"May I have everyone's attention, please?" Dumbeldore said the following Monday.

"You probably have noticed Miss Granger's long absence and I want to reassure all of you that Miss Granger is safe and sound at St. Mungo's under going treatments. I know this will come as a shock to you, but it is something you must all know. Miss Granger has cancer" Dumbeldore said. The students gasped and Ron's eyes started to tear up.

"Don't people die from cancer?" a first Hufflepuff year asked.

"Actually, more children survive cancer than adults" Dumbeldore said.

"What kind of cancer does have?" a fourth year Ravenclaw asked.

"Miss Granger has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, it's a mild form of childhood leukemia, and because it is not a very deadly form, Miss Granger will pull through and survive, but she will still be going through some very intense treatments. She will be able to return to Hogwarts in a month or so. You can floo to St. Mungo's and visit her on your own free time, but I will warn you, it can be very frightening to see someone going cancer treatments" Dumbeldore said. After the students were dismissed, Ron just sobbed his whole heart out.

"Ron, what if we go visit Hermione" Ginny said gently, hugging her big brother. Ron wiped his eyes and nodded. When Ron, Harry, and Ginny flooed to Hermione's room she was sleeping peacefully with her beautiful hair surrounding her neck and the late sun kissing her face. Ron walked slowly to her bed and gently laced his fingers with hers. Hermione felt her hand being held by another. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

"There's my keeper" Hermione whispered

"Hello my sweet love. How are you feeling?" Ron asked.

"I feel alright" Hermione said.

"I brought friends with me" Ron smiled. Ginny and Harry approached her slowly, not really knowing how to take this all in. Harry gave Hermione a brotherly kiss on the cheek and Ginny gave her a tight hug.

"Ginny be careful with her" Ron said. Out of all four of them, Hermione was the smallest. She was 5' 4'', Ginny was 5' 6'', Harry was 5' 11'', and Ron was 6'4''. Hermione felt very small when she and Ron were cuddling on the couch because not only was he tallest kid in school he had developed some muscle from Qudditch. She came to his stomach and had to stand on tip toe to just to his cheek.

"Oh Hermione you have guests. That's wonderful" her oncologist said.

"Hermione you have to have a spinal tap, honey" the oncologist said.

"What's that?" Hermione asked.

"It's a needle that goes into your back so we can find leukemia cells that might be hidden in your spinal fluid" said the oncologist. Ron picked up Hermione while pulling her IV pole with her.

"Here, sweetie, you can her right here. Are you all friends of Hermione?" the oncologist asked.

"I'm her boyfriend" Ron said.

"My, my, Hermione you're a very lucky girl to have this lovely young man for your boyfriend" Oncologist Wolfe said.

"Hermione, you need to curl up in a little ball ok? Just bring your knees up to your chest" Wolfe said. Wolfe pulled Hermione's pants and knickers down and draped a black towel with a hole in the over her back, and put rubbing alcohol on the area.

"Hermione, this may hurt a little, sweetie, ok? I'm going to put the needle in your back now" Wolfe said. When the needle went into Hermione's back, she screamed as if she were having the torture curse being put on her. Hermione squeezed Ron's hand as hard as she could and screamed again.

"You're being so brave my sweetie, so very, very brave" Ron said softly.

"All done, honey, you were a very good girl" Wolfe said. Ron was about help Hermione up when Wolfe hurried back down in lying position.

"A patient can sit up right after a spinal tap because they will get dizzy and start to vomit" Wolfe said. Ron kissed her cheek and sat next to his girlfriend. She was still crying from the pain.

"It hurt so bad. I don't want another ever again" Hermione cried.

"You were very brave, Herms" Harry said holding her other hand. Ginny just stood there in silence. That was the traumatic thing she had ever seen.