A/N: Soooo Sorry! I know it's been over a week but with college and Rush and and stuff (like my three other stories…I knew you guys would kill me for starting another one) but here it is…I was struck with brilliance on this story so much that there will be a Rini sequel to this one as much as I usually don't like Rini it will be really interesting.

Darien wasted no time in having his things sent over from Tokyo to move in to Nathan's apartment with Serena. Serena had never been happier she felt that she had finally found where she belonged and that for just this once she was doing something right.

After hours of packing Darien and Serena sat out on the balcony, not worrying that they had missed their dinner plans watching the sunset. Darien held her tight and kept her warm from the chill of the evening and Serena snuggled up against his chest….both of them happier than they had ever been.

"I see things are back as they should be between the Prince and Princess. My duty is fulfilled." The pair turned around to see who spoke and Darien instinctively held Serena tight against him ready to push her behind him if needed. But a memory from within him stirred he knew this man all too well.

"Helios…what are you talking about?" Darien asked slowly hoping that Elysion's priest had not done what he thought.

"You two are together as you should be, there are no longer any…distractions. It has been a pleasure to serve you my Prince." Serena felt her blood run cold. He was the one that had killed Nathan? No wonder there had only been on youma…it had only taken one to …but what did he mean to serve Darien? Did Darien…

"You killed Nathan….for Prince Endymion?" Serena's words were soft and painful and Darien felt the desire to kill the man who had brought such pain to her.

"Yes my Princess, it was for the best…you needed to be back with Endymion." Serena pulled away from Darien. None of this could be happening. Nathan was killed because she wanted to be with him? He was killed because of her stupid destiny?

"Helios! You had no right to do such a thing!" Darien's words roared with anger. He just wanted Serena to be happy, even if it wasn't with him, and the sadness she still felt over Nathan's death was unbearable.

"It was my fault…he was killed because I…because for a moment I didn't want this stupid destiny. I have no choice in my own life…it's either love Darien or have whoever else I love killed? I love Darien…but to know that any choice I make if I make the wrong one…someone could be killed? I…I can't live like that." Serena's mind went as fast as her words and as she said them the realization of just how little control she had in her own life hit her…and she jumped off the balcony. In an instant Darien made to jump after her but Helios kept him back.

"You mean to let her die!" Darien screamed as he transformed to jump over once again, but as he looked down he saw that Serena had transformed into Sailor Moon and gone off into the night.

"You! I lost her again because of you!" Darien's anger burned in his eyes as he faced his once trusted priest.

Helios' eyes remained expressionless. "Do not worry my Prince. I will make sure she comes back to you." Helios was about to walk away when Darien grabbed him.

"How? By killing everyone she loves until she does? No! You will let her be, you will not dictate her life for her!" Darien's rage at his once trusted priest shook the walls.

"I am sorry my Prince, but something must be done to ensure that the Princess fulfills her destiny." Helios' voice was emotionless betraying nothing. He knew his duty was to ensure both the Prince and Princess fulfilled their destinies.

"You will do nothing to cause more harm to my Princess. As the Guardian of the Gates of Time I look to the future and protect it. Not You! I hereby punish you to be trapped within the walls of Elysion and your powers stripped from you." Sailor Pluto unleashed her fury upon the priest who still remained expressionless.

"You cannot perform such a punishment without the approval of the Princess. So until you get it…I shall continue to fulfill my duty. If you truly do not want her to feel anymore sorrow I suggest you find her and remind her of her destiny before I do." With his words Helios disappeared. Sailor Pluto looked after him, the sadness of her years and worry for the Princess filling her eyes.

"This is all my fault. If I had been there for her she wouldn't have come here alone…she wouldn't have met Nathan and Helios would never have had to worry about her fulfilling her destiny. I am beginning to hate this idea of destiny as much as she. Why can't we just be together? Why can't life ever be that simple?" Darien's words were spoken out over the balcony but Sailor Pluto knew he was calling upon her for answers.

"I do not know why things must be so hard for you and the Princess, my Prince. But I do know that when the future comes to pass the happiness you will share will be greater than any the universe has ever known. Hold on to that My Prince. Make it help you to be strong and find the Princess. I will gather the Senshi…though I fear she shall avoid us in worry of what Helios will do. Find her but do not approach her." Sailor Pluto turned to leave but then Darien's words froze her in her place.

"I can't feel her. She has cut off her bond…I am no more able to find her than you or the Senshi. I will go after her but I fear I will not be able to find her again." Darien's words were choked with sadness. Why did she have to suffer so? Why couldn't he be the one to suffer?

Sailor Pluto created a portal to retrieve the rest of the Senshi and for a few moments Darien remained on the balcony. He looked up at the moon and wished that he and Serenity could live out their days up there away from everyone, just the two of them.

"I will never forgive Helios for the pain he has caused on this night." With that Tuxedo Mask leapt off the balcony and went in search of his beloved.

A/N: I know a long wait and a short chapter…but at least it was an interesting chapter. I see only a few more chapters before I can call this story done and then I can focus on the other three.