Love Hurts

This is a story about Andy and Milo. It takes place before and after Milo's death.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did htthat would be total awsomeness.(and I wouldn't be sitting here)here we go!

It was Monday at Rittenhouse and Andy had just walked in.

Andy: Good Morning Hawkins, any messages?

Lana: yes from a Mr. Milo Morton.

Andy: well then I better take it.

Lana: well somebody is gleaming this morning.

Andy: I can't help it. All I can do is smile.

Lana: Well maybe your future will include being Mrs. Morton.

Andy: Well it's to soon to tell. I have to go see Milo.

(Andy bumps into Lu) Lu: Oh GoodMorning Andy. Where are you going?

Andy: To go see Milo.

Lu: Have fun.(she laughs)

Andy: This is only in the Hospital.

Lu: Andy do you mean what I think you mean?

Andy: Delgado. Well not exactly. Not yet but it's still early so maybe at some point.

Lu: Okay. I wont walk in on you 2 will I?

Andy: Delgado.

Lu: I was kiddin!

So in Milo's office…

Milo: Good Morning babe

Andy: Good Morning. (they share a kiss)

Milo: How is everything?

Andy: Good. (He pulls her into his lap)

Milo: I swear every time I see you you're more gorgeous.

Andy: Oh really. (she kisses him)

Milo: Really.

Andy: Are you doing anything tonight?

Milo: No why?

Andy: maybe since my girls are going to be in California, we could spend some time together?

Milo: Sure babe.(they start kissing)

Andy: I love you Milo.

10 minutes later…

Milo: I have a patient. We will continue tonight at your place.

Andy: Oh I am late for an appointment with a patient. I love you. See you tonight.