Disclaimer: As usual, Harry Potter and everything associated with it does not belong to me.

A/N: Another L/J one-shot. I love these things. Please read and review.


She walks straight up to him during breakfast at the Great Hall, green eyes ablaze and red hair flaming. She is resolute, determined to talk to the boy. Without further ado, she grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt and pulls him away, into the corridor outside, ignoring the strange gaping stares she was attracting in doing so. Once outside, the girl turns to him.

"I snore." She says seriously.

The boy blinks. "Excuse me?"

"I snore," She repeats defiantly. "I snore, and I drool a bit when I sleep, and I'm really too pessimistic and sarcastic for the health of the environment, and I have this obsession with being in control of things, and I can't sing on key, and I tend to be bossy and I'm a compulsive perfectionist and overachiever, and I get jealous really easily, I have the worst temper of anyone you'll ever meet, and I can be hypocritical and overbearing, I have no chest to speak of, I'm way too skinny and yet I eat way too much for my own good, especially when concerning strawberry ice cream, and I overanalyze literally everything and I worry over literally nothing, and I have a streak of competitiveness that will not shut up and will not allow me to lose."

A pause. He blinks again, obviously shocked from this random, rambling outburst.

"Well?" She prompts fiercely. "Do you see what I mean?"

He recovers and admits: "No, I'm a bit confused, actually. Can you explain, Lily?"

"You said last night that you liked me because I was perfect for you," She replies agitatedly. "Remember, James? When I asked you why you liked me and why you didn't go after some prettier girl like Julia Farkas?"

He nods slowly in comprehension. Then, it dawns on him—she wants to prove that she isn't perfect for him. And then he laughs at the sheer stupidity of the suggestion, a shout of amusement, throwing his head back, releasing loud, long peals of giddiness that echo and dance, twirling in the empty hallway.

She looks unnerved and upset. "Why are you laughing?" She demands irritably.

"Because you, Lily Evans, are the funniest girl I've ever met," He replies with a lopsided, charming grin on his face. "And you are perfect for me."

And before she can react, he swoops down and kisses her on the lips, just for a brief moment, capturing her soul and her spirit in his passion. Then he breaks away with a huge, triumphant smile stretched from ear to ear, and whistling, walks back into the Great Hall to finish eating his breakfast.

The girl stands there, a hand pressed to her lips, her mind reeling. When she finally is capable of somewhat logical notions again, she can't help but think: Perhaps we are perfect for each other.

A/N: Eh, not my best. Too fluffy, but I had an idea and HAD to write it. Please read and review? I need input.