After the encounter she had hurried to him. There was much to be explained. Soi Fong begged to follow but she couldn't let her come. She promised she would not abandon her again, promised she would not be left behind this time, and she calmed. She asked if she would guard the entrance, keep her returning point safe, and in turn guard their backs. She agreed, knowing the person who she was most bitter towards was that whom she was now protecting. She knew Soi Fong no longer blamed Kisuke for taking her away but the feelings were not so easily forgotten, and she couldn't risk non-essential personnel tagging along to him.

She arrived with as little ceremony as always to his shop where he greeted her with the ever-detectable apprehension in his bright smile. They retreated to intimate quarters where she relayed the events of the passing doomsday and the apocalypse still to come over sake. The saucer cupped in his experienced hand trembled.


They both knew what this meant, what was to come. Their fears were now becoming realized. She sat with an arm dangling over a propped-up knee, half lounging but completely concerned over the worry in his features; the lips tight as he took a sip, the brows drawn together, the eyes narrowed. They closed as he sighed and her brows now took their turn to draw close, watching as he fell into knowledge she could not pull him from. Her chest ached and tightened as shaky hands poured another cup. She had to look away. She didn't want it to ruin the memories she had of the happy drinking times if this was the last she witnessed.

They had preparations to make, to implement. They had little hope left that all would still turn out all right.

He was in danger, now. They knew all too well. He downed another and poured once more. He wanted to be able to remember what sake tasted like.

Aizen would be coming for him and he didn't know if it could be stopped.