Changing Paths

It's been three months since the battle on Kaine Island. With the Cooper threat now gone, everyone who had distinguished himself or she were moved to a newly established branch. These people were called the Interpol Elites. Among them were Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, and her partner Inspector Sly Cooper. Having worked up the ranks, Cooper went from constable, to inspector. To Carmelita, Sly Cooper the thief was no more; replaced by a crime fighter who's past was covered up by amnesia. Of course only Sly knew the truth behind his amnesia. After all, he did fake it.

Being Interpol Elites, Cooper and Fox were assigned to give lectures at the academy made to train those who would become elites. Today, it was Sly's turn. Sly was the least favorite, at least by the guys of the academy. With Carmelita, they had something to look at to keep their mind off of the fact that they're getting their manhood kicked inside out. With Sly, they couldn't do anything wrong that wouldn't set off into a series of different meltdowns. Sly's excuse to himself: 'They'd rather get some of Carmelita than give a bad guy a karate kick upside the face."

Sly had just finished his lecture and had moved to a round of Q and A's.

"So how's it going with that hottie Fox?" said an annoying jock. He then high-fived his buddy.

Sly were on his last nerves with these two. "You know what? You two up here!"

The two jocks reluctantly got out of their desks and joined Sly. They were both given nightsticks. "I want you two to come at me from both sides."

The two jocks did so. They lunged at him pretty fast, but Sly was even faster. In an instant, the two guys were practically knotted into a ball at Sly's feet. "Now does anybody else wish to make a sexual comment about Inspector Fox?" He then kicked the two off the stage.

A few days later, it was Carmelita's turn to lecture. But she shocked to see those two jocks being well behaved. She knew it had to be connected to the series of bruises and welts covering the guys.

"Ringtail," she muttered with a smile two herself. "What did you do this time, 'cause I think I have some thanking to do."

When Carmelita got back to Interpol, she was almost wishing she didn't have to leave the academy. At least it was better there than with the crap she had to endure here. But then again…

Carmelita always had trouble with the guys. It wasn't her who had trouble trying to land a date; it was the guys who had trouble trying to land a date with her. They were always doing something that if she reported; they'd be kicked out. Guys wanted her and women wanted her out. Sly had the same problem, only it was the women who wanted her, and it was the guys who wanted him out. Some could say that the two would make a cute couple, but nobody did, because everyone was green with envy. In the lobby, the two met, both were signing off duty.

"So what did you do this time?" She asked.

"I have not the faintest idea your talking about" Sly spoke, he had a smile on his face.

"Don't play dumb, what did you do to those two jerks at the academy?" Carmelita asked, she too had a smile built up on her face.

"Oh, they wouldn't stop talking about you, and I got a little jealous!" He playfully answered.

"Yeah right!" She said back. "And by the way, great work on putting that Krakow brother in jail."

The Krakow Brothers were vicious rats that were the leaders of a new crime syndicate that moved into Paris form Nantes. Sly managed to bust one of the brothers. He was now sitting in the slammer.

"Thanks, and…" Sly was about to conclude, but he didn't finish.

There was a massive explosion on the jail side of the station.

"It looks like the other brother is trying to bust him out" Carmelita yelled, she hurried to the parking lot, where the jail cells were. Right behind her was Sly.

They just managed to see a blue delivery van leave; in the back were the Krakow brothers. Carmelta jumped into her red sports car, and started the ignition. She then saw sly pass by at high speed on a police motorcycle; sirens blaring. She managed to catch up to Sly, who was closing in on the van.

"In pursuit under heavy fire!" He yelled over the band.

Carmelita picked up the radio in her car. "Cooper, be careful!"

"Roger!" He replied.

Suddenly, the back of the van opened up, and one of the Krakow Brothers stepped forward, holding a bazooka.

"Oh CRAP!" Sly yelled. "RPG…!"

There was a cloud of fire. Carmelita drove into it. Suddenly out of thin air a body slammed into the windshield, and bounced off into the street, leaving behind a cracked windscreen smeared with blood.

Screaming, Carmelita hit the brake and spun around. Looking through her blood smeared windshield she saw the body. Running to it she discovered it was Sly! He was still alive but barely.

"Hold on Sly!" she cried. "Hold on!" Tears were forming.

Two officers came up and pulled Carmelita away from him as an ambulance pulled up. Carmelita couldn't help but cry. 'I didn't even get a chance to…'

But it was too late. An officer inspecting Sly turned around and looked at her. He shook his head side to side. Things didn't look good.