A very long Author's note: The truth is I'm having a dilemma whether to post this again or not. (But as I promised, I did. So YAY!) The dilemma came up when I received fifty reviews from a certain someone. I said to myself that despite of getting such spams I will not be affected. But it seems that I could not help myself anymore. So honestly, I'm totally pissed off by what he did. The reviews/spams I received discouraged me instead of inspiring me. Why? Because they came from the very person who reported this fic. And also because it's very sickening. His constant ask of pardon is not really what you call 'sincere'. I cannot forgive such malicious (read: perverted) acts done not only to me but also my other friends online. Moreover, I'm not happy cleaning up my e-mail box every now and then from unwanted messages. I'm also not happy when he used my name and alias to get through somebody (and a forum for that matter) not to mention he tried to hack my e-mail address.

I'm also sorry if I'm bringing out all the negative energy here. I just thought you readers have the right to know why this fanfic went poof all of a sudden. Anyway, thanks to those who gave their real support. I'm not really a 'pro'-writer (I may be frustrated one though. ; ) that's why I'm pretty grateful to the persons who continued supporting and helping me. I love you all. TT

If this goes poof again there's always another site and another time.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Sakura Taisen or Shakespeare's . I just borrowed them. And any similarity to real life persons (especially my own character) is merely coincidental. The songs and translations of the songs are not mine too, I just borrowed them for the fic.

Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Genre: Angst/Romance

Warning: Shoujo-ai, Minor Violence, Language and some situations inappropriate for very young children

Story by: Dillian

Edited and additional ideas by: Liz (hgblob)




It's a pretty and peaceful sight considering the cherry blossom trees around.

They were all in full bloom.

A young stature remained seated beside a tree feeling the pink petals on her face. She smiled and opened up her palms to catch the falling petals. Her smile fainted when hard wind began to blow. . . taking the petals to another direction.

After that it suddenly went cold.

Two gloved hands unexpectedly caught both her wrist from behind. She was shocked for a moment until she realized the familiar red gloves. She turned around and saw a blonde tall woman. A smile on her lips.

Her green eyes so charming, her face so attractive.

The Russian blonde embraced her and it never felt so good until-


"Oh…" Sakura rubbed her eyes waking up from the loud knock, ". . . that's a strange dream. . ." she murmured to herself then another knock followed.

"Sakura open up. We have to be early for rehearsal," called a commanding voice outside. Sakura know it was Maria, the co-captain of Flower Division.

Maria-san. . . Sakura thought. Her odd dream flashbacked to her. She quickly shook her head. Oh, why did I dream of her like that?

"Oh…yes! Just a minute. I'll be down in a flash."

At the other side of the door Maria stopped knocking after she heard her voice, "Very well then."

The Russian woman was surprised as how fast Sakura got up and caught up by her side.

That's really a flash. Maria thought.

On the other hand Sakura slowly looked at Maria and studied her face. The dream came again in her head. Why. . . she really is beautiful.

Maria noticed Sakura staring at her. "Is there something wrong?"

'Yikes, she noticed!' Sakura's cheeks became pink and looked on the ground, "N-no, nothing. I'm sorry."

Maria ignored her strange behavior and told her to have her breakfast quickly in order to start their practice.

Maria excused herself and went to the stage. Sakura just sighed.


At the stage…

To her surprise, Ohgami was there reading the scripts. Maria stared at him for a moment. . . probably studying his reaction.

Ohgami felt someone was watching him and when he realized who it was he almost dropped the scripts, "Ah. . . eh. . . Maria. Hello," he said frantically.

"You seemed a bit bothered a while ago while holding the script. Is there something wrong with it?" Maria asked her expression still the same.

Ohgami gave her a sheepish smile, "Oh, nothing really. . . It's just that. . ."

Maria waits.

Still silence.

Maria crossed her arms quite a bit tired of waiting. "Are you going to say it?"

Ohgami sweatdropped, "Ah. . . uh. . . I'm getting to play a role. . . hehe. . . Why?" his voice almost wailed at the last word.

Maria took the scripts from him and read the cast herself.

A Midsummer Night's Dream


Hermia – Kanzaki Sumire

Lysander – Kirishima Kanna

Helena – Shinguji Sakura

Demetrius – Tachibana Maria

Duke of Athens – Ri Kohran

Fairy – Chateaubriand Iris

Robin – Ohgami Ichirou (-- vv huhu! Yep, there's my name.)

"Well, I see no bad thing about it," Maria commented. "Robin is a good character to play on."

Ohgami seemed at lost, "That's the bad thing about it. I'm no good in playing a character."

"Taichou, there's nothing we can do about it."

"But why me? I thought only you girls were suppose to be on stage. "


Meanwhile, four figures were heading for the stage to practice (what else?). Of course noise followed close by.

"Ohohohohohohohoho! Once again I, Sumire Kanzaki of Kanzaki Industries the top star of this theater, hailed once more to lead the play!" Her fan on her face laughing like she always did.

"Oh, please will somebody shut her up?" Kanna muttered while covering her ears.

Kohran and Iris were right behind them reading their script. The French girl almost jumped in surprise.

"Hey look! Oniichan is in the cast too YAY!" Iris exclaimed while pointing the captain's name on the script.

Kohran sees it too, "You're right. I wonder how he will handle this one."

When they reached the stage they found a helpless looking Ohgami and a cross-armed Maria looking at him.

After seeing this Kanna put both of her hands on her hips, "Okay, what's the fuss all about?"

Sumire, Iris and Kohran's attention was also set on the two of them.

Maria turned to Kanna, "I think he's not happy about the casting."

Sumire heard this and suddenly butted in, "Hey! Hey! What do you think is so wrong with this? I got the lead role and I believe that there is nothing so wrong about it!"

Kanna rolled her eyes, "Oh, please."


At the Dining Hall.

Sakura looked at her breakfast. She hardly ate anything. She played the morsel with her chopstick and it got misplaced from her plate. She sighed again as she did a couple of times.

My dream, she thought. How could I dream of such thing? What does that mean? She elbowed the table and held her cheek. Why am I feeling so strange about Maria? Am I-

At the same time, Maria entered, "Aren't you done yet?"

Sakura blushed again as she caught Maria's stare, "H-hai! Gomen nasai Maria-san. I'm coming." Oh no. . . why am I blushing like that when she talks to me? Things like this didn't happen before.

Why would I think of that to her? Am I attracted to her? Sakura shook her head to get rid of those thoughts. No. No. No.

"You looked bothered. Are you not well?" Maria asked noticing the reddening on Sakura's cheeks.

"N-no, nothing Maria-san. Let's go," She stood up and followed the tall woman. . . still blushing.


"Then drop the role," Sumire's voice echoed.

"Hey, that can't be! Who will play Robin? You?" It was Kanna's voice.

"Iris wants Oniichan to play Robin."

Sakura heard them as they entered the stage, "Hey, what's happening here?" she asked Maria.

Maria let off a sigh and pointed at Ohgami. Sumire was telling him repetitively to drop the role. (like she did to Sakura once.)

"Do you mean he's. . ."

Maria nodded, "He is being cast on the next production."

"Oh. . ."

"No, Ohgami will play Robin. You can't decide on that matter because it was already in the script!" Kanna exclaimed at Sumire. The smaller woman was rather infuriated by this.

Ohgami approached to Kanna and Sumire to hush them, "Hey guys please stop it. I'm going to try but I don't know if I can do it properly."

"That's the spirit Taichou," Kanna said with enthusiasm.

Sumire turned to him, "Oh, no Ensign there's already enough bad blood in this play. . . you don't want to add anymore to ruin it would you?"

Sakura felt she was being stabbed by those words. She knew Sumire was pertaining to her.

"Hey, don't talk that way to the chief less you want to fight with me," Kanna declared with her fist up.

"Guys. . ." Ohgami's voice drowned again in their endless argument.

"ENOUGH!" Maria finally intervened, "There's no point in arguing. Taichou already accepted the role so he is going to perform it." When Maria's voice was heard everyone remained quiet.

Sakura mused at the Russian lady by her side. Wow, that's really something about her aura. It's very chilly.

The rest of them kept quiet for a while staring at her.

Maria crossed her arms again, "Well, are you going to stare at me? Get your scripts ready and start knowing your character."

Sumire narrowed her eyes at her, "I wonder if you're responsible for casting Ohgami on the next production."

Maria glared at her, "You were saying something Sumire?"

Sumire shook her head. She turned her back and said something only she could hear.


Sakura got her script and started to read it.

"Huh?" she was shocked for a moment while reading the casts. "I got Helena? Wait. Does that mean I get to be paired with Demetrius which is played by. . ." Sakura move her attention to the blonde figure talking to Ohgami. "Maria. . ." she whispered softly to herself.

Oh well, what's new with that? I always get paired to her. But why is it so. . . so different this time. It feels like I'm embarrassed to be with her. Sakura somehow suppressed a smile on her confused face. But somehow it felt so good knowing that she'll be my partner again—Oh, god what the hell am I thinking? Sakura shook her head again.

"Sakura-han is something wrong?" Kohran noticed.

Sakura waved her hand to the Chinese, "Oh no. I'm fine. So how's you're role?" she quickly changed the topic.

"Quite fine," Kohran replied cheerfully, "I got the Duke of Athens. It seemed the four of you get to play the lead roles for this and it's really not a surprise."

"Yeah, and this is going to be different unlike the other plays." Sakura buried her head on the script. Very different indeed.


"Taichou your role in the play is quite important. So please do your best."

"I understand Maria. I'm so sorry about my behavior a while ago. It's unbecoming of me," Ohgami said while holding the script. He was avoiding her eyes out of embarrassment good thing Maria didn't notice.

Maria nodded. She turned around and clapped her hands to get everybody's attention, "Okay, everyone it's time for practice."

"Um, Maria. . ." Ohgami interrupted from her behind.

"Yes, Taichou? What is it?" Maria glanced at him by moving her neck.

"Can you help me with this? Since this is my first time. . . I don't know much about this kind of stuffs. . . " Ohgami's cheeks were flaring. I hope she agrees, Ohgami said to himself.

Maria understood what he meant, "Alright Taichou, but don't always depend on me for it."

"I know that," Ohgami placed his right hand on his back still flushing. "Just give me some pointers in do's or don't's."

A voice suddenly intervened, "Hey Ensign. If you're looking for pointers and tips you should be addressing those matters to me." It was Sumire her left hand on her hip.

"Oh, sure," Kanna interjected.

Sumire glared at Kanna, "And you think you can do better than I am?"

Kanna placed her face forward to Sumire, "Yeah and with style too."

"Style?" Sumire almost laughed in mockery, "Stop dreaming about style when you have absolutely nothing but muscle in your brain!"

"Ahh?" Kanna's eyes widened but sure she has something more to say, "But it's better than air like you do." Kanna made an insulting face irritating the other woman again.

"Why you--!"

Maria's brows twitched at the noise of their senseless argument. "Will the two of you STOP IT!" she declared. "I already volunteered on your behalf. So don't argue about THAT matter!"

They were silenced.


Once they are settled Maria started to introduce the characters.

She first turned to the bespectacled Chinese girl, "Okay, Kohran you will play Theseus the Duke of Athens."

Kohran nodded, "Right. I get it."

"Feel the authority in your power. Have a firm posture and don't slouch."

"Get it, Maria-han."

"By the way don't use your glasses."

"Okay… " Kohran thought for a while. But, how am I supposed to see things ahead if I'm not wearing my glasses? Hmm. . .

"Iris," Maria turned to the French girl.

"Here," she responded.

"You're going to play Fairy. You get to sing with Robin which is Ohgami."

"YAY!" Iris jumped in excitement, "That's great! Iris loves to sing with Oniichan. Are you happy too Jean Paul?" Iris was referring to her brown teddy bear.

Maria turned to Ohgami, "Taichou."

"Yes, Maria?"

"You're Robin the Satyr. You'll be playing as a prankster."

"Yeah, um. . . but what actually is a satyr?"

"It's a half-man half-goat Greek mythological creature."

"Half goat? That sounds odd," Ohgami winced.

Maria ignored Ohgami and turned to the other girls. "Sumire, you get to play Hermia and your partner is Kanna who is going to be Lysander. In this play the two of you are genuinely in love which each other, however there is a character here named Demetrius who is also in love with Hermia."

"Demetrius will try to get Hermia's love away from Lysander because he has the approval of Hermia's father."

"Umm. . . when will Helena come to the scene?" Sakura suddenly asked.

"Who told you to speak!" Sumire snapped.

Sakura closed her eyes to a sheepish frown.

Maria faced Sakura, "Helena was in love with Demetrius but the latter has no feelings for her. Helena is also jealous of Hermia's beauty since she got the love of the two men."

"That's precisely why this role suits me well," Sumire smirked.

"Can't I just play the Duke?" Kanna said in a sarcastic voice. Sumire eyed at her.

"I don't think that's a great idea Kanna," Maria's attention is now on the taller woman. "You're height is preferably suited to your role as Lysander."

Kanna just shrugged. Oh, well same old story again.

A knock from a distance came distracting them. All their gazes were set on a brown-haired woman at the entrance of the stage. "Mind if I come in?" she greeted with a warm smile.

"Sure Ayame, " Maria nodded at her.

Ayame acknowledged her nod then scanned the girl's faces. "Hmm. . . I believe you're all set for this upcoming production. I'm very excited too myself however…" a trace of sadness crossed the assistant manager's face. "There's a recent shortcoming in Hana-Yashiki and I. . ." Ayame looked meaningfully to Kohran. The Chinese genius knew what it meant. "I need to pull out Kohran for a while since she's needed most in the place."

The entire Flower Division feel disappointed somehow.

"Then what will happen to the play?" Sumire uttered.

Ayame gave a weak smile, "You can still continue it without delay. I'm sure things will be better in Hana-Yashiki before the play starts. Right Kohran?"

Kohran smiled at Ayame and nodded. She turned to the rest and said, "Hey, guys it's no big deal. Besides I only got a minor role I promise I'll come on time."

"But your dialogue is almost four pages long," Maria said.

"Eh?" Kohran's eyeglasses almost fell from her nose. She managed to pull it back and breathed in, "Okay, I promise I'll practice everyday."

Before Ayame turned to leave, Ohgami approached and called her name. "Hey, Ayame does that mean you're leaving too?"

Ayame faced Ohgami and nodded, "Yes, my assistance is also needed there. I'm afraid I will entrust to you and Maria the governance in this place while Gen. Yoneda is also having a meeting with Count Hanakoji. You know it will last for months. I will tell to you and Maria the details in my office later."

"I understand," Ohgami said with a sigh.

Ayame gave him a tap on the shoulder, "Hang in there Ohgami."

With that Ayame left and instigated Kohran to follow her. The Chinese excused herself and followed the brown-haired lady outside the stage.

After the conversation Ohgami felt another hand on his shoulder. It was Maria, her gaze fixed on him. "Is Ayame going to be out too?"

Ohgami gave her a weak nod. "I'm afraid so. She wants the two of us to discuss that matter to her."

At a distance, (not minding the battling voices of Kanna and Sumire at the background) Sakura was watching Ohgami and Maria as they conversed. A slight pang of envy ached her heart. I can't stand the two of them being closed to each other. . . even though it was business matters. . . I'm still jealous.

Iris gave her a narrow look, "What are you thinking Sakura? Why are you looking at Oniichan and Maria like that?" she asked with a suspicious tone.

Sakura almost jumped in surprise being caught off-guard by the blond French girl, "No. . . It's absolutely nothing," she instantly replied.

"Are you sure? You looked pretty upset."

"No, I'm not upset," Sakura waved her hand and tried to change the topic, "Oh, look. . . the script yeah that's right! I have to practice my lines. . . now where was I?" Sakura began to flip the script she's holding.

Iris turned to her teddy bear, "Do you believe in her Jean Paul?" the teddy bear just looked back at her. (Duh, so what else can it do?)

"Iris thought so too," Iris said as if the teddy bear responded to her question, "Sakura is very weird today huh?"

Sakura sighed to herself upon hearing Iris' monologue with her teddy bear.