Discalimer: All characters recognizable from the book/movie belong to Thomas Harris and are used without consent. I own only the plot line and other characters. Don't sue, youwould be wasting your time.

The large shining kettle slipped out of the maid's hands and slid languidly across the table. It tapped into the wall picked up speed and slipped over the side; a loud crash rang out as it came into contact with the floor. About a D below middle C. The sound echoed throughout the large mansion.

Sharp blue eyes snapped open in shock as the mistress of the mansion looked around her in a dazed and confused manner. Unbeknownst to the servant in the kitchen the sleeper had awakened from her peaceful dreams and the idyllic existence of the past had come to a screeching halt.

Sonador Aletta, formally Special Agent Clarice Starling, currently the "wife" of Dr. Chavez Aletta attempted to calm her racing heart. The pen she was holding slipped through her shaking and suddenly weak fingers to the floor. A sudden flood of memories raced into her pounding head as she struggled to make sense of the sudden torrent. With a thud she fell to floor and she remembered she was locked in a house in Chesapeake with Dr. Lecter. Her hand went for her gun only to discover it was not there. In shock she looked down to find herself in a dress that was not hers. Also this was not Chesapeake it was too warm and dry...

Shakily Clarice rose to unsteady feet prepared to make a run for it when a tap came softly at the door. Terrified she remained paralyzed indecision to run, hide, of scream for help.

"Are you all right Sonador?" A cold metallic voice whispered silkily through the door.

"I'm fine..." Clarice replied her voice more steady than she had dared hope it would be.

Until she realized she had replied in English to his Spanish. Fortunately, for Clarice, Lecter's instincts had softened with time and lack of danger. He suspected nothing.

"We leave for the opera in three hours. Perhaps it is time to get ready...hmmm?"

"Umm... Yes it is. Isn't?"

Clarice collapsed against the wall as she heard his footsteps tap softly down the hall and a door open and the footsteps fade away. A wave of nausea and terror tore at her as she swiftly shifted through drawers trying to figure out just where the hell she was. Her eyes landed on a calendar and grew wide. March 2002. More than five years had passed from the last time she could remember. A small map in one of the drawers answered one of her questions Buenos Aires, Argentina. What am I doing in South America with number three on the FBI's most wanted list? Is he still number three? Never mind where's my gun. Another memory flashed into her mind. A sharp pain shot through her shoulder, and she fired towards the dark rafters as she fell and the gun lay on the floor of Mason Verger's barn. Strong arms lifted and carried her amid the loud squeals of pigs into the night.

Clarice bolted upright and lit for the door only for it to open as she reached out to turn the knob. Maroon eyes watched her as she slid to a halt. A hand reached out to her shoulder as she, unable to stop the forward inertia, stumbled forward.

"Already your balance is off Sonador?" He chuckled. " Come we must get ready."

Clarice managed to keep from flinching as he placed his hand at the small of her back and lead her swiftly out of the library and up the stairs. Ironically Clarice was glad he was guiding her; if she had wandered around the house it would have aroused suspicion. It was almost safer letting him be so close to her, almost. They arrived at door, which Dr. Lecter opened and gestured for her to enter before him. Slowly she walked through the door and warily let her eyes wander over the room until she realized they shared the room. No. I can't be sleeping with him.

"Clarice," Lecter said softly behind the sound proof doors, "what is bothering so much today?"

"Nothing..." She froze unsure what to call him. He couldn't possibly still go by Hannibal Lecter, even down here he is a legend. She took a wild risk, "Hannibal."

"If you are sure. Perhaps you would like to wear the teal dress tonight. Just a suggestion, only if you want to." Hannibal whispered in a hypnotic voice. Clarice felt herself slipping into the velvet richness of the voice, but she gamely forced her mind to fight off the influence.

Swiftly he strode to the dresser and pulled out a shimmering teal silk dress. He laid it gently on the large bed and turned to pull out a simple, but well-tailored suit. His lithe body moved to the chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of ties and closely scrutinized them before selecting one.

Dumbly Clarice began to remove her clothes, but stopped when she noticed Lecter's eyes watching her and a smile on his face that sent shivers down her spine.

"Clarice, if you start that we will not arrive at the opera in time. And that would be very rude." He was now just inches from her and whispered in her ear, " Besides it is Orfeo, your favorite."

Clarice followed Lecter's gaze and saw the bathroom off to the side and picked up her clothes and moved towards it. She slipped inside and breathed a sigh of relief as she turned and locked the door behind her. Quickly she began to search the cabinets for guns, knives, and scissors, hell even a toothpick would make her better armed than she currently was. Fumbling through the medicine cabinet her hand grazed something and knocked it off into the sink. What has he been giving me? Clarice wondered in horror as she stared at the small object resting in her hands.

Wow you made it! Reviews and CC are welcome. If you must flame go ahead; I need a good laugh.