Ch 1 Hell is a place called home

Hermione sat up in her bed, she was woken suddenly by the whimper of a women. She grabbed her wand from her bedside table and quietly opened her bedroom door. She peered out into the darkened landing of the second floor. Through the gloom she quietly analyzed the situation. She could make out two figures on the floor one laying immobile the other was kneeling. She recognized the kneeling woman as her mother. She peered further into the gloom and made out the figure of two men. One was unsure of how to approach, the other stood watching the sniveling woman.

"Avada Kedavra!" the unsure man shouted suddenly. A blinding light erupted, illuminating the hall. When all was dark again she flicked on the hall light. The two men were death eaters. Prepared, Hermione raised her wand and attacked.

"Rutila" the spell hit the confident death eater. He flew through the air and was immediately pinned to the wall. Before the second death eater could react she hit him with a similar spell.

"Habitum Obviam" he also hit the wall and remained there. Hermione approached them like a tiger would his prey. She could see them both struggling against her spells.

"Well what do you know. I wasn't expecting a visit tonight or I would have dressed up." Hermione said her tone dripping sarcasm. She pulled off the mask of the confident death eater to find the handsome face of Lucius Malfoy. He was staring at her completely bewildered.

"This is quite a surprise Mr. Malfoy I never thought I would see you here like this... Well I mean in my control that is" she said.

Not once did this bright young witch smile. She was once a perfect young lady, brave and loyal with the greatest friends you can wish for. Things, however, can never last. Every part of Hermione's body was hidden from view not hinting at the hell she was living through. Officially in the wizarding world she was of age, but in the muggle world she was still a kid and still in custody of her parents.

While Hermione had been at school for her sixth year her mother had become pregnant. They were as happy as could be and told Hermione straight away. A month after she received the happy news she got some bad news followed by worse news. Her mother was not pregnant by her father but by some other man, who's name was not ever mentioned, soon after her mother miscarried the baby. Both her parents slunk into depression and by the time summer arrived they had developed some very dangerous and expensive habits. Her mother had began to drink hard liquor on a daily basis and her father turned to speed, a fast paced drug. He began to be violent and suspicious of Hermione and her mother. He believed they were plotting to kill him so they could have his life insurance money. The first time he hit Hermione her mother had stepped in, but after that she seemed to stop caring. It got bad but he never hit her in the face. At first she tried to contact Harry and Ron to get their help and advice but they seemed to stop caring also. Hermione slunk into a sort of depression. She knew she could use magic to escape her parents but she had strong morals and didn't think it was right, so she endured the pain. It got worse after her mother began to hit her too.

"Well I see you have killed my parents" she said her dark eyes expressionless. She walked over to the other death eater and removed his mask as well.

"Why its Draco. What a pleasure" Hermione said her tone cold.

"So I assume you both have come here to kill me. Very well" she said and she released them from her spells and dropped her wand onto the floor. "Who is going to do it? You Draco I'm sure you'll get immense satisfaction from killing the mud blood you have hated all these years." she said staring at him. His pale face seemed in shock at Hermione's cold demeanor so she turned her dark eyes on Lucius.

"Actually Miss Granger we never had the intention of killing you tonight, but to offer you a very rare proposition. Well rare in the case of a muggle born like yourself." Said Lucius with a smirk. She watched him as he scanned her body with his eyes.

"Do you want to see me naked Mr. Malfoy? Is that why your eyes slowly take me in. Do you think I have the glorious body of an angel. With creamy skin and an alluring sense of heat. Do you want to see what is really there. I'll show you" Hermione pulled off the long sleeve shirt she was wearing revealing her once beautiful body. She watched as Lucius took a step back. Every inch of her skin was covered with scars, bruises, burns and fresh cuts. "Do you still want me?" she asked

"That could all be removed with a simple spell" he said uncertainly

"Do you think so? I would like to keep them though as a reminder of what Hell is. Of what cold bastard parents do to their children, to their flesh and blood." Hermione said her voice so icy the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees. She looked at her parents dead bodies with disgust. She was glad they were dead.

"We came to offer you a position within our ranks" Draco blurted out suddenly speaking for the first time. Hermione turned her attention to him.

"Is that so?" Hermione said with interest. "But why is that? Certainly the Dark Lord would not want trash like me within his ranks... I know, he wants me to deliver him Harry Potter right? Well tell his graciousness that I no longer consort with the likes of him." she said and she walked away into her bedroom. She went to her window and stood on the ledge. She had contemplated jumping many times, but she calculated that the fall would not kill her but only cause her more pain. She heard someone come into the room, but she didn't turn around to acknowledge them. She was grabbed suddenly from behind and pulled back into her room.

"Miss Granger suicide will surely not be possible from this distance, I don't advise you try" Lucius said releasing her.

"I already know that suicide is not an obtainable goal at this height which is why I don't try. Besides I am a Gryffindor and my courage will not let me seek such an easy way out. I am not a coward." she told him masking her true feelings. Her pride was still in high account.

"That is excellent Miss Granger but as to the Dark Lord's offer, he is also a pride filled man who wishes to receive Harry Potter by his own hand. He only wants you because he sees you as a bright young witch who will be very loyal to him and do his bidding without a question as to the task. Think on it Miss Granger. Think of all the power and Knowledge you will be granted. You are a smart girl you should know this is an offer to difficult to refuse. Also your parents have been removed from this house and set up to appear dead in a different fashion. We are keeping a very low profile for now. The Dark Lord is planning an extravagant return." Lucius said and he left the room. She heard him disapparate with a small pop.

Hermione crawled back into bed thinking of all the events that had unfolded so suddenly. She was given the chance to be a death eater. To be one of those heartless bastards that killed innocent people. A couple of months ago she would have spit in his face and let him kill her, but now she began to consider doing it. She once belonged in the light, but now it was the dark that was beckoning her.