Quick Notes: Most of the other characters went placed for summer break if they were not menchined in the story

Aelita, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi were on thier way back from the factory trough the sewier tunnel, all walking very silently and slowly. A tear was in Aelitas eye because of everything that happened.

"Aelita are you ok?"

"Yes im fine Jeremy, its just everything that has happened can change everything as we know. Now with X.A.N.A free we dont know what hes capable of!" Aelita was talking so fast she lost her breath and fainted...

Aelita was laying with her head on Jeremys lap while the others sat on the dirty sewier floor waiting for Aelita to become conscience again. Odd was sitting next to Ulrich looking at the celing while Ulrich was staring down shaking his head. Yumi was sitting alone about 5 feet away from Ulrich trying not to let herself be overwelmed until she said in a low wisper to herself that she thought she could only hear.

"Why? Why us? Why this? X.A.N.A has won how are sopost to fight now when hes in the real world, our world..."

"Itll be ok Yumi youll see" said Ulrich scooching over by Yumi "X.A.N.A hasnt fully won yet.."

"How could you say that Ulrich? How can you lie? We dont know if everything will be ok! Its just im tired of always worrying about what if we fail and we have! X.A.N.A is free its all over"

"Oh cheer up Yumi, we might not beable to fight X.A.N.A in our world with arrows flying out of my hand and you with trowing a fan but dont worry prince charming over thier can save us with a sword" said Odd jokeingly

"Prince charming whats that sopst to mean Odd?" Yelled Ulrich

"Would you guys relax said a faint voice. We fought X.A.N.A before and that wont stop us from fighting him still" Said Aelita becoming conscience and sitting up

"Aeltias right you guys! We might not know how yet but well find a way to fight X.A.N.A and what ever new things he has up his sleeve this time!" Said Jeremy

They all got up and finished thier walk and climbed up the ladder. When they were all back in the park Yumi said she had to go home and Ulrich suggested to walk her home incase X.A.N.A tried to go after her. While the others headed back to the school Yumi and Ulrich headed for Yumis house. The sun had just started to set and the streetlights were coming on one by one.

"Yumi" said Ulrich "What do you think will happen now?

"I dont even want to think about it Ulrich" replied yumi barely even able to smile.

"No not about X.A.N.A about you. Thiers no more school summer break remember? We are all staying at the school for the summer but you... What is your family planning on doing?"

"My Father, mom, and brother are all gong to visit a cousin of my mom for three weeks. Why?"

"You mean you wont be here for three weeks! What is X.A.N.A...what if..."

"Ulirch" said Yumi putting her arm across his back and laying her hand on his houlder "Im staying right here. They told me I didnt have to go because they said im responsible enuff to stay alone. Infact it was sopost to be a secrete between me and Aelita but my parents and the principal agreeded that i could stay at the school the entire summer! Even when my parents get back!" Exclaimed Yumi. "There letting me stay here the summer! I cant believe it! They said that I would be over here everyday anyways so why not just let me stay? Im going to be rooming with Aelita!"

Ulrich tried not to smile because secretly inside him this was a good thing because he couldnt stand three weeks without Yumi. After that they reached Yumis house and Ulrich watched her walk up her steps and before she went into her house called "Yumi"


"Ummm...never mind see you tomarow. Call if anything happens"

"Alright.. night"

Ulrich started walking slowly away wondering if he should have told her his true feelings until he heard Yumi call.


Ulrich turned with excitement and called back. "Yea!"

"Call me when you get back I need to ask you somthing"

Ulrich was walking back to the school with thoughts about what it was she was gonna ask. As soon as he got back in his room he called Yumi. "Yumi"

"Oh hey you get back alright?'

"Yea what was it you wanted to ask me?" Said Ulrich with a happy tone in his voice.

"Oh I want to know if you and Odd could come over tomarow around 1 to help me carry over my stuff because my parents already have the car packed for thier trip and thier will be no room to drive it over."

"Oh thats all." said Ulrich with a slightly disapointed tone now "Well of course well help you. Night"

"Night" said Yumi. After she hung up her phone and placed it back on the table next to her bed she said softly I love you. (But of coarse the phone was already hung up)