Missing You

Chapter 4

by Scarletnymph929

Dariens P.O.V.

Torn inside, I watched the fight, in the sadows. I saw each scout take action, and how Sailor Moon fought with passion. I wanted to make my presence known more with each passing second, but I knew things would be delt with, and it would make things easier for me, no matter how cowardly it seemed, because distance was best. She probably hated me, but it was best that way. I would rather her hate me than bring harm to her.

Soon the fight would be over, I focused on the Battle. Sailor Moon stood with intent to kill, striking her pose, she said the final words...then

down she fell.

In a rush I jumped down from the trees, where I had perched. I was right by her and the others, trying to be as cool as possible. It killed me to see her fall, but I couldn't let down the cold front.

Sailor Moon lay passed out on the pavement bleeding from the side where a spike had pierced, quick as anything the scouts took charge of the situation. Mars was by her side, Mercury stood above scanning with her mini computer.

"She'll be okay, right now she is really drained and her wounds need to be taken care of before too much blood is lost. We need to take her somewhere close, as soon as possible." stated Mercury.

"Hey your apartment is right by here isn't it?" asked Rei. She was right.

"Yeah, down a few blocks," I said. I took Serena's limp body in my arms and went off in the direction of my appartment.

The Scouts followed close behind Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo went around the back of the apartment complex to where the balconies were. With the movements of a cat he jumped from the ground to the nearest balcony then to another balcony until he reached the one that lead to his appartment. The doors were left unlocked and he slid inside with Serena still in his arms. He walked over to the couch and laid her down.

The scouts had gone in through the front of the building after turning back into civilian form, there was no need to bring attention and risk being seen breaking into appartments. The went inside and walked up to Darian's appartment and were let in.

"I put her down in my room," Darien said, he looked worried, despite his best efforts.

"Alright, where are your bandages?" asked Ami.

"In the bathroom, be right back," Darien dashed off and returned with gause and disinfectant in an instant.

"Thanks," Ami took the bandages and went into Darien's bedroom.