AUTHOR'S NOTE: I do not own any of the characters save for the ones I obviously made up. This story takes place in an Alternate Universe from the original "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and "A Horse and His Boy." The events of the latter have occurred but it is only a few years since the Pevensies have taken the throne (ie Peter is about 20 yrs old give or take). In this case, the Pevensies do not return from Narnia to the real world. Also, the geography of Narnia is skewed – Narnia is much bigger than the map from the movie shows. This is my first Narnia fanfic so please be kind. I know I have a lot of holes to fix up, grammar mistakes, tone, etc, so this is sort of a work-in-progress. Please bear with me as I will probably be changing the chapters as I go along, but if I don't post this now I'll never finish it. I also need to change my writing a little as I've been more accustomed to writing essays as of late and not fanfics.

There will soon be sketches of character designs, costume designs, and possibly scenes from the story on my DeviantArt account.

SYNOPSIS: OCxPeter Finally, after many long years, The Pevensies have restored Narnia. The Golden Age has begun, but it is threatened by a growing darkness. The siblings meet Esme, a strange young woman who has somehow fallen into Narnia. She exhibits the skills of a warrior and a sixth sense about her surroundings. But the question of whether she is there because of the growing evil or the evil was a result of her arrival, haunts them. All they are sure of is that there is a connection. Esme's dreams of the monsters attacking are becoming real. In their efforts to discover who their enemy is and how Esme is related to everything, lives are endangered as the creatures attack more and more Narnians. But the real blood they seek is that of the High King. And they won't stop there.

Esme Char Sketch: on my DeviantArt site found in Profile!

OUT OF A DREAM by Terra Forever

CH. 1 Arrival in Narnia

Esme opened her eyes groggily as soft rays of sunlight warmed her face. She lifted her head from her arms to look around her. Having seen nothing but blurred images, she sleepily laid her head back onto her arms, pulling her legs closer to her body. Then she noticed that instead of a pillow against her face, there were soft blades of grass caressing her cheeks, their fresh scent filling her nose. Esme's heart skipped a beat. Grass, she wondered. Suddenly, Esme's eyes flew wide open, her heart pounding now. She found herself surrounded by trees with sunlight filtering through the branches and leaves. Sitting up, she looked at the soft grass she lay on then looked up again at the forest. "Where… where am I?" she muttered under her breath.

Despite her confusion and bewilderment, Esme was not at all afraid. On the contrary, she felt quite safe. Whether it was her curiosity that got the better of her or whether the warmth of the sun comforted her, she wasn't sure, but Esme felt it safe enough to wander the strange forest. Is this a dream, she wondered. If it is… it's very real. She touched a tree and felt the thick bark under her fingers. There were ants crawling up the side, some carrying leaves. Very detailed dream indeed, she thought. Stepping away she walked past some other trees, her hands touching anything within reach. Before long she reached a small opening and a cool breeze caught her. Smiling, Esme took in a breath of fresh air. It was delicious – unlike anything she's ever breathed before. It was fresh and sweet, tinged with something she could not place. Wherever this was, she liked it very much. Her eyes wide with excitement and curiosity, Esme walked across the opening and explored the forest.


Thanks for reading so far. Comments and such are welcome but please be kind. And expect lots of revisions as I go along.