Note to readers: A lot of people have been asking me how Darcy could have been made a peer. Well, let me explain. Among aristocratic families it was quite usual for young men who had been to Oxford or Cambridge to go into the House of Lords, which is different from the House of Commons. As the name states it is a house full of LORDS and a title is usually needed to qualify. As you are all aware Darcy is a 'Mister', but it is still possible to enter the House of Lords if you have a titled relative to 'place' you, so it could be that the Earl of Matlock did such a thing upon Darcy's marriage. Also the size of your estate and income can place you among the hierachy. For exmaple a welathy landed gentlemen like Mr Darcy may become a peer of the realm whereas an impoverised baronet or earl may not. A peer of the realm is one who holds one title of nobility and the estate bestowed upon him, his direct ancestor or a family member by the monarch. Although other members of his family might be addressed by "Lord This" and "Lady That," none of them are peers; their titles are all courtesy, including his wife's (although she is usually called a "peeress"). Peers of the realmn can also be 'created' at any time.I was actually searching on 'Google' for some pictures from the 2005 Working Title Movie, but forgot to click Image Search, whatever keywords I typed in came up the Elizabeth Darcy, Vicountess Rivers 1602-1665, so that's what inspired to make that twist, also I felt sorry for Darcy being the only untitled one in the family, because even when Col. Fitzwilliam chose to marry his wife would be a Lady (his children probably wouldn't, if he stayed a Colonel). Another point to clear up is about Darcy's cousin is Colonel Montgomery Fitzwilliam (I found this name in a fact book about Jane Austen by an aquaintence, Diedre le Faye) and Lady Harriette Fitzwilliam is his sister NOT his wife. I knew he had a sister, but no matter where I looked, I could not find her name so forgive me for inventing one. I hope you all approve of the name 'Harriette'- I love the spelling of it! If you have any other questions concerning the story, feel free to ask!

The Darcy Pride

Part 8.

As the fine Darcy Carriage wheeled it's way through the cobbled streets of Westminster, Elizabeth sat with her fingers entwined with Darcy while he sister Kitty had her pert nose pressed against the glass, gazing longingly at the parties she could see going on inside the houses. The Fitzwilliam siblings sat side by side, pleased to answer any questions the enthusiastic Miss Bennet had to offer. Fitzwilliam Darcy sighed, and rested his head atop of Elizabeth's, whose was lying on his broad muscular shoulder.

"What is the matter my love?" Elizabeth said in a hushed voice, to which her husband merely grunted. Which made her roll her fine eyes. Continuing in whispers, she tried many a tactic to bring him out of his stupour. In the end she gave up and began to make small talk.

"Well I declare, it looks like we are about to be caught in a bouwt' of fog Sir." her dark eyes twinkled. "Though I hope not, what would one do for a walk in the mornings. If we were at Pemberley, I should not have to worry!" Just then, a devious plan formulated in her sharp mind.

She took a few moments to formulate over how she was going to put her plan into effect, for Fitzwilliam Darcy, you must understand, was near enough her equal in intellegence and wit, so her task would not be a simple matter as with her Mother or sisters, or even her beloved Papa.

Fitzwilliam, also knew her better then any person and could decipher what she was up to by the tone of her voice, and on the odd occassion, the way she spoke her mind. It scared Elizabeth sometimes that two people could know eachother so well, but she was glad of it.

"I am pleased to be in town, there is something rather..." she started in her musical voice but was interupted by Fitzwilliam.

"You are?" His piercing gaze made Elizabeth's heart leap in her chest, the look he was giving her at that moment was almost one and the same as one he had given her many months ago when inquiring if she would always like to remain at Longbourne.

She smiled happily, although Fitzwilliam looked a bit guilty and felt he had been rude to his dearest lovliest Elizabeth. "Well, what I meant to ask was that do you really prefer London above all other places?" he looked at her earnestly.

"Good Lord no! Pray forgive me, for that was not what I intended you to think, I merely meant to imply that whilst in town we should be able to see the Gardiners quite often, and I do not prefer Town above all other places, to be sure!" she said emphatically, but her voice sparkling with jest. Fitzwilliam's face flickered with a glimpse of a smile, before he leaned in closer and continued to speak softly in her ear.

"Indeed, and you also seem to have mistaken my intentions..." he said in a voice barely audible, "for I thought you intelligent enough by far to recognise my meaning. When I spoke other other places, where else on God's Earth could I mean other then Pemberley...our home." Elizabeth giggled.

"Oh Fitzwilliam, you are a very silly creature," she whispered, shaking her head, "pray what can you be on? Our-" her voice faltered, as it dawned on her what he had just said. His shining eyes never broke contact with her fine ones. He would have leaned in and kissed her, there and then, had not Kathryn Bennet's voice broken their reverie. So he contented himself with laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

"O la! Look at the size of that house!" Kitty squealed, "Is it not the largest thing you have ever seen? It is easily three times larger then Pervis Lodge, I should say!" she said, sounding quite pleased with her assumed knowledge. The others all leaned in to get a closer look at the house she was pointing at. Harriette and Monty soon sat back. Fitzwilliam, refrained from commenting, whereas Georgiana had nothing to say. Monty was content to flash a cheeky grin at Elizabeth but Harriette Fitzwilliam had to have her say, no matter how rude nor how polite.

"That one there do you mean Miss Bennet, well it is rather...what I mean to say is that it is..." she sounded out of sorts. "Well, no doubt it is rather snug and cosy, I dare say."

"Oh I must agree Your Ladyship, I dare say it is frightfully snug..."she trailed on for a few moments " you not agree Lizzy?" The latter, who had not been paying attention, as her mind had been more agreeably engaged in watching her husband play with his Signet Ring.

"I beg your pardon?" Elizabeth's head shot up, her eyes alert.

"I was just telling Lady Harriette that our Uncle and Aunt Gardiner live in London, but their's is a poky little house in Cheapside." Elizabeth looked from Kitty to Harriette, who looked a little revolted, though not a great deal so. However, Elizabeth felt the colour rise in her cheeks.

"Kitty, indeed you are mistaken, so it is out of the question for me to agree." Harriette's ear perked up and she listened more intently. "You forget yourself Kitty when you say that house, even though we have long passed it, is the largest you have ever seen, your own home Longbourn must be at least thrice that size if not more, and it is not right of you to gossip about our friends homes infront of people you hardly know. Tis' not proper etiquette." Elizabeth's face suddenly darkened and she glared sternly at her sister.


"Pray do not interrupt me sister, the Gardiners are goodness and kindness. And you might do well to remember our Uncle is quite wealthy enough, indeed perhaps more so then Papa, and they only live near Cheapside for that was where our Uncle, Aunt Phillips and Mama grew up, and he is loathe to leave the home of his childhood, as Aunt Gardiner is no rush to settle in a larger house in a different part of town and make new aquaintences. In fact, I am rather suprised to hear you snub their abode for you have never been there Kitty. And had you have been you would have seen how elegant it is." Harriette and Monty sliently excused themselves from this private conversation. Kitty looked at her sister with wide eyes.

"Indeed Miss Bennet, I, myself can vouch for what your sister says. The Gardiners home is quite as elegant as any in Richmond and Westminster, and is more then adequately sized for a family who do not spend much time at home." Fitzwilliam added. Kitty made her profound apologies to her sister, brother-in-law and the other inhabitants of the carriage before burying her head in a book of Sonnets, for the remainder of the journey.

As the carriage drew into Grosvner Square, The vast and sprawling building which was the Darcy Townhouse drew into view, and because it was dark, the grand house was all lit up like a fairytale palace. Fitzwilliam, visibally relaxed on seeing his home and Georgiana's features brightened, whereas Elizabeth lolloped back and let out an exasperated cry.

"At last! I was wondering when we would arrive! I am sure the journey from Longbourne to Grosvner Square was not half so long when we travelled down after the wedding! We must have taken a detour." Kitty perked up from where she was nodding off to sleep.

"Indeed Elizabeth, but you must remember that last time around," Fitzwilliam cleared his throat once"you and I were more agreeably engaged, and so did not notice the time. I am certain that with your intelligence, you must assertain, that I am right in this." he finished nonchantly. Elizabeth, raised an eyebrow dryly while Harriette and Monty tried to stifle their giggles, dear Georgiana looked rather bemused and Kitty; rather gormless.

"Oh yes. Indeed." Elizabeth replied sarcastically which raised a smile acroos her husband's face.

Kitty had her face pressed to the glass as she admired the huge houses of Grosvner Sq. wondering wildy which one would she be staying in. She clapped eyes on a corner house one side of the square. The Darcy's, were engaged in conversation but Harriette noticed what the young miss was gazing at.

"My dear Miss Bennet, I could hardly know why you gaze at that house, for tis' not our destination this night, at least." Kitty's shoulders slumped a bit and Georgiana joined the conversation.

"Oh indeed not! That is where the Huntington-Downs live, I pray we do not have to go there any night!" she cried emphatically. Kitty whiped around.

"Tis a shame that the house is not your brother's Miss D-, Lady Geo-...Georgiana, for tis' very handsome. And are the residents of so very awful a nature?" Georgiana was horrified.

"Oh no! They are all ease and friendliness, but I do so hate social engagements. I feel so- awkward." She couldn't quite say what she meant to. Elizabeth, who once mistook her husband's 'awkardness of ease' for pride, empathised with her young sister.

"Ah" Kitty said. All of a sudden, the footman opened one of the carriage doors and Fitzwilliam gracefully exited along with his cousin, the Colonel. He then handed his cousin, his sister, his sister-in-law, and finally his wife out. Though his hands lingering rather too long on the latter's waist. The carriage had pulled up on the inner side of the street of Grosvner Sq. , nearest the park, which was central to the elusive Square. Georgiana then approached Kitty who looked rather overwhelmed at the sheer scale of all and sundry.

"My dear Miss Bennet, if it would put you at ease I should be delighted to point out my home to you." she said as the elder members of the party were clearly not likely to make a move any time soon, as they were in deep discussion.

"Oh yes! I should love that above anything!" Kitty squealed. Georgiana nodded in acknowledgement.

"As you wish." She turned Kitty to the side opposite them, where an enormous house dominated a whole side of the square. Georgiana pointed her out-stretched arm. "There, yonder. The Darcy Townhouse of many a generation, and my home." Kitty could not speak, she was too overcome by the sheer scale of the place, which her sister was Mistress of. Seeing that the rest of the party were headed towards the house the two teenagers also made their way over there. Georgiana was concerned by her friends silence. "Miss Bennet?" no response. "Kitty? Are you quite well?" still, Kitty could not bring herself to reply. "Kitty!" Georgiana said louder grasping the spoken's arm. This roused Kitty from her trance.

"Oh I beg your pardon, pray forgive me." The two then alighted the steps up to the frontdoor, where a butler held the door open, and closed it behind them.

"What is the matter, my sweet, are you displeased with it?" Georgiana said with a tone of alarment.

"Oh gracious no! But tis' all Why tis far bigger then Netherfield, and ti's not even a country manor. Lord I had no idea that you and your brother were so wealthy." Georgiana blushed, as their pelisses were removed from them and they entered the anti-chambre leading to one of the drawing rooms.

"Indeed, my brother is not lacking fortune, but I, I am not so very rich." she said modestly.

"Not rich!" Kitty cried, "Why you have all of thirty-thousand pounds in your own right, which is thirty-thousand pounds more then I shall ever have. And as to my brother-in-law, he is the richest man in England, my dear. Of that I am certain. I dare say he is richer then the Prince Regent himself!" Georgiana mumbled hesitantly in agreement whilst Kitty looked thoughtful. "Even so, your brother has given my sister pin-money of five-thousand a year, and his income his but ten-thousand, so how could he possibly afford to keep two sprawling houses and lord knows how many other landholdings etcetera now he is giving Lizzy half his annual income." Kitty looked satisfied with her fine assessment. Georgiana looked perplexed and stopped walking.

"Ten-thousand? No, my dear Kitty you are quite mistaken, for that is not half his income. Why I know for a fact that Pemberley is easily worth twenty-thousand a year, and his gross worth, well I dare not hazard a guess. I fear you have been misguided, for Fitzwilliam's income must be forty-thousand, if not fifty! At the very least." Georgiana, said mater of factly.

"Fou-...FIFT-...good god." Thus was all Kitty could muster. Their conversation was terminated, and Kitty was left to ponder what she had learnt. Could it be possible that Lizzy, Jane, Bingley, and even Papa already knew of this? She then reached the large oak door and went to open it. Georgiana, upon seeing the door was firmly shut gasped, and started waving her hands about hysterically.

"Oh no! Kitty do not-" Too late. Kitty had burst the door open with eagerness but came across her sister, Elizabeth, and Darcy in a most unorthadox position infront of the hearth. Elizabeth, ever sensible, steady, Elizabeth was stood with her arms clasped soundly around her husband's neck and the two were kissing passionatley. Darcy held her tight in his arms, and showed no signs of letting go. Perhaps Elizabeth, was wild and free spirited after all, Kitty thought. She quietly closed the door and backed off. Though the door shut with a loud clunk. When she turned around she saw Georgiana stood, wuth one hand, across her face and shaking her head.

"And now, you have learnt just why nobody opens closed doors when the Master and Mistress are at home." She said. Kitty looked a tad falbergasted.

"Oh, now I understand. But pray, do they always act thus?" she asked curiosly to which Georgiana nodded.

"Oh yes, one does become accustomed to it though I was suprised in Elizabeth's treatment of my brother at first. She teased him incesently yet the more she does, the happier he is. I am afraid, I still do find it a little odd." Kitty burst out laughing.

"Yes, Lizzy, spares no mercy for anyone, even her husband it appears. But I am very shocked to see Darcy act thus. I always though him so dull and proper." she said, more to herself then anyone in particular.

"My brother is very proper, though I would never have called him dull. He is the best person in the world! Save for Elizabeth!" Kitty laughed at the girl's naiivity.

"I daresay but-" she stopped and whirled around when she heard the clock chiming. "Oh la! Tis' midnight already." Georgiana nodded in ascent.

"Why yes, indeed. I think perhaps we should retire to our chambers now." she made towards the hallway. Kitty just stood there.

"Oh yes, of course. But should not you or I tell Lizzy or Darcy what the time is, for they must surely be as tired as us." Georgiana smiled.

"No, no, that will not be necessary. I am certain they know the time. Besides, I doubt they shall retire for a while yet, they shall...have much to do." With that she bade Kitty goodnight and elegantly climbed the large marble staircase. Kitty watched her, none the wiser then before. Perhaps she is not as naiive as I though aftter all. Kitty thought. Then she herself went up to bed, not before spending many minutes gazing at the sheer elegance of the building and all the portraits, which bore resemblences to her brother-in-law and Georgiana.

As soon as she heard the door clang shut, Elizabeth broke away from the kiss and looked in that direction, whilst Darcy still held her, and was nuzzling her ear, and neck lovingly.

"My dear husband, I fear we have been discovered." she said in no particular manner. Fitzwilliam groaned.

"Then let them live happy with that knowledge and leave us in peace." he mumbled dryly into her hair. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, and looked to the heavens for strength.

"Fitzwilliam..." the siad continued his ministrations to her ear. Elizabeth sighed, she was going to have to play dirty.

"Fitzwilliam George Darcy." her husband looked her in the eye.

"Yes my dearest, lovliest Elizabeth?" he said adoringly. Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with mischeaf.

"I think it high time I put you to bed Sir." she said teasingly. Fitzwilliam scooped her up in his muscular arms, and grinned. Making Elizabeth yelp; startled.

"Nay Elizabeth Darcy. I think it is high I time, I took you to bed." he said emphasizing 'Elizabeth Darcy.' Elizabeth grinned.

"Oh very well then, Sir, I see you shall not be gain set but hmm-" she trailed off in thought.

"What is it my dear?"

"Elizabeth Darcy."

"Yes, my love. That is your name." he said, his heart swelling with pride.

"I still like the sound of that, very much indeed." she said teasingly.

"And I hope, you shall continue to do so for-" before he could continue, Elizabeth interupted him.

"Forever." she whispered. before leaning up to kiss him, as Fitzwilliam's long legs swiftly took them from room, to room, and up the stairs...

To be Continued...

The rest of the chapter is coming soon, to a computor screen near you. Leave me a review and tell me what you think. This is only section A of Part 11, section B will be uplaoded soon, so keep checking back. This chapter was a bit more Kitty-Georgiana orientated that I wanted but I THINK it works well. A little bit of LizzyDarcy fluff at the end. Sorry to those who though it a bit more an the adult side then I usually write. In Section B Lizzy is going to be overcome with Society wanting to know her, and will hardly have any time with Darcy: who in his turn blames the peerage for the lack of communication he and his wife are having now. Also there's Lizzy and Georgiana's first trip to Almacks and they even grace the halls of Sir William's beloved St. James. All in all, it is a bit overwhelming, and where is Jane, when Lizzy needs her most? Kitty on the other hand, spends far to much time spying on Colonel Fitzwilliam and Harriette, begins to act rather like a snob.