Author's Note: Who-HOO! I'm going for year 2 here, people! Not that this song's much to look at, but this idea's been floating around my since summer, at least, so I had to do something with it. Either that or listen to the plot bunny sing it over and over and over and over and over and- Well, you get the picture.

I'm so extremely excited for Christmas!!! I could barely wait to post this on Dec 1 so here it is! Merry Christmas everybody! And Happy Holidays! Have a great month whatever you may celebrate!

(On a different, much odder, note: Sheesh! Could I have used more exclamation points?)

Ok, so I did have a point when I thought about what I was going to put in my Author's note so I better get to it before my Author's note gets longer than my actual song. Oops, too late…

I dunno if a lot of people refer to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as TMNT or if it's just me, but it's the only way it works for the song unless you prefer to be out of breath, besides the nasty little plot bunny was gnawing on my brain and I had to make it stop. I blame the bunny as do we all. Enjoy!

PS. I'll condense this author's note later so it's not so completely overwhelming. I'm just too excited to contain myself, right now!

Disclaimer: The owning rights to Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman. Unless they wanna give 'em to me for Christmas…(hint hint, wink wink)



Our favorite green butt-kickers

We watch you every Saturday

Fight the Foot then fade away



Our favorite green butt-kickers

--(second verse)--



Our four reptilian heroes

Red, orange, purple and blue

Don't know how we'd live without you



Our four reptilian heroes