The Doheny Eye Institute, Los Angeles.
The camera moves through the hospital, until it reaches the room Nr. 4393. We see Jack Bauer stretched on a bed, and slowly opening up his eyes. The nurse in the room, who's been adjusting his covers greets him. "Mr. Bauer. How are you feeling?"

"Ah, I'm feeling alright." Jack says slowly, looking around the room. "My vision is still blurry. I'm tired."

"Any pains?"

"No. Not really."

"Good. If you need anything, just ring, alright?"

"Yes. Thank you." Jack sighs. He isn't exactly happy that he had to subject himself to eye surgery, but not being able to see well was even more annoying. He wasn't able to do his job properly.

Jack sits up in his bed, slowly, and looks out the window. Another one of those beautiful summer days outside. He sits there, thinking about Teri. On such days, they'd go to a park, have a walk, enjoy themselves. "Teri, I miss you.", he whispers to himself.

After a while, Kim comes in and Jack turns to her, meeting her halfway across the room.

"Hi Dad. Are you still feeling groggy from the operation?" She hugs him when asking this.

"Hey sweetheart." Jack hugs her back. "Yeah, but I'm gonna be fine. How are you? Haven't seen you in a while. I've missed you.", he admits, smiling.

"Chase and I have been organizing our move.Getting the papers and stuff ready." She smiles at him affectionately. "You look bored, Dad. They said your discharge papers should be ready soon. Then they'll release you for home recovery and I'll give you a ride home."

"Yeah, it's annoying." Jack smiles. "You know me, I wanna get back to work. How's Angela?"

"She's OK, growing so fast though. But she is adorable." Kim says with a smile.

Jack tenderly caresses her as he moves a strand of hair that's been hanging over her eye behind her ear. "Thank you for coming, Kim."

"Why wouldn't I come? You're my father and I love you, no matter where you are. So, do you have all your stuff packed so that we can leave when they get the papers ready?"

"Yeah. I'm all set."

The nurse walks back in. "Mr. Bauer?" , she spots Kim. "Oh, I'm sorry. You must be the daughter."

"Yes, she's my daughter", Jack replies. "So, do I get to go home?"

"Yes. Here are all your papers. Just be careful. Your eyes won't be fully recovered for a few hours yet."

"Ok, I will. Thank you."

The nurse nods and places the papers on the bed, then leaves the room.

Michelle sat at her desk looking over a numerous amount of files. Work here was just like it had been at CTU except she was the boss here. She did miss the old look of CTU though, Division was slicker, it had more of an uptight feel to it. But she would get used to it, like she got used to all of the changes she had been going through.

It had been a busy day so far, more then the usual amount of workload had come in, so they were sorting through it at a quicker pace, It's going to be a long day... Michelle thought as she closed a file on her desktop computer.

Division main floor
Steve was filtering through the data streams coming in from the FBI, pulling them together, trying to make sense of all those numbers and strings of data. He looked bored. This wasn't why he took the job.

"Hellen, open up a socket on server two, please. I've got more data from the FBI coming in. I need you to check the names against the no-fly watch list, ok?"

"Sure." Hellen does as told. "Done."

The Doheny Eye Institute
"Alright, we're ready. Let's go, Kim."

Kim takes Jack's arm and leads him through the door of the room towards the exit.

Chloe O'Brien looked over from her desk, she frowned. "Just great." She whispered under her breath, rolling her eyes. She watched as Brad Hammond ducked into Erin's office. Chloe had forgotten all about the meeting between Driscol and Hammond. She sighed, but as long as Hammond didn't talk to her she wouldn't mind.

Michelle picked up the phone dialing Steve's number.

"Hey Steve, how is the data transfer between the FBI going?"

"Ah, we're just getting started, Michelle. The data are filtering in right now. I've put Hellen on the FBI watch list."

A trucker in his tanker, whistling to a tune on the radio, doing 50 on the freeway.

Split screen of the truck and a Residental Area

The men set up their positions, blending into the surrondings with ease. They brought their weapons to the ready, their target would be ariving shortly.

This would be the first step towards their goal, their goal of rebirth...

Michelle walked down from her office and over to Hellen's desk. She stood beside her and looked down at her work pile. "Hellen, have you got those lists sorted yet?" Michelle asked softly.

Hellen was startled a little. "No, Michelle, I just started. It's gonna take some time, alright?"

"Ah, Michelle, we'll get it done for you a.s.a.p., ok? I know it can't wait.", Steve interrupted. "How's your husband?", he changed the subject.

Michelle looked at Steve with her mouth wide open, she hadn't been expecting that question. She nodded. "He's fine, he's gone off to a job interview at the moment."

Kim's car
Kim's driving, while Jack is looking around. He doesn't see that much, it's still quite blurry. I hate this., he thinks to himself. He looks affectionately at Kim. He's glad she got her life sorted out, things are finally looking like she'll be able to live a normal life after all. Despite everything that's happened to them and despite all the mistakes he's made in the past and this makes him happy. He looks out the window and smiles to himself, relieved.

The Almeida Residence

Tony comes home from a job interview Jack had arranged for him. It was a local software company who's founder was an old Army buddy of Jack's. The man seemed slightly more understanding than the other companies who had interviewed him.

"Heh.The word prison does have an effect on people." Tony thought to himself as he took off his tie and suit jacket.

"Oh well, just have to wait and see. At least I won't have to worry about stress the same way I had to at CTU."

Kim's Car
Jack's cell phone rings. He picks up, not looking at the display to see the caller ID. "Bauer."

"Jack it's me," Jack closes his eyes and smiled slightly, it was Audrey.

"Hi, how's everything?" he asked, unable to hide the grogginess in his voice.

"Oh, fine, I've been able to take care of everything here while you were in surgery," she said with a short sigh, "but how are you?"

"I'm fine, it's nothing that a few hours rest won't cure."

"Well, no rush, I'll be over later to brief you on the events of the day...see you then?"

"Yea...see you then, bye."

Audrey smiled to herself as she put the phone back on the table and turned to return back to the room with her father to help with the tasks at hand.

Brad Hammond greets Erin Driscoll: "Hello Erin. How are things here, are you back to full working capacity already?"

"Hello, Brad. Yes, everything is up and running. Have a seat.", she gestures to a chair in the office. "Coffee?"

"No thank you. Let's get started."

"Alright." Erin sits down opposite him and opens a file folder.

"Steve, you need to see this, I think I've got something.", Hellen calls to him. "This guy, Eric Simmons, he's on the watchlist here, but it appears as if he boarded a plane just a couple of hours ago."

Steve joins her at her desk quickly and takes a look at the screen for a second, then points to it. "Yeah, except it says here that guy is dead."

Hellen: "It's probably a glitch in the logs. Those damn Bureau guys haven't updated their lists. But I'll run it through the other lists anyway."

"Do that, but hurry up."

"Yeah I know. Everything's always urgent here."

Steve doesn't comment as he goes back to his desk.

Jack's apartment
Kim pulls up infront of the house. Kim turns to Jack: "OK Dad, here we are. Let me help you get settled again "

"Thank you."
Jack allows Kim to help him to bed. "I'll just rest for a while, you probably have other things to take care of."

"So, Brad", Erin asks. "Are you satisfied with the choices we've made regarding our staff? After all, you've had your people supervise us."

Hammond: "Yes I suppose so, but I want weekly progress reports from here as usual. I see you still have Chloe o'Brian on staff here."

Chloe had just happened to walk past Driscoll's office, as Brad had mentioned her name. Chloe thought she'd take advanatage of this moment to make herself a real pain in the ass. She knew Hammond didn't like her so it was time to roll up her sleeves and play Little Miss Perfect.

Chloe ducked into Drisscol's office, "Yes I'm still here, Brad." Chloe said smiling. "Anything I can get you prehaps? A coffee? Or a transfer slip for the whole staff again?" She continued to smile. "Oh but that's probably not by protocol, I'll arrange it if you like, because I'm such a nice person, that is, Brad." She moved in closer to Hammond, placing a hand around his shoulders and patting him on the back. She was clearly making him uncomfortable. Mission Accomplished, she thought.

Hammond was clearly annoyed and a bit uncomfortable with Chloe: "Krhm,Chloe, just because you are the most skillful technician here at the moment it does not give you the authority to criticize your superiors. And as for the personnel changes, some of them were mandatory, some requested. Now leave."

Chloe lets go and leaves Erin's office, going back to the main floor.

The Almeida Residence
Tony switches on the TV, but shortly falls asleep when watching it. The sleepless nights are catching up to him.

Residental Area
The man glanced down at his watch, it was almost time to make the call. He watched until the digital red number flicked over to 11:40. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed the number of CTU LA. A woman's voice filled his ear.

He said: "You will succumb to our demands, this is the rebirth of our nation, this is just a warning." With that he hung up.

He glanced around at his men giving them the signal to get ready, their target would be there in a few minutes.

Michelle picks up her phone, "Hellen, I need you to send me that watch list now."

"Okay." Hellen Replies flatly.

Michelle hangs up.

Residental Area
Ragen saw the truck, it was about five hundred meters away from the residental area. He raised his weapon. "Now!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the air.

In the next few seconds a barage of bullets hit the truck. Gunfire errupted through the air and after a moment the bullets ignated the oil in the back of the truck causing it to explode. Flames flew through the area debris smashed against the ground sending sparks everywhere.

Ragen nodded, their first objective was complete.

Just as Michelle hungs up the phone, it rang again. she picked it up. "Division, Dessler."

"Michelle it's Chloe, we just got a call from a group of terrorists, look, set your computer to receive, I'll stream you the call."

"Ok." Michelle replies, hastily opening up a command terminal and changing over to superuser, giving her supreme accsess. She opens port eight on her computer and sets it to receive.

Jack's place
After Kim leaves, Jack remembers Tony has had that job interview. He picks up the phone to call him up Tony and ask him how it went. The phone rings.

The Almeida Residence
Tony wakes up to the ringing of the phone, picking it up: "Almeida.Uh, hey Jack. No, no bother at all, I must´ve fallen asleep while watching TV. So what's going on?"

"Not much, I just came home from the hospital. I just wanted to ask you about that interview. How'd it go? What did Michael say?"

"It went OK, he seemed more understanding than the previous interviewers. But we'll see, my record isn't exactly spotless anymore. But, umm, how about you? Your vision getting any better?"

"Well, they said it would take a couple of hours. I'll be back at work tomorrow."

"Yeah. You just can't keep away from all that, can you Jack. Ever heard of sick leave?", he says with a slight chuckle.

Jack smiles. "Yeah... How are things with Michelle?"

"We're trying to work things out.. . As a matter of fact, I should probably call her soon. You take care of yourself, alright Jack?"

"Yeah, I will, Tony. You too. Bye."

Residential Area
Panic ensued, people running about, a strong wind carrying the fumes and the flames threatening to set the adjacent buildings on fire. Firefighters begin arriving, as are the news teams, both on the ground and in the air, choppers covering the biggest news story of the day.

Steve runs up to Michelle's office:
"Michelle, you might wanna take a look at this!" Steve brings up a report on the big screen for everyone to see. "It seems like a tanker truck exploded near the outskirts of the city!" The staff turns their attention to the screen and they are awaiting Michelle's reaction.

Jack's place
Jack hangs up the phone, and calls up Michael, the guy who Tony has had the interview with. Michael, a tall, black man, leaning in his chair, in an office overlooking the city of Los Angeles, picks up the phone.

"Michael, it's Jack Bauer."

"Hi Jack."

"So how did it go this morning?"

"Jack, I don't know. Treason? I mean, you told me he had spent some time in prison, but..."

"Michael. Look. You know me better than most people. I would never ask anything of you if it wasn't for a good cause. Trust me. Tony Almeida is a good man. He isn't a threat. He just had some bad luck last year, that's all."

"Alright, Jack. I'll think about it.", Michael agrees, though somewhat hesitatingly.

"Thank you. I can't ask for more."

"Sure. Later, Jack."

"Okay." Jack hangs up.

The Almeida Residence
Tony switches the channel and ends up watching the news about the explosion. He picks up the phone in order to call Michelle.

"Michelle, it's me. I went to that interview. No, I don't know yet. The guy said he'd call me back in a few days. How are things there?"

"Busy, as you can imagine. Look hon, I'm gonna have to call you back we're in the middle of something, I'll call you back when I get a chance, ok? I promise. I love you." Michelle says before hanging up and opening the audio file that Chloe sent her.

Residential Area
With the explosion catching everyone's attention, Ragen and his men stealthily retreat and head for an abandoned industrial complex in the suburbs of LA.

Erin Driscoll's office / CTU
From the top floor of CTU, Erin and Brad had been a little detached from the happenings on the main floor. Their meeting is now over, however. Erin stands up and holds the door open for him.

"Alright, Brad, I'll see if we can make those changes." When Hammond walks through, she follows him downstairs and walks towards a very upset-looking Annie, one of the few new techies. "What's going on?"

"Erm... Well, look for yourself." Annie turns her screen towards Erin and Brad, and plays for them the clip that shows the explosion of the truck just outside the city.

"What do we know about how this happened?", Erin asks.

"Not much. But look here..." She pulls up the log files and points to a row of numbers on it. "It looks like Chloe got a phone call from a scrambled cell phone just minutes before this happened." She stands up from her chair and speaks in a low voice. "I think we're either looking at a terrorist act or Chloe is working with someone to infiltrate the government."

Hammond turns to Erin: "Get on this Erin. Call Division and ask them if they have any unusual activities today. Check Chloe's phonelogs for today and see who she's called, then ask her what she knows of this. I have a meeting with District, keep Division in the loop on this."

Hammond leaves CTU.

"Annie, try not to raise any red flags with Chloe. Since you're already on the phonelogs, go through all of them and let me know what you find. I'll get in touch with Division." Having said that, Erin walks back up to her office.

Michelle hastily walked down the stairs to the main floor. "Ok everyone listen up!" Michelle moves over to a computer, she opens the audio file that Chloe sent her and played it for the rest of the team. When the file finished playing Michelle stepped back.

"Obviously this is the first of a wave of attacks, more will follow but they haven't left any demands which means they aren't afraid of killing innocents. I want everyone starting to pipe info over from CTU, FBI, District and Langley, I need everyone to start coordinating with other agencies if we want to get through this. I also want one field team dispatched to the location of the tanker explosion, make sure the police keep away from everything. OK people let's move!"