Do you play the Dictionary Game? I play the Dictionary Game. Whenever I have a question I grab my dictionary, close my eyes, randomly flip to a page in the dictionary, randomly point to a word on that page----and sometimes that word will give me new insight on my situation.

Other times it just doesn't make sense. But every week for the new year, I am going to write a drabble based on a few randomly chosen words from my dictionary. In fact, I will choose 3 words for every chapter, and fate help me if I get "polarization", "scaberulous", or "necrobiosis".

The first 3 randomly chosen words were:

speechless: loss for words

millisecond: millionth of a second

vehemently: fervently, heatedly, strongly

Those 3 words inspired this chapter. So far, no extremely long words or even a challenge. Yet.

Who knows what my dictionary will come up with next? Its evil mind lurks within the pages…heehee

"Give me a reason I shouldn't do this."

The blade was very, very sharp, and Satoshi was very, very serious. In front of him, the redhead shivered, sank to his knees, and begged one more time.

"Please, Satoshi…stop this…" Daisuke was at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say? Was his friend crazy? Was this some sort of sick, twisted prank?

Satoshi shivered as well when he fully realized what he was about to do. Daisuke would be very sad, no doubt----at this, Satoshi's heart soared, but he pushed it back down------but he had a loving family and a great life ahead of him to secure his happiness. And Satoshi would just be in his way, keeping him from discovering himself. It would be so much better for both of them if he died.

He looked once more at the quivering boy in front of him and sighed. Daisuke was making this very hard on him. Yet, had it ever been easy? "It would be better if you forgot about me, Daisuke."

Daisuke shook his head vehemently. "I wouldn't forget you! And-----if you----I won't go to your funeral----I'll really be sad, Satoshi---."

Excuses. Time was running out. Satoshi turned away. And was instantly tackled.

He spun around, disoriented by the sudden weight on his back. "What the!"

A millisecond later, something was on his face.

That something was Daisuke.

"Don't leave me," Daisuke whispered as he pulled away.

Now Satoshi was at a loss for words, mainly because he'd never thought the Niwa had it in him. "Daisuke…"

And leaned back in for another kiss.

Looking back, several weeks later, Satoshi realized that Daisuke had actually given him a very good reason to stay alive.
Ok, I've got 51 more of these to go. Just a preview…next week's words are "uxorious", "disobey", and "pavement". And just for those of you who want to know, yes, I hate myself, but I couldn't resist starting a story about Dark. (see other story: The DARK Sensation) Another story I won't finish anytime soon.

Hee. Life is cruel.

(in background) "PAVEMENT? And what does "uxorious" have to do with "pavement"?"