.

"Well... I..."she trailed off shyly as a blush crept upon her cheeks.

"You what?" Sakura urged

"Well, I would like him more if he was like Naruto-kun" She said flat out. All the girls and Neji gave her a look as if she went and lost her mind.

'Hinata-sama?' He thought to himself in disbelif. 'You want me to be more like...'

"NARUTO?" Ino said finishing Neji's thought in shock. "Why? What's so great about Naruto?"

"Naruto-kun, is very sweet and very cute, he never gives up and always looks on the bight side of things" Hinata said as she begain to play with her fingers as she smiled sweetly.

"So, what's wrong with Neji?" Ten-ten asked as she crossed her arms under her chest.

"Nothing. His just so serious all the time and I hardly ever seen him smile" She said as she looked down at the floor with an unsure look on her face.

"So, his not good at showing his emotions. Sasuke-kun is the same way, but I know deep down inside, he really does love me." Sakura said as she placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder and smile.

'Damn would she stop comparing me to that Damn Uchiha.' He growled under his breath as his eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, Sakura is right, besides how do you know if he doesn't like you?" Ten-ten said knowingly "For all you know, he could be outside watching you right now and admiring your beauty." She as she pointed to the tree out of the window.

"WHAT THE HELL??!!" He thought as his eyes widden in shock as he nearly fell over backwards out of the tree. "How did she know? Hinata-sama change the subject, please, don't answer, don't answer. Change the subject I'm begging you. I think I'm going to pass out form this stress. Change the subject." He said as held a hand on his chest and felt his heart beat a million miles per mintiue.

"I don't know where he is or how he feels about me. But all I want to do right now is change the subject if it's all right with you." She said polity. The girls just looked at her blankly but then soon smiled.

"Ok, we won't talk about Neji-kun anymore" Sakura smiled softly at Hinata.

'Thank you' He thought and mentally let out a relief sigh.

"Thank you" Hinata said polity " So what do you want to talk about?"

"I know let's thank about what your going to do on your birthday, I know it's about a few days away, but , I think we should do something together or have a brithday party for you, you know." Ino said casually as she gave a thoughtful look in her direction.

"Well, I really don't want to be reminded of my birthday" She said quietly as she laid back on the bed and let out a sigh as she stared at the celling.

"Why not?" Ten-ten asked perplexed, "You'll be twenty years old, I would think that you'd be real excited about that."

"Yes, I know, but there's something my father told me that makes me not in such a hurry to turn twenty-one" She said shyly

"Like what?" Ino asked curiously

"Nothing really." She said looking down at the floor.

'Hinata-sama, I wonder what's wrong with her?' He said worried. There was a silence in the room and then Sakura spoke up.

"I know what you need, a girls night out." She said as she jumped off the bed and rised her fist in the air in trumpth.

'Girls night, what?' Neji had no clue what Sakura was talking about, but soon got his answer when he saw all the girls leaving the room and walking out the front door.

'Great looks like I'm on the move again. Damn this is starting to get annoying.' He thought to himself as he hop down form the tree and kept a steady pace of Hinata.

He followed them to the movies where they watch a romantic and sad chick flick. Neji almost wanted to die cause he wanted to see the new action movie and he was stuck watching this crap.

"I don't believe girls actually like this crap," He thought to himslef while he was eating his popcorn and barly watching the movie form on top of where the projector was. He used a Justu to get up there and was balancing himself with his charka. He had a good view and was able to see Hinata and the other girls. They were all crying because of the scene that was taking place in the movie. Neji was chewing on his popcorn and started to laugh because he thought the whole idea was so stupid for them to cry over a movie. He laugh so hard while he was chewing on his popcorn he started to choke on it and wounded up losing his balance and next thing he knew he was heading towards to ground.

He also dropped his popcorn and knew once it the ground people will be turning in his direction. Especially Hinata with her acute sense of hearing. Therefore, before the popcorn hit the ground he did a quick camouflage Justu, and made him invisible, and used the rest of his charka to garb on of the wall with his hands and feet. He looked down and saw the popcorn hit the ground and that Hinata did in fact look behind there, but didn't see him because of his Justu. She then turned back to watch the rest of the movie.

"Man, that was close." He thought as he climb back to where he was earlier. He continued to watch the movie/Hinata, pissed off that, he lost the only thing that was enjoyable about this movie. He focused his attention on Hinata, he looked at her and for a moment unaware of it, himself he began to smile. Though it was dark, he could see her perfectly. She was watching the movie and enjoying herself with her friends. He had no idea why her father wanted him to be her bodyguard but he wasn't complaining.

After the movie was done, he followed them to the mall and did his camouflage Justu when they walked into a clothing store he walked in invisible to everyone else and notice the girls looking at all the rack of clothes. He simply crossed his arms and stood leading next to the wall. He lowered his charka level so they couldn't sense him. He had to admit even though he was bored out of his mind. Looking after Hinata really was good training for him, he never tired the Camouflage Justu and lowering his charka level before.

"Hey, look what I found" Sakura said as she held up a light purple mini skirt.

"Here Hinata you try it on, and here I found a tube top to match" She said as she handed both article of clothing to Hinata, who was already carrying a pair of light blue flare hip hugger jeans and a white t-shirt with light blue rhinestones on it in shape of a heart.

She showed it to Sakura and Neji also saw it. He didn't know anything about fashion, let alone care, but he approved of it, because it was cute and most importantly it covered her up. Sakura also like it, but she really wanted Hinata to try out the outfit she picked up for her. Unlike the first outfit, Neji really didn't approved of that outfit. He saw Hinata looking at it and debating on wither, she should try it on or not.

"It's okay Hinata, there's no boys here so you don't have to be shy." Sakura said sweetly

"Yeah, plus if you don't like it you can always put it back." Ino said along with Tenten smiling. Hinata looked at her friends and then at the outfit.

"Oh, come on Hinata-sama don't degrade yourself by wearing that poor excuse for an outfit." Neji puffed to himself.

It didn't take long for Hinata to said okay and walk in the fitting room. Neji was shocked that she would even consider it, let alone actually go though with it. He leaded against the wall facing the room she was currently in to see if she really want along with it or actually chickened out. The other girls were also waiting to she what their friend would look like. A few minutes had passed and the doors of the fitting room fanaily opened ;what came out had shocked the shock out of everyone in the store including Neji. Who was staring in shock at Hinata.

She was wearing the tube top, which only covered her mid way and left her abs and shoulders exposed, the mini skirt showed off her thighs. The girls all jumped up and down and repeatedly told her how hot she looked. Hinata was shy and smile at all the comments that she was getting not only form her friends but also form everyone else at the store. She looked like a Victoria Secret model her hair, which was tried back before, was now flowing freely. She blushed shyly and said thank you.

"Wow, Hinata, you look hot, I wonder what Neji would think if he saw you now" Tenten said as she twirl the petite girl around so they could get a better look at her with a few of her strands hitting her in the face.

Meanwhile unaware to the girls Neji was there and he couldn't stop staring at Hinata. He slowly eyed her up and down and let a small drool ecsape his lips. His heart was pounding wildly and his face grew hot. He was finding it hard to keep his charka level down and maintain his camouflage Justu. He was staring at her thighs and at her tube top. He was sweating and he gulped down hard as he was beginning to think of perverted things. Soon he had snap out of it and kept his eyes closed until she was back into her regular clothes.

The girls then took the items that they were going to buy and went to the check out line. Hinata thought about the outfit she had just tried on and decieded to buy it. The girls were happy, while Neji was shock as he tired to think of what he would do if he saw her walking around the house with such a risky outfit on. Needless to say, his perverted side kicked in and he became lost in his only perverted world as a small amount of blood trail down his nose.

When they stepped outside they found out it was already dark. Hinata decided it was time for her to go home considering how late it was. Her father really didn't like the idea of her staying out late. Therefore, Neji follow the girls to Hinata's house making sure they were safe the whole way there. Once there. He watched as she said bye to her friends and walked in then he did his transportation Justu and reappeared in the hallway heading to the courtyard. As he walked, he soon noticed a figure in the hallway. He continued on his walk towards the figure and once he was close enough he then gave a gently bow to it.

"Good evening Sir" He said repectfully as he walked closer to the figure.

"Good evening Neji, I saw Hinata a while ago. She looks well and very happy, you did a good job watching over her." Hizashi said as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Sir" Neji said, "If it's okay Sir, I would like to check to see if Hinata-sama is okay."

"You may, Good night Neji," He said walking back to his room.

"Good night Sir" Neji said as he headed to Hinata's room. He knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" She said form behind the door.

"It's me, Neji," He called though the closed door.

"Okay, I'm coming" She said as he heard her coming to the door.

She opened the door; Neji was memorized by what he saw. She was dressed in a nightgown, it was a white princess style dress with white carpris pants to match on the middle of the dress on a light purple lace ribbon bow in the middle. She looked like an angel, Neji was speechless and for a moment forgot why he went there in the first place. He just looked at her in awe; she looked back at him confused.

"Are you okay, Neji-san?" She asked sweetly. At that moment, Neji was snapped back into reality. He simply bowed and said

"Good evening, Hinata-sama, as your bodyguard I came to see if you were Ok for the night."

"Yes, I'm okay" She smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you Neji-san ." Seeing her Smile did something to him. For the first time he smiled at her warmly. She was a little taken back at what she saw but continued to smile.

"If you are safe, then I'll be on my way, good night Hinata-sama" he said as he bowed and turned to take his leave.

"Neji-san" She said softly as she place a hand on the door and stepped outside to look at him

"Yes, Hinata-sama" He said as he turned his head back to look at her

"You don't have to bow to me anymore." She said looking at him softly

"Um... Okay. Good night Hinata-sama" He said as he walked of to his room.

"Goodnight" She said as she closed the door to her room. Neji went back to his room and soon went to sleep.

Later that night

He woke up after hearing some sounds coming form outside. He jumped out of his bed.

"Hinata-sama" He said as he did his transportation Justu and reappeared in her room. He was shocked when he found out she was not there. "So where is she? What happened to her?" He said as he looked around the empty room. After seeing no signs of a break-in. He activated his Byakugan, he then scanned the area for her and found someone outside near the waterfalls. He once again did his transportation Justu and reappeared behind a bolder in front of the waterfalls.

The property of the Hyuuga clan was very big and they own a small forest and inside that forest was a waterfall surround by cherry blossom trees and flowers, in the night sky it was so bright and beautiful there was a gently breeze sweaping through the night sky. Neji attention, however wasn't on the scenery, but was on the figure on the water. He saw a girl in all white dancing on the water, whenever she move her hips the water would disappear in waves of tiny lights.

She even made a figure out of water and proceeded to dance with it and the two dance on the water as if they were in a fancy ballet. Neji was memorized his heart was pounding wildly and his face grew hot and for reasons he was not sure of. He wanted to go over to her and take her in his arms. She looked so beautiful that the mere sight of her was irresisable.

"Hinata-sama" He thought to himself as a deep blush appeared on his face as his heart race."I think... I think I'm starting to like you...no...I think... I'm starting...to love you." "Oh, No this isn't good...this is bad...very VERY BAD...not good..." He thought with widden eyes by the smiple thought that, that could be true. He transported back to his room where his heart was pounding harder then ever, he began to breath heavily and he tried his best to clam down.

"What's wrong with me?" He thought to himself in disbelevif "I can't have feelings for her. I'm her bodyguard. This is bad very, very bad. However, if that's so...Why? Why does my heart pound wildly, I only been her bodyguard for one day and yet I'm having feelings for her so quickly? Could it be...that I always had feelings for her and that now I'm around her more, they are staring to manifest themselves? This is not good, this is really not good".

He was still leading against his door, he mange to regulate his breathing, but his heart refused to slow down it's pace. His body then grew hot and sweatly, he tried to think of something other then Hinata, but no matter what he did, and he couldn't get her off his mind. He slowly somehow made it to his bed and lay down staring at the ceiling, he tried to sleep, but couldn't. He sighed and gave up even trying; he finally got up and did his transportation Justu. He reappeared in front of a tree that overlooked into Hinata's bedroom.

He quietly climbed up the tree and sat down on one of the branches he balanced himself that he could see into her room with out her or anyone else noticing him. He sat down quietly and looked into an opened window, to seeher sleeping in her bed. The moonlight shined beautiful on her pale face making it appear to be as white as snow. Neji was in a trance once again; her beautiful face had finally calmed his racing heart. He felt calm and peaceful when he was looking at her and soon the long battle he had with sleep ended, and he fell asleep on the branch.

The next morning, the sun was shining beautifully; Hinata woke up to greet the day. Since Neji hi himself so well the night before and did not have enough charka due to the overuse of his Justus. She was unable to notice him, However someone did. Neji was still sleeping on the branch when he found him. He was on the ground staring up at him with a very serious look on is face...