Hello! I'm glad you've been reading this and I've decided that this will be the final chapter...sorry! lol well I love all the reivews and all the good response I've gotten! So i'd like to thank all my readers and reviews! I'm sad it's over but it was really fun and I have my other stories to tend to. But I think this is one of my better stories so thanks for making it that!

Love Lyn

Last Chance

Final Installment

Chapter 18

My Last Chance


"What the hell?" Draco yelled and his words got lost in the wind, the storm was gathering and the gusts grew stronger. Harry wasn't sane, he couldn't be. How could he? What does he want? What does he want from me?

"You think we can just go, just run from this?" Harry's words trembled. "Do you want me to worry about getting caught every day for something YOU did!" He paused and took a deep breath as he walked even closer. "They'll think I was caught up in your little mess up. You just don't want to live your life sentence without having to blame it on somebody else!"

"How could you think that!" The confused blonde yelled back, tears engulfing his vision. His tears blurred out Harry's figure, but that's how he thought Harry was like, blurry and confusing. Draco didn't know where his head was. Did Harry, his Harry, actually think he wanted somebody to blame his actions on? Or was Harry's theory true? No, of course not. I need Harry, I need him...I need him. But for what? For love?

"Second thoughts?" Harry said walking fast over to the crying criminal. "I had a lot of time to think." His whisper was seductive and husky.

"You've lost your mind." Draco pulled Harry close to him, a heavy hug. A hug filled with emotions. "Don't go losing your head right now." He loosened his grip and pulled Harry in for a tight and forceful kiss. Their lips locked, but even though the black-haired boy struggled that spark was still there.

"Let go!" Harry got out of the grip and wiped his mouth. He didn't want anything to happen, not right now. "Why are you doing this Draco?" Just then as Draco started to lose himself Harry broke down. "I just don't want anything to happen...you're ignoring my feelings! I don't want to be left alone either!" He slapped his hand onto his chest, right above his heart.

As corny as it sounded it was the truth, Harry might not end up in jail like he would, but he would still be left alone. Regretting, blaming and hurting. Three things even suicide can't heal. Draco would be locked in a cell but Harry would form his own. That's how he was.

"How will turning myself in help this!" Draco beckoned Harry to come closer, but he stayed.

Harry didn't want Draco to go away, but at the same time he didn't want to be on edge until it did happen. But why were they so sure it would? He didn't know how to answer this. He couldn't answer this, it was a lie...it was stupid. He wanted Draco to be here forever and not locked away forever. He had enough regrets he didn't have to sit in a cell organizing them until the day he dies.

"It won't, nothing will." Harry looked up at Draco who had tear stains formed on his tired face, his eyes were wet and puffy. His blonde hair stuck to him like it did right after sex. He leaned against the car, his back pressing against it like it was helping him stand up and stand this.

Like the issues that people argue about forever, abortion, gay marriage, the war and everything. If there was a right side we still wouldn't be fighting about it. That side would've been found and everything would be at peace. But it's half and half, each side is right. So it's never-ending.

"Then-then why did you say it if you didn't believe it?" Draco asked studying his lover's face. "You don't say things you don't mean. You're only saying that because you regret seeing the truth."

"It is the truth!" Harry was getting his anger back. "I can't decide!"

"You can't decide whether you want me locked up and have you come with me so I can blame you too or running!" Draco shook his head in disgust. "I told you that when they came for me, you had to leave, and you promised me that you would." "You promised, I didn't make you do anything, YOU came with ME!"

"I did, and I meant that." Harry came closer and closer. "I promised I would leave when they came, but I also promised I would stay with you and help you...I just can't decide."

Draco choked back tears, his body shaking again. The wind blew through him, rain droplets falling on him. "I just can't imagine it..." He sobbed.

"Imagine what?" Harry sighed and took hold of Draco's hand.

"Being locked up and alone forever. I didn't mean it, I was confused, in a way I do blame you. You made me so confused about everything. But then you made me see things differently."

"Yes." Harry replied putting his hand on the blonde's cheek and wiping away the tears. Whenever his flesh touched Draco's it was like a high voltage of electricity shocked him. That vulnerable state he was in made the voltage dangerously high.

"I love you Harry, no matter if you can't stand being alone when I'm gone." Draco lifted his chin and met Harry's lip into a passionate kiss.

Harry mumbled into the kiss and pushed Draco hard against the car, he was taken into the blonde's arms and Draco pushed him into the back seat, his arms still wrapped tightly around him. The truth was out and it wasn't as hard as they thought.

Harry got out of his shirt and felt Draco's hand exploring his body. His body went into a state of pleasure when Draco kissed the sweet spot on his neck. Draco breathed heavily onto the black-haired boy. Harry gasped as he felt the warm breath swirl in the crook of his arched neck.

Draco moaned as they kissed again, and he pushed Harry back down as his dominative streak continued. Harry loved being pushed around by the blonde; it was sort of like role-play.

The seats were slick with sweat and moisture and the hot humid atmosphere surrounding them. The rain pounded gently on the roof and windows on the car, like photographers trying to get a pictures of movie stars. The moment tensed and relaxed, they had done this many times before but not with this much passion.

The blonde growled as he entered his black-haired lover beneath him. Their rhythm heightened then slowed as fatigue engulfed their already exhausted bodies. Harry collapsed underneath Draco and they both closed their eyes in unison, taking in these few seconds.

Draco curled up with his love, taking in the scent of Harry's hair he ran through his fingers. The naked boy was so beautiful when sleepy. Draco didn't have enough time, he did want to stay like this forever but there was no possible way that could happen. I mean it was possible but, was it probable?

The air was heavy with rain and sweat. The smell was overpowering, their senses seemed heightened. Harry was the first to fall asleep, but Draco lay awake wondering if Harry would regret any of this. These moments, he might want them erased from his memories. Draco didn't know how he would make it, Harry didn't deserve this. He did. He deserved being thought of as a criminal, but at least he was sure Harry would keep his promise and run away.

"Hey." Draco whispered nudging the sleeping boy as morning arrived. The world looked like it just when through a car wash. It was cleaned and polished. Everything smelled new and fresh.

"Mmm..." Harry mumbled and kissed Draco's chest, his tongue unknowingly pressed against his skin.

"Get up." Draco whispered, he gasped a little.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Harry reached for his clothes and gave Draco his jeans. They both got dressed and into the front seats to continue their journey. They ran, well drove, away to someplace. They didn't know where but hopefully some place close so they could have a shower or sleep in a normal bed.

"I need a shower." Harry sighed and then yawned lifting his arms above his head.

"A hotel is close by." There was money in the glove compartment of the old car, obviously left by the owner. It was enough to help them out for about a month or so. They would have to get a job or something. But how? The police were looking for them by now.

"Here we are." Dusk was settling in, the temperature dropped considerably. "We better hurry." Draco turned into the driveway and helped Harry out, grabbing his hand quickly.

They got a room and got cleaned up. "That felt good." Draco mumbled after the hot shower.

"Yeah." Harry sat on the bed, his head in his hands. His head had started to hurt; it didn't bother him too much but enough for him to take notice.

"You okay?" Draco asked.

"Yeah just a headache." Harry responded.

"I'll get some aspirin." The blonde brushed his hand over Harry's arm before leaving to the front desk.

He walked down the halls, his robe was secured loosely. The knot wasn't tight enough making the robe sage around the shoulders. The halls were narrow and deserted. The lights were dim, like the bulbs haven't been changed in years and it smelled of smoke. He could see where the white wallpaper had turned yellow.

"Hey Mark?" He heard somebody opened the front door and come up to the main desk.

Draco stopped, he recognized that voice. They were here. The police, he was the sheriff, maybe not after them. Think positively. He backed away, but he still wanted to hear what he had to say.

"You seen man come in here, a gang member I here?"

There was silence for a bit and then Draco heard the front door slam. Draco breathed out the breath he had been holding, he decided to tell Harry nothing and pretend they didn't have any aspirin.

"Turns out they didn't have any." Draco tried to remain calm. He smiled down at Harry and sat next to him. "I'll make you feel better though."

This made Harry chuckle. "Whatever, I just need something quick."


"That was nice." Draco lay on the bed, holding another cigarette between his fingers. There naked chests glowed in the moonlight. "I'm tired." He kissed the boy's forehead and put out his cigarette. "Goodnight. We leave tomorrow-

"As early as possible, I know." Harry finished and leaned into Draco. "Good night."

The night became darker and longer for Harry, he stayed awake thinking again. What would he do, Draco was just sleeping it off but he couldn't help thinking about the argument the other day. Maybe he was right. They had to do something but what?

"In here?"

Harry sat up to the voice. That was it! He had figured it out, exactly what he had to do. So he got up and got dressed, putting on his shirt and jeans and folded Draco's on the his side of the bed. He kissed Draco on the lips, gently so as not to wake him. "Love you."

"Mmmhmm love you too." Draco rolled over and pulled the blankets over himself.

Harry forced himself not to cry, holding back a flood was hard. He left Draco's side and walk out into the hallway, shutting the door softly. "Right here." He said to the men dressed in uniforms.

"I'm right here, I'm turning myself in."

The police officers charged at him and put the handcuffs around his wrists, locking him in, instead of Draco was the only way out.

"This is a good thing you're doing son." One of them said as they pushed him into the car, the siren were off, luckily. Harry didn't want Draco to wake up just yet.

Harry watched the hotel get smaller and smaller as they drove off. This was something he wouldn't regret. Giving Draco something that boy needed so badly, something like this was so precious and this was the gift Harry wanted to give. This was his thanks.


"Harry...we need- Harry?" Draco looked at Harry's side and saw his own clothes lying on the other side of him. "Where did he go?" Draco looked at the door, it was shut nothing seemed out of order. Breakfast? Bathroom?

But his clothes were gone, were was he? He remembered talking only slightly to Harry last night, but what was going on? He got dressed and went to the front desk.

"Where is he?" Draco was flustered. "Where is he?"

"Who? The only person who left was this one young man, the police took him."

"What!" Draco screamed. What had he done? What did Harry do!

"He's probably at the prison only a couple miles away." The clerk looked frightened by the blonde's reaction. "It's west of here."

"Thank you." Draco ran out and started up the car, his mind raced. "He promised me he wouldn't do this! They must've come back!"

"FUCK!" He screamed speeding out of the driveway a mile west. It didn't take that long and he raced into the building, not bothering to take his keys or shut the door. He ran up to the building and up to the first person he saw. A man wearing a security uniform.

"Is Harry Potter here?" He was frantic.

"Over here sir." The police office smiled. "He has been expecting you."

There was a big room, with what seemed like cubicles separated by glass and a phone. There he was sitting silently; an orange jumpsuit covered his frail body.

"Right there sir."

Draco hurried over to the phone, his sobs escaping the minute he sat down on the stool in front of him. He grabbed the phone and took a deep breath, slamming his fist on the table.

"Why did you do this for me Harry?" Draco placed his hands on the glass that separated and sobbed into the phone.

"You deserved the Last Chance." Harry smiled and placed his hand on the glass too. "Go for it."

Draco's sobbing echoed and made the phone line fuzzy, each gasp and cry he had been holding in escaped.

"My last chance was you…"

Author's Note: I gotta end it there sorry to all my readers and hopefully you enjoyed it! I did ! Thanks a bunches for every review I got and I liked that you noticed my story, read my others too….! Thanks again! Review for me! I love this story and I hope you do too! REVIEW!

And Remember there is ALWAYs a last chance! hahaha
