Part 4

"Marry you? Are you insane?" she laughed hysterically. Angelus wanted to hit her for that. How dare she laugh at him? At this situation? Women would die willingly to become his wife and this…child, his soul mate refuses to acknowledge him? His power over her? Her submission?

Ho, he really wanted to hit her, wipe that smug face off of her, to see her cry again but he also knew that if he'd hit her each time she talked bad or did something wrong then eventually she'd be apathy or worst , insane, like Dru.

No, she'll learn who the master is. There are other ways to break her.

Buffy would have never suspected those thoughts were running through his head, to her he just seamed…uncaring to the situation, uncaring to the fact that she refuse to be any part of his life, or in his case unlife, his calmness upset her. He was acting though as if he was merely taking her to the movies or something not like he was about to marry her against her will.

"No" she stubbornly insisted, her chin held high "I will never marry you, why would you want me? A girl when you can have any women you want? Besides, I didn't know that vampires are getting married"

Angelus didn't answer that. Once he'll get back to his business in L.A he will make everything right, he will claim her in the "Neshama" ceremony and then she'd truly be his.

He just couldn't wait to see her face once she'll realize what this ceremony will do to her, to her past and future, how she will be bound to him for all eternity.

"I will not marry you" she threatened quietly, more to herself. She intended her voice to sound strong and confident but it sounded more like a whiney little girl her daddy refuses to give her a candy before dinner.

He didn't care less what she wanted. he suffered for centuries, missing her, his soul mate and now that he found her nothing will get in his way. That's why he wanted to perform this particular ceremony, he will not loose her again and performing this ceremony will make damn sure that he won't.

He guessed that a little threat and smut won't harm.

At the red light he stopped the car, his cold hand touching her chin, turning her face to look at him. He looked into her hazel green eyes, his eyes cold and vicious.

"You will be my wife and you will obey me even if I'll have to tie you to my bed and fuck you to submission, got it?" he kept his voice calm and low. Buffy knew already that it was then when he was most feared and truly dangers.

Wisely she kept her mouth shut realizing that she pushed him too far. Averting his eyes she silently faced the window, refusing to let him see her tears as they slide down her face. She was afraid before that he'll rape her but what does it matter now? He will do it anyway.

The next time she opened her eyes they were parked in front of a huge building and she couldn't believe she let her guard down with him and fall a sleep. Angelus escorted her out, not letting go of her hand, meaning not trusting her to stay and not try to escape.

A bellboy took his car keys.

"Good evening Mr. O'Connor"

Angelus node his head and steeped inside the building. He didn't have much time. While Buffy was sleeping he made some calls and found out that Faith, the slayer was looking for her sister. It wouldn't be long before she'll come here, but when she do it will be too late, it will be after the ceremony.

Buffy looked stunned, this building was huge, everyone greeted Angelus, asking him questions and asking for his advice.

It couldn't be…vampires do not act like that, they live in crypts and grave yards not a fancy building in the good part of L.A.

She saw the golden shiny sign when they reached the elevator; it said "Wolfram and Heart".

No one asked why Angelus was with her, a girl her age, it was illegal and they were a law firm. She just wondered what kind of a low they represented exactly. It couldn't be the United States law.

They reached the penthouse and once they left the elevator a pretty blond woman approached them.

"Hi Boss, Mr. Wilkins is here…with a company".

He knew she was trying to snoop; well it won't do her any good. She eyed Buffy, patronizing her with her age and high.

"Um...Can I offer you're…friend a drink? Coffee? Soda? Cocoa?" she mocked.

Buffy glared at her, standing tall, although she was smaller and shorter, she had an aura around her that made her look more superior then that lady.

"You know, 'Ho's are Us' is way out of fashion this days", Buffy smiled sweetly although her intention was anything but.

The girl huffed, waiving her hair and folded her arms, staring at Buffy, furious.

Angelus smirked at her remark, that's his girl.

"No thank you Harmony, I will be in the meeting with my wife…Buffy" he squeezed Buffy's hand, empathizing Harmony that Buffy is his wife and he will not tolerate any comments about her, "Do not interrupt us or transfer any calls".

Buffy fussed, "I am not his…"

Angelus pulled her to his office before she had a chance to deny or argue.