Part Seven: Lists

In which we learn that Jinx is persistent and has a goal.

The HIVE FIVE boys were sitting in the main room, doing various things. Gizmo and Kyd Wykked had set aside their differences, to a certain extent, so they were comfortable enough to be in the same room as the other. The boys looked up when Jinx say down next to them on the sofa. She had an exhausted look on her face and seemed to be trying to relax slightly. She blinked and put a hand to her head.

"Anything wrong?" asked Mammoth concernedly.

Jinx ignored the question. Instead, she took out a notebook and wrote something down.

One of the Billy Numerous clones read over her shoulder. "Kiss #7: Was interrupted by rampaging fish underwater after falling off bridge."

Kyd Wykked, who rarely spoke, raised an eyebrow at Jinx. See-More asked, "Rampaging… fish?"

"Yes," sighed Jinx. "We slipped from a bridge and fell into the bay. They were running from some insane villain who wanted their skins for a fish-skin outfit…"

"Who?" wondered See-More.

The pink-haired witch's voice was dry. "Brother Blood."

"He's always been half mad," commented a Billy Numerous clone.

"I agree," said a second clone.

"Always did wonder when he'd snap," added a third.

Jinx glared at them.

"What's that got to do with you and Kid Flash kissing?" questioned Mammoth.

"We were in the way of the fish. We had to separate so that we would not get killed in the hurry. Besides, we were running out of air."

"Why've you been writing down those kisses, anyways?" wondered Kyd Wykked telepathically to Jinx.

Jinx threw her notebook in the air and spoke. "I have been writing to document how every kiss ends up in an embarrassing situation or gets interrupted or---"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," said Gizmo, who had caught the flying object. He started looking through the notebook. "Kiss #1: Was locked with Kid Flash in candy shop. Interrupted by candy shop owner and customers."

"Gizmo, give me the book," ordered Jinx.

"Kiss #2: Kid Flash turns into frog. Kissed him to turn him human," the midget genius read aloud.

"Gizmo…" warned Jinx.

"Kiss #3: Interrupted by sugar-high six-year-old."

"Melicus," said See-More knowingly.

"Kiss #4: Was caught by security in abandoned theatre room. Rumors exaggerated simple incident to involving weekly orgy."

"I remember that," said Mammoth brightly.

"Kiss #5: Caught by HIVE FIVE and Teen Titans in theatre."

"That was funny," laughed a Billy Numerous clone.

"Kiss #6: Interrupted by uninvited and nosy friends," read Gizmo. Suddenly, he started scowling. "Hey! You mean me, don't you?" Jinx ignored him. The other boys started laughing. The small genius decided to go to another subject. "And after all these things, you still want to kiss him?"

Jinx stood up with a determined glint in her eyes. "Someday, I am going to kiss Kid Flash without being interrupted of having anything else happen!" she vowed.

Mammoth thought Jinx looked a bit frightening with the fanatical gleam.

The others also stared at her.

"What?" asked the pink-haired witch. It was directed at all of them. She was slightly vexed with how they were looking at her.

"Fate is telling you that you have a bad taste in boys, and that you should stop trying to kiss Kid Flash," said Gizmo smugly.

Jinx's eyes turned pink as she caused a small accident to happen to the midget genius. Then, she snatched her notebook back and left the room in a terrible mood. There was silence for a while after she left.

See-More finally spoke. "At least she has a goal in life…"

Author's Note: To Lily23:Possibly because our teleporter gave our inventor too many suggestions on an experiment, which annoyed Gizmo,orKyd Wykkedruined one--- accidentally, of course.