She had been running for days, much longer than a normal person. The shikon shards she carried and her miko energy unknowingly gave her the strength to thrive on. She had been running for so long that the muscles in her legs burned, but she knew she couldn't give up, she knew she had to keep going. It was a dangerous journey to make alone, especially for a modern day, girl of her stature. No cross country club back in present day could have prepared her for what had happened that night. She took deep, gasping, heavy breaths of cold night air and she could hear the crickets chirping around her. Her lungs hurt, but she knew he wasn't far behind her. Like the dog he was, he would find her, kill her, and leave her to rot. Her pace slowed until she came to a stop, collapsing beneath a magnolia tree in a clearing in the forest. The soft pink petals danced around her tanned face. Snow covered her thick eyelashes and fell onto her dark blue hair. An older woman came along picking fruit early the next morning. She was humming a soft tune as she worked finding fruit.
"Oh my," She whispered upon seeing Kagome's slightly paled face, the cuts on her somewhat blue legs, the scratches on her arms. She left but later returned with her son, who carried Kagome back to their village, where she would receive the proper nourishment.

She awoke to the clang, clang, clang of metal hitting against more metal. She bolted up in the bed and looked around eagerly. She took in her surroundings slowly giving her mind time to cooperate and function. She'd been running for three days, trying desperately to get away from the silver-haired hanyou that tracked her. She scanned the room for any sign of civilization. When she found no one she decided to take the opportunity to try and continue her journey. She looked down at her limp body. Her pale skin was covered with bruises and cuts. They brought back the memories from the few nights before. Like bolts of lightening the memories painfully flashed through her brain. She'd seen him with her again and ran, only this time it was different, this time he acted different, talked different, looked at her differently before he pounced. He had never turned on her before, what could he possibly be thinking? She had grabbed a rock and smashed it into the side of his head. She reacted quickly and fled the area only to have him follow her. She fled Keade's village and ran past the well; even if she made it to present day she wouldn't have the time to seal it up.

She took out a pen and parchment that she'd put in her pocket and wrote the person who was kind enough to take her in a thank you. She changed into a pair of sweat pants and a fur lined jacket, pulling the hood up. Both were black, which hopefully would give her an advantage over the night and woods. She walked out of the hut and looked down one way of the road and up the other. That's when she saw him, standing there, slumped over, ears flat to his skull. His eyes were still dilated, and cloudy with what looked like remorse.
"Inu… yasha…." She whispered. His eyes held remorse and pain and she could hear a small whine coming from his chest. She stood for a minute torn between running and thinking that maybe he'd come to his senses. She remained stuck until she saw him take a step forward, she knew he'd lunge next, and she ran back into the woods, off the clear path of road. I mean how stupid does he think I look? she yelled out in her mind. She kept running forward though. She could feel her legs begin to give out. She unknowingly ran straight through the barrier and hit something, that reached out and grabbed her, someone. She started to panic she could hear him rushing through the woods behind her.
"Let me go, let me go, you have to let me go, he'll kill us both, hide, run hurry!" She whispered frantically as she looked up only to her horror -, it was Sesshomaru. Great just great, now they'll both have family-bonding time over my mangled body she thought frantically.

He was strolling along the barriers, looking for something to release stress on. He could smell far better than any other taiyoukia in the forest, he was also stronger, smarter, more advanced in his senses these characteristics are what put him above all the other demons, what made him a ruler. His nose wrinkled up, he could smell her from the moment she set a fugitive foot on his lands. The stench of human made his nose wrinkle, but something else was in her scent, something sweeter. She smelled so familiar, like wildflowers and honeysuckles; but there was a storm rolling in over her field of normalcy; he could smell the fear, the lightening, and the sadness, the thunder. Without realizing what was happening to him, his feet began to change course. He started moving towards her. He found the events extremely interesting considering that a human had ran straight through his barrier over the western lands. Even his dimwitted half brother would have trouble with it. His wandering mind lost concentration over his barrier causing a momentary slip, and instantly he could smell what was chasing her. Suddenly she was gone, then back, a flashing blip on his radar. After all she was trespassing and she was on his lands, in fear of something that wasn't him, which meant whatever she was scared of would cause a problem soon as well. So the only reasonable action to take was to kill them both.

The closer he got to her, the stronger her miko energy became. He could feel it tugging at his youkia. As he became within meters of her he could make out a familiarity. He was amazed to find out that it was his brother's wench who was feeling such great fear. He took in a deep breath to find out what was causing this fear. And then like a bad movie he could see it playing out in his head as realization hit him like a freight train. He watched from afar in the shrubbery as she tripped like a classically scared human wench. He noticed instantly that she became even more fearful when she looked up into his eyes. He loomed over her, claws unsheathed.
"Look, if you're going to do this Inu Yasha, just make it quick!" She said looking up at him through defeated eyes. She closed her eyes tightly hiding behind a thick wall of her black lashes as Inu Yasha raised his hand high above his head. A flash of silver and she was gone. Almost like a magic trick before his eyes. The demon in Inu Yasha froze, slightly confused as to the disappearing acts of the girl he thought he knew.

He looked over her trembling form. He should have just killed her, but something in his gut was preventing him. He quickly convinced himself that she could be of use later on, not to mention those shikon shards in her skirt waist pocket could cause an apocalypse if fallen into the wrong hands. He could smell death entwined with frustration all in his brother's scent. So he had lain with death, the same death that had in turn created the frightened miko before him. The sadness thick in her wake made partial sense now. He growled, low and dangerously as he pushed her behind himself. Inu Yasha entered the clearing with his ears flat against his skull.
"Sesshomaru…" Inu Yasha started; his ears perked immediately.
"Perfect, hand her over!" He growled wielding Tetsiuga. He could smell her field of wild flowers being taken over by a fearful thunderstorm. It was almost indulging him at the same time fueling him. His youkia was so scatterbrained that it could barely make out the thought of an ally through his brother. Sesshomaru took a step forward, "Why, what will you do with her, kill her for your dead lover? You think that will bring her damned soul back?" She slowly took a step back towards the thick brush of the woods. Sesshomaru glared daggers at Inu Yasha.
"You truly are ignorant aren't you brother?" Sesshomaru replied coldly
"Shut up Sesshomaru, it belongs to me, and I won't leave here without it." Inu Yasha growled. At this point he could no longer see a black-haired girl before him, only a blue aura. Kagome swallowed hard as she made a leap for the forest to make a break from the two demons. She ran fast and hard, she knew they had known instantly that she fled the area. Both men turned as they heard her dive into the brush and start running Sesshomaru looked back to Inu Yasha with a sickly smirk before he jumped to action trailing after her. Inu Yasha sprinted after them trying desperately to catch up to his brother who was exceptionally faster than he was. She tripped over a tree root and rolled across the dirt path into a tree. As soon as she hit the tree white robes were over her and strong arms around her gathering her up.
"Please don't kill me, please just let me go," She begged him through the hyperventilation and tears. He scooped her up and turned to see Inu Yasha coming into the clearing, slashing about wildly with Tetsiuga.
"She's mine now," Sesshomaru whispered to his brother, yellow eyes gleaming in the midst of the purple fog rolling in from sundown. She watched Inu Yasha, as the purple cloud formed beneath his feet lifting them up into the air, continually strike the ground, trees, whatever was in reach in a tantrum with Tetsiuga.

Scared didn't cover the way she felt right now, more like petrified. The only movement in her body was the pounding of her heart in her ears which only increased her confusion as she already didn't know what to think. Here she was in the arms of the man who'd tried to kill her countless times before. Only this time he wasn't using her body against Inu Yasha, this time he was holding her, defending her. She struggled to get free, only to have him tighten his grip on her.
"Put me down…" She whispered. He had to strain to hear what she said. He growled and landed but didn't release her.
"Tell me wench, am I, lord Sesshomaru going to have to teach you a lesson about telling this Sesshomaru what to do?" He loosened his arms around her fragile body when she started to cry. She broke free and ran back through Inu Yasha's Forest in search of the old ragged well that brought her to this stupid time in the first place. She wanted to go back to her real home, the home she had in 2005. She didn't know how she would get home any way. The well hadn't allowed any one to pass through, almost as if it was binding her here for the rest of her life. She just had to get away from him. He looked too much like Inu Yasha, and hell she would even go as far to say that they acted the same as well; must have been a trait from dear ole' dad. She snapped back into reality as she heard him growl in the shaded areas of the treetops.

He flew out of the tree tops as a white blur and tackled her to the ground, holding her head close to his chest to keep her from getting hurt. He sneered as he stood up seeing his white robes soiled by dirt. He turned to her and stood her up snatching her by her arm back through the forest. It was a reaction to the shock she had just put him through. She went to take a step forward in her own direction, and he whirled her around. He brought a swift hand up striking her across the face. She brought her hand up shocked and touched lightly the stinging cheek. Bewilderment was clear in her eyes. He could sense the tears welling up in her eyes, and smell them before they fell. There was a churning in the pit of his abdomen making him almost sickened. Before he knew it the feeling distracted him allowing her to slip through his fingers yet again. This girl was determined to either escape or die and since the first wasn't an option, he guessed the second was her prize. He let out a low growl as she escaped from the clearing into the brush. He jumped up onto a tree branch hidden by the leaves. He knew her mortal eyes wouldn't be able to see him – they weren't advanced like his were. Her body running reflected in his golden eyes that ever so slowly turned from round to long black slits. He licked his teeth as he bounded from limb to limb after her, gaining on her quickly. He could hear his heart pounding in his eardrums; he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins as the loose fabric that barely covered her back side blew up in her attempt to escape him. Finally catching a glimpse of frilly pink and white panties he tackled her from the tree tops pinning her to the ground.

His breathing was heavy and labored as he pulled her arms behind her back. Inside he was smiling as the reasons for his game of cat and mouse flooded back into his mind.
"Listen here wench I've killed animals for far less don't think I wouldn't hesitate to -," He growled out between his teeth trying to intimidate her.
"Kagome," She interrupted protesting the use of his little pet names. He released a low growl and twisted her arm between slender fingers until he heard it crack. He pushed further until she let out a cry for help. He smirked, "Do you think someone would hear you wench," He spat. "Even if, do you think some villager I've terrorized into place, would come to your rescue. Who could fight me away from you?" He snarled at her.
"I will call you by whatever I like until you gain my respect, but if you continue to flee from me and disrespect me it shall only get worse, do I make myself clear, wench?" He spat. He pushed even further hearing a string of cracks, "I won't repeat myself wench."
"Yes!" She cried out in tears. He released her noticing that his breath was no longer labored and that her pain wasn't as amusing as it should have been. He banished those thoughts as she twisted under him and looked into his eyes. She was struggling to get away from him and then he realized, Tokijin was keeping her powers subdued. Its demonic energy combined with his anger forced her powers into remission.

Ice-cold amber eyes glared down at her. Tears welled up in her eyes again, a few days ago she would have given anything to be in this position with Inu Yasha. She noticed his heavy breathing when he grabbed her. His hands loosened around her arms, but didn't get off of her. She sniffed and soon stopped crying. He picked her up by her broken arm causing her to cry out in pain.
"Sesshomaru, please!" She yelled out. He stopped and turned to look at her. "Excuse me?" He growled.
"Lord?" She asked cautiously. He picked her up and sped towards his castle. He noticed soon she had passed out from the pain of her broken arm. Such weakness, how could she ever fair in battle with that mutt Naraku.