Hello, if you would kindly read my profile it would tell you who I am. I am not SimController, as she is currently in the hospital. I am her older sister. View profile for full details.

Right, the summary: Takes place 5 years in the future. Approximate ages are: Gaz - 15; Dib - 17; and Zim - 125 years, which is roughly 17 years old (about 7.35 earth years for each Irken year). Zim has found himself intrigued by the Dib-worm's sister. But now, the not-so-miniature Invader finds he has competition for Gaz-human's affections. Never one to back away from a challenge, Zim finds himself wrapped in an interesting battle for a heart...and a position in the Irken hierarchythat he'd always craved.

Please don't ask about the title. I have yet to figure out WHY I titled it that.

Rated "M" for some High School Themes and sexual remarks. This is a ZAGR fic, incase you didn't catch that.

Warnings for this chapter: Light swearing, some innuendo.

"Talking" Thinking 000000000000 indicates scene changes.

/Chapter One: Destined/

"Yes, Gir! I have finally discovered the way to get rid of the earthlings forever!" A green-skinned alien kid shouted in a military-like voice.

"Feed them so many waffles they explode?" a small robot with blue eyes said in a high pitched and squeaky voice.

"No, Gir, nothing that stupid. But perhaps I will keep that in mind for the Dib-worm. THIS plan involves...um...curse you, Gir. You made Zim forget his ingenious plot." The alien kid-named Zim- face contorted into an expression of disdain at his own forgetfulness, while his abovementioned SIR unit continued a ramble about exploding humans.

"And doom! I wanna sing the Doom Song! Doom doom doom doom doom..."

Zim quickly left the slightly crazy Gir to his ways, and went to the main upstairs part of the odd house, where the T.V. was. Flipping through the stations (a habit the earthlings called "channel surfing," though Zim saw no surfing involved in it) he decided that nothing good was on and he was going to put a movie in. Gir's favorite show, the Scary Monkeys or whatever it was called, was on, but the Invader had learned long ago that the strange program was not for him.

As the Irken teen reached down...waitonegoshdarnedminute...reached down? Am I...can it be...

The movie plans forgotten, Zim raced to the bathroom and pulled out a tape measure. As he measured his height, he thought about the hierarchy that made up the Irken Empire.

You see, on Irk the system of government is based on the Tallests, where the tallest Irkens are chosen to be leaders. However, no one ever knows who the next Tallest(s) will be, until they have a sudden growth spurt and become tall. The Tallests are destiny-chosen, and are never argued with. They are always the undisputed ruler of Irk.

Zim blinked, and slowly an evil smile broke out on his face. "Oh, yessss," he hissed. "I have been chosen. I am to be a Tallest!"

He didn't know the...we'll call them "side effects" of becoming a Tallest. It could be excruciatingly painful, he'd have a headache for days at a time, and of course his sexual drive would kick in. What male ruler of some sort of "monarchy" hadn't had a good lay or two (or in many Kings' cases, multiples) in their rules? But Zim had no idea about these, and you can bet that when he eventually remembered to report to Red and Purple they would never tell him, just so that they could see him squirm. But his report will be later. Right now, he had some...what was that term again? "Rubbing in Dib's face" to do. Or something along those lines. Revenge was the simpler term.


In the Membrane household, Dib and Gaz were eating their cold toast. "Whatever happened to that 'super toast' or whatever Dad called it?" Dib grumbled. Gaz, being Gaz, just ignored him and nibbled on her bread while beating up a bunch of vampire piggies on the GameSlave 4, a technique that she had perfected a looonnnggg time ago.

Dib, used to being ignored, sighed and munched loudly on his wheat half-toasted toast. He wondered what Zim was plotting now. The alien had been quiet of late. Somehow, 'Zim' and 'quiet' just didn't belong in the same sentence. Dib just knew that the little invader was up to something.

Little. Dib's lips twitched in an effort to not laugh out loud. According to Zim, he was about 17 in earth years, yet he was practically no taller than when he had arrived here about 5 years ago. The paranormal expert couldn't suppress the snicker that broke forth at that thought.

"Okay kids! Time to go to High School!" Professor Membrane's head-on-a-screen floated to the mealtime table. Somehow he always knew when it was time for them to depart to the hellish nightmare of a teenager's life...um, High Skool. Gaz, without breaking her concentration on the video game currently in her grasp, walked to the front door and exited the house. Dib, still amazed she could do such a thing even after living with her for the past 15 years of her life, followed silently.


During the short walk to the High Skool situated a few blocks from his "house," Zim couldn't restrain the smug look on his face. I'm gonna be a Tallest, he sang in his head, practically skipping to the entrance of the skool.

Right in front of said establishment, Zim spotted the Dib-worm and his sister walking. The green skinned boy swaggered up to them, and was in such a good mood that he greeted both siblings rather civily.

"Hello, Dib-stink person." Well, civil for Zim, at least. "Hello, Gaz-human."

"What do you want Zi-OHMIGOD!" Dib yelled the last part. Gaz, momentarily distracted by her brother's distress, glanced up to glare but stopped. And stared. In fact, most of the female population (and a few of the male students) were staring unabashedly at Zim. Seemingly overnight he had grown taller than most of the students attending the school. However, that wasn't all Gaz's eyes were feasting on. She had always known he was strong, and now she couldn't help but notice how lean and powerful he appeared. Zim practically had the body of a god! In a temporary out of character mood swing, she blushed at her thoughts and blamed it on hormones. With the green skin and the red eyes she knew were under the contacts, he could almost pass for the vampire piggy hunter(1). And speaking of piggies, she was now back in character, playing her video game like normal. She did, though, keep her eye trained on Zim, watching him strut around the Skool grounds in his military fashion.

"What the hell happened to you!" Dib pretty much screamed. Gaz couldn't help but wonder the same thing, along with some of the other students listening in on the conversation.

"I have been chosen, Dirt-child!" Zim laughed. "I am to be a Tallest!"

"A tallest?" Dib pronounced it without the hint of pride in his voice that Zim's had contained. "Like a leader of your empire?"

"Luckily for you, Dib-worm, I am in an extraordinarily pleased mood. Being chosen has made me very happy, and I shall humor your stupid humanness. Yes, a Tallest is like becoming what your president is, only I will have control of all of the Irken Empire and all of the planets currently under our control. It is a great honor to become a Tallest. It also means that I, Zim! shall be the undisputed ruler or Irk, and no one shall question it! HAHAHAHAHA!" Zim explained/laughed.

"You're to be a ruler?" the two boys (well, one boy and one alien boy) turned incredulously at Gaz, who had not only just spoken but had also opened both eyes completely and was regarding Zim curiously.

Said alien, getting over his momentary surprise, flashed a smirk and answered, "Yes, a ruler. Does the position not suit me?"

Gaz just shrugged and pressed another combo into the GS 4. Zim, slightly annoyed that she didn't answer, stared down at her...and realized how...sexy she looked. The way her hair fell into her face, the way her skirt laid, her figure...

Shaking his head viciously, Zim commanded his brain to stop thinking such thoughts. The attractive earth female (hell, she'd be attractive on Irk!) would surely notice, or at least the Dib would.

In fact, Dib had noticed Zim eyeing his younger sister. Despite how creepy she could be at times, Gaz was still his little sister and only sibling, so he moved in front of her as if to shield her from the alien. This fact did not go unnoticed by Zim, who narrowed his eyes at Dib while swearing silently that he would claim the Gaz-female's affections by the end of the school year. He could tell that his new appearance was attracting the looks of many females, and he planned on using this advantage. If things went his way he could "kill two birds with one stone:" he could utterly piss off the Dib-worm and have a female under his control.

Zim didn't think he would have any problems with this. He didn't realize how difficult it would actually be.

/End chapter one/

(1) Reference to episode 12b: GameSlave 2

Well, how was that? Believe it or not, this is actually the first posted story via the internet I've ever done. Typically my younger sister and my friends would read my stuff. But whatever.

Please review. From what sister tells me, reviews are nice.

Spazzyfries, signing off for now.