You have all turned me into an enormous SAP! Keep in mind that if I do continue with this little series, I may or may not pretend that this epilogue never took place because I do think it's a bit early in the relationship... but, I just couldn't resist. Enjoy, and let me know if it meets with your romantic approval ;)


The ball had dropped, the on-screen revelry was starting to wrap up and Cameron knew that with every minute she remained, she risked out-staying her welcome. She shifted uncertainly on the sofa, buttery leather making soft noises each time she moved. Steve crawled from her shoulder to her chest and she noticed that House watched his progress with interest. Cameron took Steve's actions as a good excuse to take her leave.

Gently, she plucked the furry creature from his newly discovered pillow. "Time for little rats to be in bed," she murmured to him, following it with, "I should really get going," to House.

His expression was unreadable, and she hoped that hers was as well, but she knew better. Her eyes always gave everything away. House gave a sharp nod and stood up, taking Steve from her hands as he limped past her towards the piano. She would have been happy to return the animal to its cage and House's perfunctory actions set a sinking feeling in her stomach, as if she had made some faux pas she was unaware of. Her sigh was soundless and she stood up and headed to the door.

The sound of House's three-beat step followed close behind and he reached around her and grabbed her coat before she could say anything. She stood there dumbly as he held it open.

"Well?" he finally said tersely, his eyes betraying his own insecurity.

Cameron turned and slipped her arms into the sleeves, feeling the press of House's large hands through wool. He settled the coat on her shoulders, letting his palms rest there for just a fraction of a second longer than necessary and then removing them quickly, an imagined heat searing his skin.

"I guess I'll see you Monday," Cameron said.

"Yeah. Monday."

"Take care of Steve. It's supposed to snow tonight and I don't feel like driving through drifts just to lure him back to his cage."

"Right. Thanks for tonight." House was uncharacteristically awkward as he stood there, concentrating more on the floor and the wall than her face.

It reminded Cameron of another time they had stood in similar positions. She could still feel the burn in her cheeks when he'd refused her outstretched hand. She didn't think he'd refuse it this time, but it had been too nice a night and she didn't want to tempt fate.

"I had a good night. I suppose I should thank Steve for escaping."

House's mouth pursed into an assortment of slightly strange configurations. "Yeah. I probably could have held him a little tighter," he said, his eyes finally meeting hers and holding.

"Then thank you," Cameron replied softly as they stood there with probably a hundred unspoken words passing between them in a look.

The sound of the heavy brass lock being thrown back was the next sound in the air, and House pulled the door open and just as quickly shut it. The space between them closed before Cameron had a chance to blink and then House's mouth was pressed against hers.

His lips were dry and firm but hers were soft, molding to the unyielding pressure. Without thinking, her hand stretched out and rested on his waist, but he only touched her with his mouth. The kiss was brief but there was the touch of tongues and the sharing of scotch and cigar and fruity champagne. Cameron wanted to lean in but she didn't let herself, instead breaking the kiss and staring up at House's clear blue eyes. Hot breath brushed across her face before he straightened up, a flash of tongue catching the last bit of her taste from his lips.

"New Year's Eve tradition," he cited as if his heart wasn't beating faster and his knuckles weren't white around his cane.

"Good tradition," Cameron said, knowing that to say anything else would be a mistake. Some things couldn't be discussed without being ruined.

"Monday," House said, opening the door.

"Right. I'll be there," she stepped outside and started down the stairs, not giving into her desire to turn around and see him standing there watching her.


She paused in the middle of the sidewalk and looked back over her shoulder.

"Drive safe," he said. "Lots of crazies on the road tonight."

"Lots of crazies right here," she retorted lightly.

"Ha," he said, and even in the dim light from the street lamps, she could tell he was almost smiling.

She unlocked her car and got in without saying anything else, but this time, as she drove away she looked into the rear-view mirror. House was still standing in the doorway and she watched him with one eye until she reached the end of the street and turned the corner. In her mind, she could still see him standing there even when she pulled onto her own street.