AN: This is my first FFVII fic…unfortunately, my actual first fic (a Naruto fic) is kind of abandoned 'cause I had absolutely no idea what to write next and everyone were very OOC. I hope I would finish this.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs.

Pairings: Hopefully a Yuffie x Rufus and some AerCloTi, CidShera etc.



Chapter 1

Introducing Princess Yuffie

"Marriage!" Yuffie screeched at her father who appeared to be sipping his tea calmly while the servant beside him covered his ears and cowered.

"You're chucking me into a high school and making me marry a complete stranger!"

"Sixteen is a marriageable age. As for schooling, it's because you always sneak off from your lessons."

"Not always! It's just lessons with Shake! I don't need a little kid to teach me!" Yuffie's face flushed with rage. "And marriageable age my foot! Leave me out of your stupid outdated traditions!"

"That's enough!" Godo the Lord of Wutai stood up. "You are a princess, my heiress. You will marry the man of my choosing and attend Midgar High School; it will give you a chance to meet different people and interact with them. End of discussion!" with that, he left for the screen followed dutifully by the servant who was with him.


"Your mother married me when she was even younger than you are now." the screen slammed shut leaving no room for argument.

"ARGHH! I HATE HIM!" Yuffie continually punched the floor then finally slumped onto it and sulked. Glancing at the remaining servant, the servant gave her a sad, pitying smile.

"It's not fair." Yuffie slowly got up and left for her chamber with the servant following closely behind her.


"Why can't he at least let me choose…or maybe choose for me when I'm much older and if I'm still single." she bit her lip as it trembled. "I don't want to marry yet. Let alone to a stranger."

"Princess, your father will choose just as your grandfather had with him and your mother, and others before them. It has been like that even before the Kisaragi line."

Yuffie landed on her bed and sighed, "Godo probably pick some ugly guy who's twice my age." She scrunched up her nose in disgust.

The servant gave her a little encouraging smile, "I'm sure your father will pick someone decent if not handsome." The heiress snorted in reply and shuffed her head into the pillow.

"What about school?" Yuffie mumbled into the pillow. "Midgar High is in another continent."

"Your father's providing you a place in Kalm in the outskirt of Midgar."

"My very own place?" her head perked up.

"No, not really. Keiji and I will be there with you princess." the middle aged servant laughed silently at her hopefulness.

Bouncing eagerly on her mattress, Yuffie grinned, " Really! Just you, Kei and me!"

"Yes, yes, just the three of us." The servant, Yumiko, laughed softly at her antics.

The next morning, Godo went to his daughter's room and found her looking at him expectantly with her hands on her hips. Beside her was Yumiko with her head bow in greeting, but was looking at the scene about to unfold in front of her in amusement.

"Hand over my house key old man!"

After glancing around the now bare room and eying the heavy looking luggage beside her, he shaked his head and handed over the key. "After all the arrangements are done, I will pay you a visit at your new home in Kalm and introduce you to your fiancé." he said before leaving a scowling Yuffie and a sympathetic Yumiko behind.

"Fine! Just go and ruin my mood!" growling, Yuffie stomped out off the house dragging her hazardous luggage. Yumiko sighed and followed the heiress carrying the rest of the luggage.

"Well, someone's in a foul mood." Keiji commented in the driver's seat as Yuffie stomped towards him.

"Ouch!" Yuffie glared at one of the luggage while grabbing her left foot hopping about.

Keiji stifled a snicker as ran his hand through his hair brushing back a lock of raven hair. Getting out of the car, he took the luggage off Yuffie. "Stop glaring at it princess, you might burn holes into the poor luggage."

"'Poor luggage,'what about poor Yuffie?" Yuffie sulked. When everything was ready, the three of them set off.

"You can't sulk forever."

"I can and I will Kei!"

"Che. How childish. Just like a brat!"

"What did you just say!"

"I said-ACK!" Yuffie strangled her childhood friend from backseat causing the car to sway from side to side.

"Stop it!" Yumiko held the heiress back and tried to calm her down.

"Geeze! Are you trying to get us all killed!" Keiji panted and glanced at the mirror to find Yuffie glaring daggers at him and Yumiko looking disapprovingly.

"Ah fine! I'm sorry, I was just trying to get you out of that doom and gloom mood you were in." sighing exasperatedly, he turned his attention back onto the road. "I guess it didn't work" he mumbled.

"Princess, Keiji's right. You need to stop sulking. Just forget about the marriage for now, don't take it out on others. Why don't you focus on the place we're going to right now and the new school?"

Yuffie chewed her bottom lip, her gaze that was burning holes through the headrest and into the back of Keiji head softened. As Keiji felt arms locked around him again, he stiffened but relaxed as a soft apology was heard. Meanwhile, Yumiko shaked her head wearily at them and leaned back comfortable in her seat. Releasing Keiji from the light embrace, the princess began to survey the passing scenery. When they passed a certain fork in the road, Yuffie creased her forehead into a frown.

"What's wrong princess?" Yumiko looked at her in concern.

"Why didn't we turn that way to the underground tunnel?"

"That's because we're not crossing the sea by the tunnel." the heiress froze at the reply and stared questioningly at Keiji in the mirror.

"Eh? Oh. Ermmmm…Did I not tell you we're crossing by boat?" he responded lamely while eying her nervously.

Yuffie paled, "You're kidding me."


AN: Unfortunately, prelims are coming up so I'll not be able to update until the end of them...maybe in February. Please review but don't flame too much!