Disclaimer: If I owned NCIS Tony and Kate would have gotten together sooner...and she wouldn't have been killed.

A/N: I don't know if this is fic is that great or not. This is my first attempt at a NCIS story. It's AU because Kate is dead and Ziva doesn't exist. I hope that you like it. Oh and Tony isn't an only child and he was always sort of dramatic about his childhood when in fact it was pretty normal.

Tony watched as she turned off her computer and prepared to leave. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her pull a long strand of her beautiful chestnut brown hair out of her face. He wondered if he was blushing. Lately he had been thinking all sorts of inappropriate things about Kate Todd. When he had told his sister about all of these thoughts she had told him that his thoughts weren't inappropriate they were just a little more mature than he was used to. That was three nights ago. Now whenever he saw he wondered if she was making him more mature. That was a feat in itself.

That same night his sister had asked if he was bringing anyone home for Christmas this year. To this question he simply scoffed as if it was one that didn't deserve an answer. Her reply was for him to ask Kate to come up with him. At first the sheer thought of asking Kate Todd to come home with him seemed absolutely insane. She was probably going to be visiting her parents' this Christmas. Even if she wasn't, she would never agree to go with him. She thought that he was a macho, immature, obnoxious, egotistical pig who would never grow up.

He watched as she got out of her chair and started for the elevator. He watched as she turned back around to turn off her lamp. He got up from his chair. He opened his mouth and he called her name. "Kate!"

Kate Todd spun around to see who it was that had called her name. She rolled her eyes when she saw that it was Tony. He was probably going to try to sneak in one more obnoxious comment before the day was over. She walked over to his desk and looked at him as if he was taking up her precious time. "Yes Tony?"

Tony took a deep breath. This wasn't so hard. He just had to open his mouth and ask her if she wanted to come home with him for Christmas. That was a simple enough question. Right? He sighed. He opened his mouth and squeaked. "You doing anything for Christmas?"


"I asked if you were doing anything for Christmas." He clarified, his voice now back to normal.

"Oh um no. My parent's are going to be in California with my "perfect" sister and her "perfect" husband. I was invited to come out but I declined. Something about all that perfection just makes me want to barf."

Tony couldn't help but smile at the way she said perfect. Every time she uttered the words she looked as if she couldn't be more disgusted if she tried. "Oh well I was thinking that maybe if you uh wanted to uh you could uh come home with uh me. My family is holding this big thing they have every year. I thought maybe you would like to uh join me."

"Well uh what kind of a thing?" she asked a bit timidly.

Tony looked down at his feet and then back up at her. It was the first time in his life he wasn't able to simply charm the pants off of a girl. "Well I guess it's a party. My whole family will be there and so will a few close friends. It's nothing exactly special. Cocktail attire you know. I um actually sort of hate going to them...my mother has a tendency to push me onto one of her friend's daughters. I thought maybe you wouldn't mind coming and sort of making it appear as though I am involved with someone respectable."

Kate touched her cheek wondering if she was blushing. This was the first time a guy had ever asked her to come home with him for a holiday. She had always thought this day would come but never in a million years did she think it would be Tony who asked her. Then again it seemed as though he just wanted to keep his mother off of his back. She knew that she should say no but she couldn't. There was this little thing between her and Tony. Lately she wondered if their "thing" could ever become something more than a flirtatious relationship. She knew that this would be her chance to test the waters. "Okay. I'd love to go with you. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning at around 8. I want to get on the freeway before traffic gets out of control. So I could come and grab you in the morning at your place." Tony was jumping around like a kid that had just ingested a five pounds of sugar on the inside. Never in a million years did he think that she would say yes.

Kate nodded. "That sounds fine. What should one pack for this trip?"

"An outfit for the evening, an outfit for the afternoon, and an outfit for the morning should be all you need." Tony smiled at her.

Kate smiled back at him. "Okay well then I guess I'll see you at 8 tomorrow morning."

Tony simply nodded and watched as she walked towards the elevator. Just before she got on she turned around and waved goodbye. He mentally took a picture of that moment. If things never happened between them he would at least always be able to remember that wave.

As soon as Kate got to her apartment she picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. It only took the person two rings to pick up.

Abby was busy drinking Caff-Pow and reading US Weekly when her phone rang. As soon as she read the caller ID and saw that it was Kate calling she answered the phone. "So what were you and Tony talking about so intently today?"

Kate laughed. She should have known that the conversation with Tony would not really be a surprise to Abby. Somehow Abby always knew what was going on before anyone else was really willing to say that there was anything going on. "He invited me to his parents' house for Christmas."

"Whoa...Have you two been secretly dating or something and I somehow just didn't realize it?" Abby had suddenly found Kate's love life much more interesting than Angelina Jolie's.

Kate chuckled. "No. How could we get that past you? Still seriously he wants me to be there so that his mother will stop setting him up with random girls."

"Is that what he told you?"

"Yes. Why?"

Abby took a long sip of her Caff-Pow before answering. "Well it just seems that he could get any girl to do that. I mean come on he's Tony DiNozzo. He's rich. He's charming. He's not especially ugly. Actually most normal girls would consider him to be quote unquote smoking. Why would he specifically choose you? Most of the time it seems as though you two don't really like each other. Even though I know that it is simply your way of flirting. It seems as though Tony has a little thing for you. A little thing that he didn't want to flat out admit to. Seeing as you called me as soon as you got home it seems as though you have a thing for him also. I predict a certain love connection this weekend."

"Abby our relationship is nothing more than platonic. Plus I only called you right away so that you wouldn't give me the silent treatment for a week because you weren't the first to know." Kate attempted to make her friend believe her reasons.

Abby scoffed. "Your relationship with Tony is about as platonic as Brad and Angelina's."

"Well I should start packing. I'll call you when I return with all the details."

Abby smiled at the realization that Kate couldn't fight any longer. She knew what Abby was saying was true. "I"ll be expecting it...Oh and wear the green cocktail dress. Not only is it seasonal it will really look great with Tony's eyes."

Kate sighed. "Bye Abby."

"Bye Kate." Abby was grinning from ear to ear when she hung up the phone. As soon as she hung up the phone with Kate, McGee walked in with Chinese in one hand and a copy of Empire Records in the other hand. "You'll never believe who is going home with Tony for Christmas..."

If you liked it or had a critique please review...