AN: Well, after over 3 years, I'm finally finishing it, lol. A recent review gave me the incentive. That, and getting back into fanfiction again, I forgot what I was missing. :) Well, enjoy! R&R. :D

After their warm embrace, Kurt and Kitty found themselves back in the institute. The two of them sat on the couch by the fireplace to warm up after being out in the freezing cold. There was still awkwardness between the two of them, as this was still too new. Neither of them really knew what to do. They just sat next to each other, and after a few minutes of silence, gazed into each other's eyes.

Kitty asked Kurt in a caring tone, "Hey, you ok? You've been quiet."

Kurt replied, "Ja, I'm ok Kätzen. This is just… new to me. I'm still really nervous." Kurt said with a slightly quivering voice.

Kitty, putting her hand gently on Kurt's shoulder, said, "Hey, it's me. Don't be nervous. I'll never hurt you, you know that."

Kurt smiled and answered, "I know. Something just really scares me."

Kitty, concerned, questions, "What's that?"

Kurt replied, "I… I never want to lose you. You're such a good friend, I'd never want to ruin that. Can you promise me one thing?"

Kitty asks, "Sure, what is it?"

"Promise that… whatever happens, we'll always be friends?"

Kitty smiles, "Of course, I promise."

They both shared another warm embrace. Then they had both remembered that they hadn't exchanged their gifts. Kurt, who had her gift in a small box right in his shirt pocket, took it out to give to his darling Kitty. He knew she would like it. Kitty retreated upstairs to retrieve the gift she got for him. After they were both back and sitting down, Kurt was the first to give his gift. "Here, I hope you like it." Kitty smiled at him and assured him that no matter what it was, she knew she would. When she opened the gift, tears filled her eyes. It was a Star of David necklace just like the one her mom had given her. She was so upset that day when she lost it. And now, Kurt had gotten her one that was identical.

Kitty flung her arms around Kurt, "Thank you so much! It's such a great gift, it's just like the one I lost. This must have been so hard to find."

Kurt, who was blushing under his midnight blue fur, bashfully exclaimed, "Ah, don't worry about it. I just knew that's what I had to get you. You were so devastated."

"Well, it's perfect. Thank you."

With that, Kitty handed him a gift wrapped box. It wasn't huge, and the delicate way she handed it to him showed it must have been fragile. Kurt carefully opened his gift, and he too had a very soft and loved look on his face. It was a framed photo of the two of them taken shortly after they became friends. They were horsing around the institute one day when Jean had been taking photographs of everyone for a scrapbook of the institute. The picture Kitty always held dear to her heart as the two of the look so happy in it. She hoped that Kurt would think the same.

"Oh Kitty, It's beautiful, I love it." He said as he gave Kitty his toothy grin. "I remember that day. That wasn't too long after we had started to become great friends. I know we didn't have the greatest start, but look what came out of it."

"Yeah, I like, just had to grow up, you know? And I'm so glad I did, or I would have missed out on something wonderful." They both smiled gleefully as they looked into each other's eyes. There was a feeling in their hearts that neither of them had ever felt before.

The two of them, finally both relaxed, cuddled up to each other on the sofa, with the fire leaving a warm glow upon them. Kurt looked into Kitty's eyes, grazed her face with his three fingered hand, and said tenderly, "You know…you are the first person I've ever let get this close to me. You really are special. I love you Kitty."

Kitty, blushing from Kurt's loving words, smiled and replied, "I love you too. I feel the same way, you're such a special person Kurt. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." Kurt smiled, no one had ever spoken so kindly to him. After their exhausting day, they both eventually fell asleep right there on the couch.

Rogue, who had came down to retrieve a magazine she knew she had left down there, saw the two mutants on the sofa. Kurt was lying on his back, and Kitty was cuddled up on top of him, with her head lightly resting on his chest, with her arms tucked underneath her. He had his arms wrapped around her, and his tail was draped around her waist which would occasionally twitch in contentment. They both looked so content, and Rogue just looked at them and smiled, as she was truly happy for them. As Rogue exited the room, she had draped a blanket over the two of them since the fire had gone out. She smiled at them once more, then exited the room.

Whether it would work or not, one thing was certain. The two mutants were happy to have each other in a world that was so unaccepting, and no matter what would happen, they'd always have each other.

The End