
DIZCLAIMER: I can't spell, and I also don't own Invader Zim. I would like to own Gir, though...

Chapter 4

Gaz's Anger

He really had no idea what he was going to do. He just decided to go with the flow and make it seem as if he was complying with Zim's requests– though they were more like evil, sadistic demands.

Dib wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued sneaking along the passageway. The teenager had no sense of direction, and whatever he'd ascertained from the compass in his pocket had been lost back when he'd taken that wrong turn. Now he couldn't risk taking the time to read it again, because if he did that someone would surely find him.

In retrospect, Dib thought, this was not a bright plan. Oh, why didn't I take that spy class the Swollen Eyeball network offered when I had the chance?

His plan was quite simple, actually. He was crawling around an Irken encampment on the Earth, trying to find if there was some way he could steal a Voot Runner to pilot. From there, he could make his attempt to rescue Gaz, while also getting crucial information on the Irken defenses. After that, it would be just a hop, skip, and a jump from freeing all of the human slaves.

So... how far along was his plan of action?

Pretty much nowhere.

He'd found that the Irken security for the Runners was extremely tight. There was no way he could even think about being close to one. For now, he'd have to content himself with pretending to do what Zim told him. Sighing, Dib edged out of the passageway. He was aware of roughly 3 or 4 more human bases, and was sure that there would be other alien ones along the way. Grabbing the items he'd taken from the house, he started towards the direction he thought lead to Canada. There was a fortified base there, where the city of Quebec had once been. He figured that if Zim looked at the tracker anytime soon, he'd see Dib's signal headed north.

"Hey, you!" Dib froze at the shout he heard. "Yeah, you! Human! Stop right there!"


Anger was never the right word to describe what Gaz felt; it was more of a cool detachment combined with a white hot rage that kept her going. No, rage was too kind of a word to effectively state what she felt at that moment.

She was feeling murderous, and as she let herself be dragged down the hallway to Zim, she plotted all of the many ways she would kill him. Call me his property, will he...

"Gazzy! Master's in here. Wanna cupcake?" Gir asked, stopping in front of a room. Pulling a rather delicious looking chocolate cupcake out of his head, he said, "I made it specially! It's got BACON in it!"

"No. Not now. Make one without bacon, and we'll talk. But for now, leave me be with Zim," Gaz replied. The venom in her voice was utterly missed by the dysfunctional SIR unit, who giggled insanely before skipping off. No doubt he's gonna go make more cupcakes, Gaz snickered.

Sobering up at the thought of what lied ahead, Gaz took a deep breath... and pushed open the door.


Zim was not aware of the extra human presence right away. He was too busy working on his current project to notice. Just because he'd become Tallest didn't mean he was going to stop doing what he loved: torturing others.

His latest scheme was one involving humans. Humans, and their pain endurance levels. And not just simple things, like how many needles you can stick in a person before they died. Oh no. Much more cruel things, like the number of times a human's skin could be burned before it fell off, or how many slices of flesh could be taken off of the skeleton before the human died. And it got worse...

They were also testing how well the humans adapted to Irken PAKs. This was the worst one of all. So far, there had been no survivors of this treatment.

Gaz stood in slight shock, not truly comprehending what she saw. She had always despised the human race, mostly because they were all stupid and beneath her. But what was being done to them... it was beyond evil. And it wasn't only adults this was being done to. She could see young children, less than 5 years of age, also receiving this nightmare treatment.

Finally, an Irken soldier noticed her. "You! Human female! What the hell are you doing out of your cage?"

Zim looked up at this, not really figuring it would be something he'd have to get involved in. But upon seeing Gaz, he shouted, "Wait!"

The guard turned towards him, however he kept inching towards the still-staring Gaz. "Yes, My Tallest?"

"She's mine. Take my position on the console," Zim commanded. Saluting, the Irken did as he was told. Making his way to Gaz, Zim thought of how everything was coming along so well.

"Gaz-human! What brings you down here? No, no, let's talk outside..." Zim grabbed her arm firmly and Gaz found herself being dragged (again) to another room.

"What the fuck are you doing, Zim?" she questioned angrily when he'd reached their destination. "I am NOT your goddamned property!"

"Such language for a lady..." Zim smirked. "I'm afraid, Gaz, that if I didn't claim you as mine another, more, ah, lecherous Irken male might have taken advantage of the free female floating around. Even if you are another species, we have the same basic genetic makeup..." Still grinning eerily, he led her to another section of the spaceship. "These will be your quarters for now. Mine are next door"- he pointed to a second door, perhaps 3 or so feet from Gaz's doorway- "so you are close to your master at all times."

"WAIT JUST A GODDAMNED MINUTE!" Gaz screamed. "I am NO ONE'S property! Don't you EVER say you own me! I belong to NO ONE but MYSELF! Stop saying you own me!"

Zim made a "tsk, tsk" noise. "Silly little Gaz. Of course I own you. Like I've explained before, there are Irkens who would take you as their own... I did you a kindness, stupid human! Your life will be much more pleasant than that of a normal being! No tests will you have to undergo! No studies will you be a part of! You'll live in luxury compared to most other humans!" Zim glared at Gaz, his eyes a blood red color. He leaned in closer to her face, causing her to back up until her back was pressed up against the wall. "Unless, of course, you wish to be a concubine. It can be arranged, if you so desire..." Laughing quietly, he brushed his clawed hands up and down her face. Gaz shivered.

"Screw you, bastard," she whispered.

Laughing even harder, Zim narrowed his eyes. He truly looked what that Mysterious Mysteries host had called him: A scheming demon from the stars. Zim ran his hand through Gaz's hair. She shuddered violently and slapped his hand. "Stop it!" she shouted, but even to her the threat level in her voice sounded pathetically weak.

"What are you going to do to me if I don't?" he asked darkly.

"..." Gaz had no real retort; it wasn't like she could threaten him in the position she was in. Zim finally stood up straight.

"Well now, maybe you should get some rest for tomorrow, huh?" Smiling sadistically, he backed off. But, just then, a green blur shot onto Gaz's chest.

"GAZZY!" It screeched. "Hiiii!"

"Eh? Oh. Gir, what are you wearing?" Gaz asked, realizing it was just the defective SIR unit.

"My costume. Don't cha 'member? This was what I looked like before the Invasion!" Gir bounced on the floor, making a squeaking noise. "Guess what! I MADE MORE CUPCAKES! They don't gots bacon in 'em this time." Holding one out to Gaz, he also ate one.

"Um... okay..." Gaz took the offered dessert, biting into it. She blinked. It was good! Gobbling it down, she realized Zim's amused expression. "What?" she asked fiercely.

"How long has it been since you had a proper meal?"

"How long was I out?"

"An hour or so."

"Then... I had lunch. But it wasn't much, a sandwich, and some carrots. Which Dib ended up eating," she grudgingly admitted.

Zim snorted. "Go into your room, and order something. The computer will make it for you. Oh, and don't try to escape. The computer tracks your specific genetic code, and also your heat signal. If you try to break out, I'll know within two minutes." Placing a hand on each side of her head, Zim moved closer. "And I won't be happy if I have to come find you..."

Gaz swallowed, beginning to realize just how vicious Zim could be. Nodding her head, she let out a small breath as he backed away.

"Computer! Open door to room 664."

Zim began to walk away, when Gaz said, "That's my room?"

"Yes," the Tallest replied. "And my room is number 666."


Hmmm... I think that's a good place to stop. If you don't get the 666 reference... look it up. I don't feel like typing it.

I do apologize for the lack of updates. Life is very stressful right now. My other story will be updated when I can get around to it, but... that could be a while. Oh well, please review. I've decided that I'm a review bitch. Most everyone has something polite to say. So please tell me your thoughts. Input is appreciated...
