Second Born,

By HuntressDiana

This is a short ficlet, dedicated to everyone at the wonderful Dancing Dove forum! Also to all readers, may the new year bring many good things to you all.

"My son! My son!"

Her wails are tearing me apart inside. I did all I could to save the child, but my healing powers were not enough for all that I am the chief healer of Tortall. I drained every last reserve of my Gift to try and keep him alive, but it was no use. I had to sit by and watch the first Prince die. He lived for barely an hour, just enough time for him to be named and for his mother and father to hold him. Jasson, they called him, and he was a feeble little boy. His lungs weren't strong enough to withstand the air outside of the womb. He coughed and spluttered as soon as he took his first breath, and at that moment I felt my heart stop, both in fear for the life of Queen Lianne and for her first born child.

I am so sorry your majesty, I could do nothing. He would have died anyway, but I gave you just enough time to fall in love with him and then I let him sleep. As a father myself, I can only imagine the pain that would come with loosing a child. I am so sorry…

The grave is tiny. Surrounded by his ancestors, his tiny white stone bares only his name and parentage.

'Prince Jasson,

Born to King Roald and his Queen Lianne'

His funeral is a sober affair, the grave surrounded by worried faces. Duke Gareth of Naxen, the Prime Minister looks at me, anxiously, and I know what he is thinking. We are both imagining the same thing; Tortall, ravaged by civil war because there was no heir to the throne. I shake my head at him, we will not allow that to happen. Lianne is led away, back to the infirmary by another healer. She cannot risk catching a disease that might render her unable to bear another child.

But now the Queen is pregnant again. The whole country is rejoicing as she approaches the birth date. She has been fussed over, not allowed to move and she has been very careful. So far, it has been a near to perfect pregnancy.

So far.

Now she screams once more, as spasms of pain wrack her body. My heart sinks as I feel the tiny life force inside her body waver again. She can't loose this baby, she will never be able to bear another child after this, and the kingdom needs a strong son and heir. So I fight with nature itself, battling with the Black God himself for the life of this child.

Finally it comes out into the world; I take him away at once, inspecting him. Mithros be thanked, it is a boy! And he is perfectly formed. But he is silent. I sigh, knowing that the other Prince, born only a year or so before him, had problems breathing as well. I reach out with my Gift and I see it stretching, dark green, into his body. His heart is a little weak, but his lungs are healthy. So I give him a sharp slap on the back, and he spits out blood and begins to wail. Never have I heard a more joyful sound. From his pain comes a secure nation and a grateful mother and father.

I clean him of blood and wrap him securely in a cloth.

I take him to his parents. Queen Lianne lies in her childbed still, and her maid has cleaned her up somewhat. King Roald is now beside her, grateful that she is well. Their devotion to each other is clear.

They look up at me as I enter.

"He lives." I say plainly.

"Mithros be thanked!" The King exclaims, while the Queen just extends her arms and then embraces her son close to her heart. He is larger than her first son, and Gods be thanked, healthier. His head is covered with a light down of hair, and his eyes blink open for the first time.

"Welcome Jonathan." She says softly, as the Crown Prince of Tortall stares up at her with his sapphire coloured eyes.