Brother My Brother

(Eragon and Murtagh)

Brother my Brother

Why do we stand on opposite sides of war?

Is this the only reason we're fighting for?

My heart is full of remorse,

Because I know this war will end with a corpse

Our friendship is in the past

And our brother did not last

Brother my Brother

You were once my shield from harm

Your presence made me feel safe and warm

You were my best friend once,

And you broke my trust,

Brother my Brother

Why did you lie to me?

I know that inside you feel pain and are lonely

I thought you said you didn't want to be like father

And that you wanted me to be your brother

But how can that be

When it was you who betrayed me

Brother my Brother

I know you're in a weak state

But you must do something before its too late

Convince yourself that this isn't the man you want to be

But down the sword of misery

Do this for me

Brother my Brother….

Ode to Murtagh and Eragon. Kinda like if Eragon was talking to Murtagh. Also if you read my profile it has parts of this for the brothers in my own story (Ataren and Sivar) yeah i was majorly pissed when Eldest came out because Murtagh was and STILL IS my favorite, its not fair why does this always happen? first Sirius now Murtagh, grr...anyway hope you like it